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Equivalent Noise Generators

In a two terminal network, noise in a frequency interval tex2html_wrap_inline505 may be characterized using either an equivalent e.m.f. generator tex2html_wrap_inline507 in series with the device or a current generator tex2html_wrap_inline509 in parallel. An equivalent noise resistance, Rn, and an equivalent noise current, Ieq, may be defined


where T is the room temperature and k is Boltzmann's constant.

Figure 1: Equivalent circuit of the detector and amplifier for noise considerations  

The equivalent circuit for a detector and amplifier system is shown in figure 1 and the noise components for an FET amplifier input stage are given below.



where gm is the transistor transconductance. The equivalent noise charge of a circuit with shaping time tex2html_wrap_inline485 , is then


where S1 and S2 depend upon the type of shaping used. Thus an an optimum shaping time exists. If S1 and S2 are of similar magnitude and the leakage current term dominates, a short shaping time is required. The minimum obtainable equivalent noise charge may be limited by the 1/f noise if this term is large.

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