Py:ConfigurableDb INFO Read module info for 3575 configurables from 9 genConfDb files Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Found 1 duplicates among the 9 genConfDb files : Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -------------------------------------------------- Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -: - [ ] Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -------------------------------------------------- Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -AnalysisSkeleton: GeneratorsRTT.GeneratorsRTTConf - ['UserAnalysis.UserAnalysisConf'] Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Fix your cmt/requirements file !! Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/" Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/" Py:Athena INFO including file "" Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.Global.ConditionsTag = '' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.Global.DataSource = 'geant4' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.Global.DetGeo = 'atlas' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.Global.InputFormat = 'pool' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.Global.Luminosity = None : bpipe pixel SCT TRT BCM Lucid em HEC FCal Tile MDT CSC TGC RPC Truth LVL1 detdescr : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- digitize : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- geometry : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- haveRDO : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- haveRIO : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- makeRIO : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- pileup : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- readRDOBS : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- readRDOPool : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- readRIOBS : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- readRIOPool : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- simulate : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- simulateLVL1 : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- writeBS : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- writeRDOPool : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- writeRIOPool : ON ON ON ON ON -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" Py:Athena INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/" EventInfoMgtInit: Got release version AtlasOffline-rel_4 Py:loadCondDBSetup INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200 Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetBeamSpotService/" Py:Athena INFO including file "BFieldAth/" Py:Athena INFO including file "PartPropSvc/" Py:Athena INFO including file "GeneratorObjectsAthenaPool/" Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" Initializing InDetJobProperties with DetFlags and GlobalFlags Initialization of InDetFlags finished - locking container! Py:JobPropertyContainer:: INFO The JobProperty Container InDetJobProperties is locked ****** Inner Detector Flags ******************************************************** * * PreProcessing: * ============== * * - run PrepRawDataFormation * - run SpacePointFormation * * TrackFinding: * ============= * * - run xKalman * - run iPatRec * - convert output to new EDM (TrkTrack) * * following algorithms from newTracking are executed: * - run SiSPSeededTrackFinder (part of RTF tracking) * - run AmbiguitySolver * - run TRT_TrackExtension * - run TrackExtensionProcessor * and redo LR and tube hits in fit for TRT !!! * * - run TRT Segment finding * - run TRT seeded track finding * and load TRT_SeededSpacePointFinder * - run ambi on TRT seeded tracks * * - create TRT standalone tracks * * - slim down the tracks for output on ESD * * PostProcessing: * =============== * * - run primary vertex finding: AdaptiveMultiFinding * - do Particle creation at end of event reconstruction (AOD) * and do shared hits search * * - run V0 finder * - run conversion finder * * - run truth association * * - run statistics packages * * * * Configurable Services loaded: * ============================= * * - load tracking geometry for Inner Detector * * - use Beam Spot Constraint in reconstruction/vertexing * * Configurable Tools loaded: * ========================== * * - load ROT_Creator for Inner Detector * - load Extrapolator * load Runge Kutta propagator * load MagFieldTool * use material corrections in extrapolation and fit * - load MeasurementUpdator * - load track fitter of type GlobalChi2Fitter * load dynamic layer creator * refit from ROT * - load PRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels * - load TrackSummaryTool * and do holes on track search * * ************************************************************************************ Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.AODall = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.Enabled = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.InitWasNotCalled = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.StandardPlotHistName = 'InDetStandardPlots.root' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.StatNtupleName = 'InDetRecStatistics.root' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doBackTracking = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doBremFitAlg = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doConversions = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doHolesOnTrack = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doLowPt = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doMonitoringAlignment = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doMonitoringGlobal = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doMonitoringPixel = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doMonitoringSCT = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doMonitoringTRT = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doNewTracking = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doParticleCreation = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doPerfMon = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doPixelTrkNtuple = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doPrintConfigurables = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doRefit = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doResolveBackTracks = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doSharedHits = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doSiSPSeededTrackFinder = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doSingleSpBackTracking = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doSlimming = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doStandardPlots = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doStatNtuple = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doStatistics = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTRTSeededTrackFinder = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTRTStandalone = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTrackSegmentsPixel = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTrackSegmentsSCT = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTrackSegmentsTRT = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTrkNtuple = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTrtSegments = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doTruth = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doV0Finder = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doVertexFinding = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doVtxNtuple = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doiPatRec = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.doxKalman = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.kalmanUpdator = 'None' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.loadDynamicLayerCreator = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.loadSimpleTRTSeededSPFinder = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.loadTRTSeededSPFinder = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.loadTools = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.magField = 'None' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.materialInteractions = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.postProcessing = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.preProcessing = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.primaryVertexSetup = 'AdaptiveMultiFinding' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.processESD = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.propagatorType = 'RungeKutta' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.redoTRT_LR = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.refitROT = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.restrictedESD = False Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.trackFitterType = 'GlobalChi2Fitter' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.trtExtensionType = 'xk' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.useBeamConstraint = True Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetJobProperties.useZvertexTool = False InDetRec_jobOptions: InDetCutValues not set before - I import them now Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" ****** Inner Detector Track Reconstruction Cuts ************************************ * * min pT : 500.0 MeV * min pT for low pT tracking : 100.0 MeV * max pT for low pT tracking : 700.0 MeV * max Z IP : 250.0 mm * max eta : 2.7 * * max Rphi IP (primaries) : 10.0 mm * min number of clusters : 7 * min number of clusters low pT: 5 * min number of NOT shared : 4 * max number of shared : 3 * max number of holes : 5 * max number of holes low pT : 4 * max number of double holes : 2 * min TRT on track extension : 9 * * max RphiIP (sec. tracks) : 100.0 mm (IPat for now) * min number of clusters : 4 * min number of NOT shared : 4 * max number of shared : 2 * max number of holes : 2 * max number of double holes : 1 * min TRT on track : 10 * * min TRT only hits : 15 * max TRT shared fraction : 0.3 * min TRT only min pt : 500.0 MeV * ************************************************************************************ InDetRec_jobOptions: InDetKeys not set before - I import them now Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.AliasToTracks = 'none' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.Conversions = 'ConversionCandidate' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.DetailedTracksTruth = 'DetailedTrackTruth' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.GangedPixelMap = 'PixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.IPatParticles = 'IPatTrackParticleCandidate' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.IPatParticlesTruth = 'IPatTrackParticleTruthCollection' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.IPatPrimaryVertices = 'IPatVxPrimaryCandidate' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.OverlapSpacePoints = 'OverlapSpacePoints' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PixelClusters = 'PixelClusters' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PixelClustersTruth = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PixelManager = 'Pixel' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PixelRDOs = 'PixelRDOs' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PixelSDOs = 'PixelSDO_Map' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PixelSpacePoints = 'PixelSpacePoints' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.PrimaryVertices = 'VxPrimaryCandidate' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.SCT_Clusters = 'SCT_Clusters' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.SCT_ClustersTruth = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.SCT_Manager = 'SCT' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.SCT_RDOs = 'SCT_RDOs' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.SCT_SDOs = 'SCT_SDO_Map' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.SCT_SpacePoints = 'SCT_SpacePoints' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_DriftCircles = 'TRT_DriftCircles' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_DriftCirclesTruth = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_Manager = 'TRT' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_RDOs = 'TRT_RDOs' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_SDOs = 'TRT_SDO_Map' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_Segments = 'TRTSegments' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TRT_SegmentsTRT = 'TRTSegmentsTRT' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TrackParticles = 'TrackParticleCandidate' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TrackParticlesTruth = 'TrackParticleTruthCollection' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.Tracks = 'Tracks' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.TracksTruth = 'TrackTruthCollection' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.UnslimmedDetailedTracksTruth = 'CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruth' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.UnslimmedTracks = 'CombinedInDetTracks' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.UnslimmedTracksTruth = 'CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollection' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.XKalParticles = 'XKalTrackParticleCandidate' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.XKalParticlesTruth = 'XKalTrackParticleTruthCollection' Py:JobProperty :: INFO --> JobProperties.InDetKeys.XKalPrimaryVertices = 'XKalVxPrimaryCandidate' Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool ************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-CorrectionStrategy = 0 (default: -1) |-ErrorScalingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool/RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool') |-ErrorStrategy = 2 (default: -1) |-MakeTwoDimBarrelClusters = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool) ---------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator ************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Mode = 'indet' (default: 'all') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-ToolMuonCluster = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MuonClusterOnTrackCreator/MuonClusterOnTrackTool') |-ToolMuonDriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackTool') |-ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') |-ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') |-ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator) ----------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool/TRT_RefitRotCreator *************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RIOonTrackToolDrift = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') |-RIOonTrackToolTube = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') |-ScaleHitUncertainty = 2.5 (default: 2.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool/TRT_RefitRotCreator) ------ /***** Public AlgTool Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRefitRotCreator ********************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Mode = 'indet' (default: 'all') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-ToolMuonCluster = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MuonClusterOnTrackCreator/MuonClusterOnTrackTool') |-ToolMuonDriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackTool') |-ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') |-ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') |-ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool/TRT_RefitRotCreator') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRefitRotCreator) ------------------------ /***** Public AlgTool Trk::KalmanUpdator/InDetUpdator ********************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-FastTrackStateCovCalculation = False |-InitialCovariances = [250, 250, 0.25, 0.25, 9.9999999999999995e-07] | (default: [250, 250, 0.25, 0.25, 9.9999999999999995e-07]) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::KalmanUpdator/InDetUpdator) ------------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField ***************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MagneticFieldService = 'MagFieldAthenaSvc' |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SolenoidMagneticFieldDimensions = [] (default: []) |-SolenoidMagneticFieldPosition = [] (default: []) |-SolenoidMagneticFieldProps = [] (default: []) |-SolenoidMagneticFieldRotation = [] (default: []) |-SolenoidMagneticFieldScale = 1.0 |-SolenoidMagneticFieldType = 5 |-SolenoidSynchTrackingVolume = 'NonSynchronised' |-ToroidMagneticFieldDimensions = [] (default: []) |-ToroidMagneticFieldPosition = [] (default: []) |-ToroidMagneticFieldProps = [] (default: []) |-ToroidMagneticFieldRotation = [] (default: []) |-ToroidMagneticFieldScale = 1.0 |-ToroidMagneticFieldType = 5 |-ToroidSynchTrackingVolume = 'NonSynchronised' |-WorldMagneticFieldScale = 1.0 |-WorldMagneticFieldType = 5 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField) -------------------------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "TrkDetDescrSvc/" * [ Configuration : start ] *** AtlasTrackingGeometry ******************************** * [ TrackingGeometrySvc ] /***** Service TrackingGeometrySvc/AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc **************************************** |-AssignMaterialFromCOOL = True (default: True) |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditServices = False |-BuildGeometryFromTagInfo = True (default: True) |-CallbackString = '' |-CallbackStringCheck = True |-CallbackStringForced = False |-GeometryBuilder = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GeometryBuilder/AtlasGeometryBuilder') | (default: 'Trk::GeometryBuilder/AtlasTrackingGeometryBuilder') |-GlobalScaleFactor = 1.0 (default: 1.0) |-InputLayerMaterialSetName = '/Indet/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial' (default: 'AtlasLayerMaterial') |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RecoverNominalLayerIndices = True |-RerunOnCallback = False |-TrackingGeometryName = 'AtlasTrackingGeometry' (default: 'AtlasTrackingGeometry') \----- (End of Service TrackingGeometrySvc/AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc) ------------------------------- * [ GeometryBuilder ] /***** Public AlgTool Trk::GeometryBuilder/AtlasGeometryBuilder ************************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-CaloTrackingGeometry = False (default: False) |-CaloTrackingGeometryBuilder = PublicToolHandle('Calo::CaloTrackingGeometryBuilder/CaloTrackingGeometryBuilder') |-CreateWorldManually = True |-InDetTrackingGeometry = True (default: False) |-InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder/InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder') |-MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AthenaMagneticFieldTool') |-MagneticFieldToolForAllChilds = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-MuonTrackingGeometry = False (default: False) |-MuonTrackingGeometryBuilder = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MuonTrackingGeometryBuilder/MuonTrackingGeometryBuilder') |-NavigationLevel = 2 |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SynchMagneticFieldProperties = [] (default: []) |-SynchMagneticFieldType = 0 |-SynchMagneticFieldVolume = '' |-TrackingVolumeArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator/TrackingVolumeArrayCreator') |-TrackingVolumeHelper = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeHelper/TrackingVolumeHelper') |-WorldDimension = [] (default: []) |-WorldMagneticFieldMode = 6 |-WorldMaterialProperties = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::GeometryBuilder/AtlasGeometryBuilder) --------------------------- * [ Configuration : end ] *** AtlasTrackingGeometry ******************************** /***** Public AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator ************************************ |-AccuracyParameter = 0.0001 (default: 0.00020000000000000001) |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-IncludeBgradients = False |-MaxHelixStep = 1.0 |-MaxStraightLineStep = 0.01 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator) --------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::Navigator/InDetNavigator ************************************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-InsideVolumeTolerance = 1.0 |-IsOnSurfaceTolerance = 0.0050000000000000001 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-TrackingGeometrySvc = ServiceHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc') |-UseStraightLineApproximation = False |-ValidationMode = False |-ValidationTreeDescription = 'Boundary Surface hits' |-ValidationTreeFolder = '/val/NavigationValidation' |-ValidationTreeName = 'NavigatorValidation' \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::Navigator/InDetNavigator) --------------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator ********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BendingCorrection = False |-EnergyLoss = True |-EnergyLossUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::EnergyLossUpdator/AtlasEnergyLossUpdator') |-ForceMomentum = False |-ForcedMomentumValue = 2000.0 |-LandauMode = False |-MinimalMomentum = 50.0 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-MostProbableEnergyLoss = False |-MultipleScattering = True |-MultipleScatteringUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator/AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator') |-OutputLevel = 7 |-ReferenceMaterial = True |-ValidationDirection = -1 |-ValidationIgnoreUnmeasured = True |-ValidationMaterialMapper = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MaterialMapper/AtlasMaterialMapper') |-ValidationMode = False \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator) ------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator ****************************************** |-ApplyMaterialEffects = True |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ConsiderMuonStationOverlaps = False |-DoCaloDynamic = False |-DoMuonDynamic = False |-DynamicLayerCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::IDynamicLayerCreator') |-EnergyLossUpdators = PublicToolHandleArray([]) |-MaterialEffectsOnTrackProviderIndex = 0 |-MaterialEffectsUpdators = PublicToolHandleArray(['Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator']) | (default: '[]') |-MaximalMethodSequence = 2000 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-MultipleScatteringUpdators = PublicToolHandleArray([]) |-Navigator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Navigator/InDetNavigator') | (default: 'Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator') |-OutputLevel = 7 |-Propagators = PublicToolHandleArray(['Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator']) | (default: '[]') |-SearchLevelClosestParameters = 10 |-SkipInitialPostUpdate = False |-StopWithNavigationBreak = False |-StopWithUpdateKill = False |-SubMEUpdators = [] (default: []) |-SubPropagators = [] (default: []) |-UseMuonMatApproximation = False \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator) --------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::DynamicLayerCreator/InDetDynamicLayerCreator **************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-Navigator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Navigator/InDetNavigator') (default: 'Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator') |-OutputLevel = 7 |-Propagator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/RungeKuttaPropagator') |-ReducedCalo = False |-X0cut = 0.001 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::DynamicLayerCreator/InDetDynamicLayerCreator) ------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter *************************************** |-AllowEmptyROTinTrack = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BroadRotCreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/BroadInDetRotCreator') (default: '') |-ConvergenceCut = 25.0 |-CopyCircleRIOs = False (default: True) |-CopyClusterRIOs = True |-DecomposeSegments = True |-EnergyLossTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::EnergyLossUpdator/AtlasEnergyLossUpdator') |-Eps = [] (default: []) |-ExternalMat = True (default: False) |-ExternalMatTools = True (default: False) |-ExtrapolationTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator/CosmicsExtrapolator') |-FillDerivativeMatrix = False |-GetMaterialFromTrack = True |-LayerCreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DynamicLayerCreator/InDetDynamicLayerCreator') | (default: 'Trk::DynamicLayerCreator/DynamicLayerCreator') |-MaxIterations = 10 (default: 30) |-MboyMat = False |-MeasuredTrackParameters = True |-MeasurementUpdateTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator/InDetUpdator') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanUpdator/TrkKalmanUpdator') |-MinClusters = 7.0 |-MinimizationMethod = 1 |-Momentum = 0.0 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-MuidMat = False |-MuidTool = PublicToolHandle('Rec::MuidMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider/MuidMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider') |-MultipleScatteringTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator/AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator') |-MuonLayerCreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MuonDynamicLayerCreator/MuonDynamicLayerCreator') |-NavigatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Navigator/InDetNavigator') | (default: 'Trk::Navigator/CosmicsNavigator') |-NumericalDerivs = False (default: False) |-OutlierCut = 3.0 (default: 5.0) |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PreciseDerivs = True |-PrintDerivativs = False |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::StraightLinePropagator/CosmicsPropagator') |-RecalculateDerivatives = False |-ReintegrateOutliers = True (default: False) |-ReorderHits = False |-Retry = False |-RotCreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRefitRotCreator') | (default: 'Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/RIO_OnTrackCreator') |-SignedDriftRadius = True (default: True) |-SmartMaterialEffects = True (default: False) |-SortHits = False |-StoreMaterialOnTrack = True |-StraightLine = False (default: True) |-TRTExtensionCuts = True |-TrackChi2PerNDFCut = 3.5 (default: 1000000000000000.0) |-sortingReferencePoint = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter) ------------------------------ /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool ********** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixelClusterAmbiguitiesMapName = 'PixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap' (default: 'PixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool) ----- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool ************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixelSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('PixelConditionsSummarySvc') |-SctSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool) ----------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelper ************************ |-AssoTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DoSharedHits = False (default: False) |-HoleSearch = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelper) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_ElectronPidTool/InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool ************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DNAfitterEnabled = False |-MinimumTRThitsForIDpid = 5 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_ElectronPidTool/InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool) ----------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool ********************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-InDetHoleSearchTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') (default: '') |-InDetSummaryHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelper') | (default: '') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-MuonSummaryHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('') |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixelExists = True |-TRT_ElectronPidTool = PublicToolHandle('') |-doHolesMuon = False |-doSharedHits = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool) ------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits ************** |-AssoTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DoSharedHits = True (default: False) |-HoleSearch = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits) ----- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits ************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-InDetHoleSearchTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') (default: '') |-InDetSummaryHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits') | (default: '') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-MuonSummaryHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('') |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixelExists = True |-TRT_ElectronPidTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_ElectronPidTool/InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool') (default: '') |-doHolesMuon = False |-doSharedHits = True (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator ***************************** |-AccuracyParameter = 0.00020000000000000001 |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-IncludeBgradients = False |-MaxHelixStep = 1.0 |-MaxStraightLineStep = 0.01 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator) -------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator ************************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BoundaryCovariances = 1.0 |-InitialCovariances = [] (default: []) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator) --------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField ******************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BuildInDetSolenoid = True |-MagneticFieldService = 'MagFieldAthenaSvc' |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField) ---------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_RoadMaker ************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DetectorStoreLocation = 'DetectorStore' (default: 'DetectorStore') |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' (default: 'MapSolenoid') |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk') |-MaxStep = 20.0 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator') |-RoadWidth = 10.0 |-TRTManagerLocation = 'TRT' (default: 'TRT') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_RoadMaker) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder ******************* |-AssosiationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DetectorStoreLocation = 'DetectorStore' |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixManagerLocation = 'Pixel' (default: 'Pixel') |-PixelClusterContainer = 'PixelClusters' (default: 'PixelClusters') |-PixelSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('PixelConditionsSummarySvc') |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator') |-RIOonTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator') | (default: 'Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/RIO_OnTrackCreator') |-SCTManagerLocation = 'SCT' (default: 'SCT') |-SCT_ClusterContainer = 'SCT_Clusters' (default: 'SCT_Clusters') |-SctSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc') |-UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator') |-usePixel = True (default: True) |-useSCT = True (default: True) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder) ---------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool ********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' (default: 'MapSolenoid') |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk') |-Maxslope = 5.0000000000000002e-05 |-MinNumberDriftCircles = 9 (default: 9) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator') |-RIOonTrackToolNoDr = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') |-RIOonTrackToolYesDr = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') |-RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_RoadMaker') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk') |-RoadWidth = 10.0 |-ScaleHitUncertainty = 2.0 (default: 2.0) |-SegmentFindMode = 3 |-TRT_ClustersContainer = 'TRT_DriftCircles' (default: 'TRT_DriftCircles') |-TrtManagerLocation = 'TRT' (default: 'TRT') |-UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk') |-UseDriftRadius = True |-ZVertexHalfWidth = 150.0 |-maxImpactParameter = 50.0 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool) ------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" Py:Athena INFO including file "PixelConditionsServices/" Py:Athena INFO including file "PixelConditionsServices/" /***** Service SpecialPixelMapSvc/SpecialPixelMapSvc *********************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditServices = False |-DBFolders = ['/PIXEL/PixMap'] (default: []) |-DataSource = 'None' |-MarkSpecialRegions = True |-MergePixelMaps = True |-ModuleIDsForPrinting = [] (default: []) |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PrintBinaryPixelStatus = True |-PrintVerbosePixelID = True |-RegisterCallback = True |-SpecialPixelMapKeys = ['SpecialPixelMap'] (default: []) \----- (End of Service SpecialPixelMapSvc/SpecialPixelMapSvc) -------------------------------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "PixelConditionsServices/" /***** Public AlgTool TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool/InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool ********************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-statusTextFile = '' \----- (End of Public AlgTool TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool/InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool) ------------ /***** Public AlgTool TRT_ConditionsSummaryTool/InDetTRTConditionsSummaryTool ********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-ToolList = PublicToolHandleArray(['TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool/InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool']) | (default: '[]') \----- (End of Public AlgTool TRT_ConditionsSummaryTool/InDetTRTConditionsSummaryTool) ------------- /***** Service TRT_ConditionsSummarySvc/InDetTRTConditionsSummaryService *************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditServices = False |-OutputLevel = 7 |-ToolList = PublicToolHandleArray(['TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool/InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool']) | (default: '[]') \----- (End of Service TRT_ConditionsSummarySvc/InDetTRTConditionsSummaryService) ------------------ Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Public AlgTool InDet::ClusterMakerTool/InDetClusterMakerTool ******************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-UsePixelCalibCondDB = True (default: True) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::ClusterMakerTool/InDetClusterMakerTool) ----------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::MergedPixelsTool/InDetMergedPixelsTool ******************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-UsePixelModuleMap = True |-UseSpecialPixelMap = True |-acceptDiagonalClusters = 1 |-errorStrategy = 1 |-globalPosAlg = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ClusterMakerTool/InDetClusterMakerTool') | (default: 'InDet::ClusterMakerTool') |-posStrategy = 0 |-splitClusters = 0 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::MergedPixelsTool/InDetMergedPixelsTool) ----------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::PixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder/InDetPixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder ******** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-InternalSolving = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::PixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder/InDetPixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder) ----- /***** Algorithm InDet::PixelClusterization/InDetPixelClusterization ******************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ClustersName = 'PixelClusters' (default: 'PixelClusters') |-DataObjectName = 'PixelRDOs' (default: 'PixelRDOs') |-DetectorManagerName = 'Pixel' (default: 'Pixel') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PageNumber = 0 |-clusteringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::MergedPixelsTool/InDetMergedPixelsTool') | (default: 'InDet::MergedPixelsTool') |-gangedAmbiguitiesFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder/InDetPixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder') | (default: 'InDet::PixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::PixelClusterization/InDetPixelClusterization) ---------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SCT_ClusteringTool/InDetSCT_ClusteringTool **************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-checkBadChannels = False |-conditionsService = ServiceHandle('SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc') |-errorStrategy = 1 |-globalPosAlg = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ClusterMakerTool/InDetClusterMakerTool') | (default: 'InDet::ClusterMakerTool') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SCT_ClusteringTool/InDetSCT_ClusteringTool) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::SCT_Clusterization/InDetSCT_Clusterization ********************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ChannelStatus = PublicToolHandle('null') |-ClustersName = 'SCT_Clusters' (default: 'SCT_Clusters') |-DataObjectName = 'SCT_RDOs' (default: 'SCT_RDOs') |-DetectorManagerName = 'SCT' (default: 'SCT') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PageNumber = 0 |-clusteringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusteringTool/InDetSCT_ClusteringTool') | (default: 'InDet::SCT_ClusteringTool') |-conditionsService = ServiceHandle('SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc') |-maxRDOs = 0 \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::SCT_Clusterization/InDetSCT_Clusterization) ------------------------ /***** Public AlgTool TRT_DriftFunctionTool/InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool ***************************** |-AllowDataMCOverride = True (default: False) |-AllowDigiVersionOverride = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DriftFunctionFile = '' |-DummyMode = False |-ErrorFudgeFactor = 1.0 |-ForceData = True (default: False) |-ForceUniversalErrors = False |-ForcedDigiVersion = 4 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-OverrideSimulationCalibration = False |-TRTCalDbTool = PublicToolHandle('TRTCalDbTool') |-TRT_Calibration = False |-UniversalError = 0.13600000000000001 \----- (End of Public AlgTool TRT_DriftFunctionTool/InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool) -------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_DriftCircleTool/InDetTRT_DriftCircleTool ************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ConditionsSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('TRT_ConditionsSummaryTool/InDetTRTConditionsSummaryTool') | (default: 'TRT_ConditionsSummaryTool') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-TRTDriftFunctionTool = PublicToolHandle('TRT_DriftFunctionTool/InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool') | (default: 'TRT_DriftFunctionTool') |-TrtDescrManageLocation = 'TRT' (default: 'TRT') |-UseConditionsStatus = True (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_DriftCircleTool/InDetTRT_DriftCircleTool) ----------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::TRT_RIO_Maker/InDetTRT_RIO_Maker ******************************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-ModeRIOProduction = 0 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TRTBadChannels = False |-TRTRDOLocation = 'TRT_RDOs' (default: 'TRT_RDOs') |-TRTRIOLocation = 'TRT_DriftCircles' (default: 'TRT_DriftCircles') |-TRTStrawStatusTool = PublicToolHandle('TRTStrawStatusTool') |-TRT_DriftCircleTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleTool/InDetTRT_DriftCircleTool') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_DriftCircleTool') |-TrtDescrManageLocation = 'TRT' (default: 'TRT') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TRT_RIO_Maker/InDetTRT_RIO_Maker) ---------------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::PRD_MultiTruthMaker/InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker ******************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PRDTruthTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PRD_MultiTruthBuilder') |-PixelClusterContainerName = 'PixelClusters' (default: 'PixelClusters') |-SCTClusterContainerName = 'SCT_Clusters' (default: 'SCT_Clusters') |-SimDataMapNamePixel = 'PixelSDO_Map' (default: 'PixelSDO_Map') |-SimDataMapNameSCT = 'SCT_SDO_Map' (default: 'SCT_SDO_Map') |-SimDataMapNameTRT = 'TRT_SDO_Map' (default: 'TRT_SDO_Map') |-TRTDriftCircleContainerName = 'TRT_DriftCircles' (default: 'TRT_DriftCircles') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::PRD_MultiTruthMaker/InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker) ---------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiSpacePointMakerTool/InDetSiSpacePointMakerTool ********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-StripLengthTolerance = 0.01 |-UsePerpendicularProjection = False \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiSpacePointMakerTool/InDetSiSpacePointMakerTool) ------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::SiTrackerSpacePointFinder/InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder ******************* |-AllClusters = False |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OverlapLimitEtaMax = 3.0 |-OverlapLimitEtaMin = 1.6799999999999999 |-OverlapLimitOpposite = 2.7999999999999998 |-OverlapLimitPhi = 5.6399999999999997 |-OverrideBeamSpot = False |-PixelsClustersName = 'PixelClusters' (default: 'PixelClusters') |-ProcessOverlaps = True (default: True) |-ProcessPixels = True (default: True) |-ProcessSCTs = True (default: True) |-SCT_ClustersName = 'SCT_Clusters' (default: 'SCT_Clusters') |-SiSpacePointMakerTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiSpacePointMakerTool/InDetSiSpacePointMakerTool') | (default: 'InDet::SiSpacePointMakerTool') |-SpacePointsOverlapName = 'OverlapSpacePoints' (default: 'OverlapSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsPixelName = 'PixelSpacePoints' (default: 'PixelSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsSCTName = 'SCT_SpacePoints' (default: 'SCT_SpacePoints') |-VertexX = 0.0 |-VertexY = 0.0 |-VertexZ = 0.0 \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::SiTrackerSpacePointFinder/InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder) ---------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" Py:Athena INFO including file "iPatRecExample/" Py:RegSelSvc::__init__ INFO entering Py:RegSelSvc::__init__ INFO RegSelSvc detector switches configured: indet=True (sct=True pixel=True trt=True) calo=False muon=False /***** Algorithm XKaMField/XKaMField *************************************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MagFieldAthena = 'MagFieldAthenaSvc' (default: 'MagFieldAthenaSvc') |-MagneticField = [0.0, 0.0, -14.0, 700.0] (default: []) |-MagneticFieldService = 4 (default: 4) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 \----- (End of Algorithm XKaMField/XKaMField) ------------------------------------------------------ /***** Algorithm XKaDetectorBuilder/XKaDetectorBuilder ********************************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetectorLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PixDescrManageLocation = 'Pixel' (default: '') |-Pixel = True (default: True) |-PixelClustesContainer = 'PixelClusters' (default: 'PixelClusters') |-PrintLevelDetector = 3 (default: 0) |-SCT = True (default: True) |-SCT_ClustesContainer = 'SCT_Clusters' (default: 'SCT_Clusters') |-SilDescrManageLocation = 'SCT' (default: '') |-TRT = True (default: True) |-TRT_ClustesContainer = 'TRT_DriftCircles' (default: 'TRT_DriftCircles') |-TrtDescrManageLocation = 'TRT' (default: '') |-TruthInformation = True (default: True) |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaDetectorBuilder/XKaDetectorBuilder) ------------------------------------ /***** Algorithm XKaSeedsManager/XKaSeedsManager *************************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-RoadsLocation = 'XKEvent' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaSeedsManager/XKaSeedsManager) ------------------------------------------ /***** Algorithm XKaSeedALL/XKaSeedALL ************************************************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-RoadParameters = [500.0, 3.2000000000000002, 2.6000000000000001, 240.0, 10.0] (default: []) |-RoadsLocation = 'XKEvent' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaSeedALL/XKaSeedALL) ---------------------------------------------------- /***** Algorithm XKalMan/XKalMan ******************************************************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-BeamConditions = 'BeamCondSvc' (default: 'BeamCondSvc') |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: 'xKalman') |-DetectorLocation = 'xKalman' (default: 'xKalman') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-ExtraInformation = 2 (default: 6070892) |-MaxNumberHoles = 22 (default: 22) |-MinNumberOfSilClusters = 7 (default: 7) |-MinNumberOfTRTClusters = 9 (default: 9) |-MinNumberOfUniqueSilClusters = 5 (default: 5) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrimaryVertexSearch = False (default: False) |-PrintLevelInformation = 3 (default: -1) |-PrintMemoryManager = False (default: False) |-ReconstructionStrategy = 4 (default: 4) |-RoadsLocation = 'XKEvent' (default: 'XKEvent') |-Selectivity = 2 (default: 7) |-SimpleTracksLocation = 'Tracks_xKalman' (default: 'Tracks_xKalman') |-SimpleTracksProduction = True (default: True) |-TRTClusterRatio = 0.5 (default: 0.69999999999999996) |-TRTTimeStrawRatio = 0.5 (default: 2.5328062e-269) |-TRTuseDriftTime = True (default: True) |-TrackModel = 0 (default: 0) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: 'xKalman') |-VerticesLocation = 'xKalman' (default: 'xKalman') |-Xi2forPrecisionClusters = 15.0 (default: 15.0) \----- (End of Algorithm XKalMan/XKalMan) ---------------------------------------------------------- /***** Algorithm XKaClustersProduction/XKaClustersProduction *************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-DetectorLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrintLevelClusters = -1 (default: 4) |-PrintLevelDetector = -1 (default: 0) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaClustersProduction/XKaClustersProduction) ------------------------------ /***** Algorithm XKaSpacePointsProduction/XKaSpacePointsProduction ********************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrintLevelDetector = -1 (default: 4) |-PrintLevelSpoints = -1 (default: 6070892) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaSpacePointsProduction/XKaSpacePointsProduction) ------------------------ /***** Algorithm XKaSILReconstruction/XKaSILReconstruction ***************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrintLevelTracks = [-1, 1] (default: []) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaSILReconstruction/XKaSILReconstruction) -------------------------------- /***** Algorithm XKaTRTReconstruction/XKaTRTReconstruction ***************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrintLevelTracks = [-1, 1] (default: []) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaTRTReconstruction/XKaTRTReconstruction) -------------------------------- /***** Algorithm XKaTracksComparison/XKaTracksComparison ******************************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrintLevelTracks = [-1, 1] (default: []) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaTracksComparison/XKaTracksComparison) ---------------------------------- /***** Algorithm XKaTrackTRTExtension/XKaTrackTRTExtension ***************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrintLevelTracks = [-1, 1] (default: []) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') \----- (End of Algorithm XKaTrackTRTExtension/XKaTrackTRTExtension) -------------------------------- /***** Algorithm XKaSimpleTracksProduction/XKaSimpleTracksProduction ******************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConditionLocation = 'xKCondition' (default: '') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PrimaryVertex = False (default: True) |-PrintLevelTracks = -1 (default: -181679496) |-SimpleTracksLocation = '' |-TrackUnits = 1 (default: 0) |-TracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: '') |-VerticesLocation = '' \----- (End of Algorithm XKaSimpleTracksProduction/XKaSimpleTracksProduction) ---------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetXKalmanToTrackTool/InDetXKalToTrackTool ************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RIOonTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator') | (default: 'Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/RIO_OnTrackCreator') |-RIOonTrackToolTRT = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') |-RIOonTrackToolTRTN = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetXKalmanToTrackTool/InDetXKalToTrackTool) ----------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetLegacyCnvAlg/InDetLegacyCnvAlg **************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConvertedIPatTracksLocation = 'ConvertedIPatTracks' |-ConvertedXKalmanTracksLocation = 'ConvertedXKalmanTracks' |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-doSummary = False |-iPatTracksLocation = 'iPatTracks' |-inDetIPatToTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetIPatToTrackTool') |-xKalToTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetXKalmanToTrackTool/InDetXKalToTrackTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetXKalmanToTrackTool') |-xKalmanTracksLocation = 'xKalman' (default: 'xKalman00') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetLegacyCnvAlg/InDetLegacyCnvAlg) ------------------------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMaker ****** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ConvertedXKalmanTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector **************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker ********* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ConvertedIPatTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector ******************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ConvertedIPatTracksTruth' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector) ---------------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker ************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BeamConditionsService = 'BeamCondSvc' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SpacePointsOverlapName = 'OverlapSpacePoints' (default: 'OverlapSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsPixelName = 'PixelSpacePoints' (default: 'PixelSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsSCTName = 'SCT_SpacePoints' (default: 'SCT_SpacePoints') |-maxRadius1 = 450.0 |-maxRadius2 = 600.0 |-maxRadius3 = 600.0 |-maxSize = 99999 |-maxSizeSP = 1500 |-maxVRadius1 = 60.0 |-maxVRadius2 = 200.0 |-maxZ = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-maxdImpact = 10.0 (default: 10.0) |-maxdImpactPPS = 1.7 |-maxdRadius = 270.0 |-maxdZdR = 7.4000000000000004 |-maxdZdRver = 0.02 |-maxdZver = 5.0 |-minRadius1 = 0.0 |-minRadius2 = 0.0 |-minRadius3 = 0.0 |-minVRadius1 = 0.0 |-minVRadius2 = 70.0 |-minZ = -250.0 (default: -250.0) |-mindRadius = 4.0 |-mindZdR = -7.4000000000000004 |-pTmin = 500.0 (default: 1000.0) |-pTminV = 500.0 |-radMax = 600.0 |-radStep = 2.0 |-useOverlapSpCollection = True |-usePixel = True (default: True) |-useSCT = True (default: True) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetZvertexMaker *********************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-HistSize = 500 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SeedMakerTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker') | (default: 'InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk') |-SeedSize = 2 |-Zmax = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-Zmin = -250.0 (default: -250.0) |-minContent = 20 |-minRatio = 0.17000000000000001 (default: 0.25) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetZvertexMaker) -------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker **************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DetectorStoreLocation = 'DetectorStore' |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MaxStep = 40.0 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixManagerLocation = 'Pixel' (default: 'Pixel') |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator') |-RoadWidth = 20.0 |-SCTManagerLocation = 'SCT' (default: 'SCT') |-usePixel = True (default: True) |-useSCT = True (default: True) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker) ------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker ************************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-CombinatorialTrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder') | (default: 'InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk') |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker') | (default: 'InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk') |-SeedsFilterLevel = 2 (default: 1) |-UseAssociationTool = False |-Xi2max = 15.0 |-Xi2maxNoAdd = 35.0 |-Xi2maxlink = 200.0 |-nClustersMin = 7 (default: 3) |-nHolesGapMax = 2 (default: 2) |-nHolesMax = 5 (default: 2) |-pTmin = 500.0 (default: 500.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker) ---------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder/InDetSiSpTrackFinder ********************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-InputTracksLocation = ' ' |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-SeedsTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker') |-TrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker') |-TracksLocation = 'SiSPSeededTracks' (default: 'SiSPSeededTracks') |-ZvertexTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetZvertexMaker') | (default: 'InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetSiZvertexMaker') |-useZvertexTool = False (default: True) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder/InDetSiSpTrackFinder) ------------------------ /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker ************ |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'SiSPSeededTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector ************************ |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool *************** |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'Trk::PRD_AssociationTool/PRD_AssociationTool') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Cosmics = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-maxShared = 3 (default: 2) |-maxTracksPerSharedPRD = 2 |-minHits = 7 (default: 5) |-minNotShared = 4 (default: 3) |-minScoreShareTracks = 1.0 |-minTRTHits = 0 (default: 0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool) ------ /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringTool ***************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::IExtrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-maxDoubleHoles = 2 (default: 2) |-maxEta = 2.7000000000000002 (default: 2.7000000000000002) |-maxRPhiImp = 10.0 (default: 10.0) |-maxSiHoles = 5 (default: 5) |-maxZImp = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-minNDF = 0 |-minPt = 500.0 (default: 500.0) |-minSiClusters = 7 (default: 7) |-minTRTonTrk = 0 (default: 9) |-useAmbigFcn = True (default: True) |-useSigmaChi2 = False (default: False) |-useTRT_AmbigFcn = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringTool) -------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessor ******************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DropDouble = True |-Fitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-ForceRefit = True |-IsBackTracking = False |-MatEffects = 3 (default: 3) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RefitPrds = False (default: False) |-ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackScoringTool/TrackScoringTool') |-SelectionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool') |-SuppressHoleSearch = False |-SuppressTrackFit = False \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessor) ----------- /***** Algorithm Trk::TrkAmbiguitySolver/InDetAmbiguitySolver ************************************** |-AmbiguityProcessor = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessor') | (default: 'Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/TrkAmbiguityProcessor') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-ResolveTracks = True |-TrackInput = ['SiSPSeededTracks'] (default: []) |-TrackOutput = 'ResolvedTracks' (default: 'Tracks') \----- (End of Algorithm Trk::TrkAmbiguitySolver/InDetAmbiguitySolver) ----------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker ************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ResolvedTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ResolvedTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector ************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ResolvedTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ResolvedTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector) ----------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionAlg/InDetTRT_Extension *********************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-ExtendedTracksLocation = 'ExtendedTracksMap' (default: 'TRT_ExtendedTracks') |-InputTracksLocation = 'ResolvedTracks' (default: 'SiSPSeededTracks') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionAlg/InDetTRT_Extension) -------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringTool **************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::IExtrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-maxDoubleHoles = 2 (default: 2) |-maxEta = 2.7000000000000002 (default: 2.7000000000000002) |-maxRPhiImp = 10.0 (default: 10.0) |-maxSiHoles = 5 (default: 5) |-maxZImp = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-minNDF = 0 |-minPt = 500.0 (default: 500.0) |-minSiClusters = 7 (default: 7) |-minTRTonTrk = 9 (default: 9) |-useAmbigFcn = True (default: True) |-useSigmaChi2 = False (default: False) |-useTRT_AmbigFcn = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringTool) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetExtensionProcessor/InDetExtensionProcessor **************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-ExtensionMap = 'ExtendedTracksMap' (default: 'TrackExtensionMap') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-NewTrackName = 'ExtendedTracks' (default: 'ExtendedTrack') |-OutputLevel = 0 |-RefitPrds = False (default: True) |-ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackScoringTool') |-TrackFitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-TrackName = 'ResolvedTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-etaBounds = [0.80000000000000004, 1.6000000000000001, 2.1000000000000001] | (default: [0.80000000000000004, 1.6000000000000001, 2.1000000000000001]) |-keepFailedExtension = True |-matEffects = 3 (default: 4) |-runOutlier = True |-suppressHoleSearch = False (default: False) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetExtensionProcessor/InDetExtensionProcessor) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker ************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ExtendedTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ExtendedTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector ************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ExtendedTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ExtendedTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector) ----------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetTrackPRD_Association/InDetLowPtPRD_Association ************************ |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TracksName = ['ExtendedTracks'] (default: []) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetTrackPRD_Association/InDetLowPtPRD_Association) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum/InDetSpSeedsMakerLowPt ************* |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BeamConditionsService = 'BeamCondSvc' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SpacePointsOverlapName = 'OverlapSpacePoints' (default: 'OverlapSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsPixelName = 'PixelSpacePoints' (default: 'PixelSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsSCTName = 'SCT_SpacePoints' (default: 'SCT_SpacePoints') |-UseAssociationTool = True (default: True) |-maxRadius1 = 200.0 |-maxRadius2 = 200.0 |-maxRadius3 = 200.0 |-maxSize = 99999 |-maxSizeSP = 1500 |-maxZ = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-maxdImpact = 10.0 (default: 7.0) |-maxdImpactPPS = 1.2 |-maxdRadius = 200.0 |-maxdZdR = 7.4000000000000004 |-maxdZdRver = 0.02 |-maxdZver = 5.0 |-minRadius1 = 0.0 |-minRadius2 = 0.0 |-minRadius3 = 0.0 |-minZ = -250.0 (default: -250.0) |-mindRadius = 4.0 |-mindZdR = -7.4000000000000004 |-pTmax = 700.0 (default: 500.0) |-pTmin = 100.0 (default: 100.0) |-radMax = 200.0 |-radStep = 2.0 |-useOverlapSpCollection = True |-usePixel = True |-useSCT = True \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum/InDetSpSeedsMakerLowPt) ----- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt ******************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-CombinatorialTrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder') | (default: 'InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk') |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker') | (default: 'InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk') |-SeedsFilterLevel = 2 (default: 1) |-UseAssociationTool = True (default: False) |-Xi2max = 15.0 |-Xi2maxNoAdd = 35.0 |-Xi2maxlink = 200.0 |-nClustersMin = 5 (default: 3) |-nHolesGapMax = 3 (default: 2) |-nHolesMax = 4 (default: 2) |-pTmin = 100.0 (default: 500.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt) ----------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder/InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt **************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-InputTracksLocation = ' ' |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-SeedsTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum/InDetSpSeedsMakerLowPt') | (default: 'InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker') |-TrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt') | (default: 'InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker') |-TracksLocation = 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPt' (default: 'SiSPSeededTracks') |-ZvertexTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetZvertexMaker') | (default: 'InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetSiZvertexMaker') |-useZvertexTool = False (default: True) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder/InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker ******* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPt' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSelector ******************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSelector) ---------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt ********** |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'Trk::PRD_AssociationTool/PRD_AssociationTool') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Cosmics = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-maxShared = 3 (default: 2) |-maxTracksPerSharedPRD = 2 |-minHits = 5 (default: 5) |-minNotShared = 4 (default: 3) |-minScoreShareTracks = 1.0 |-minTRTHits = 0 (default: 0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt) ----- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringToolLowPt ************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::IExtrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-maxDoubleHoles = 2 (default: 2) |-maxEta = 2.7000000000000002 (default: 2.7000000000000002) |-maxRPhiImp = 10.0 (default: 10.0) |-maxSiHoles = 4 (default: 5) |-maxZImp = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-minNDF = 0 |-minPt = 100.0 (default: 500.0) |-minSiClusters = 5 (default: 7) |-minTRTonTrk = 0 (default: 9) |-useAmbigFcn = True (default: True) |-useSigmaChi2 = False (default: False) |-useTRT_AmbigFcn = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringToolLowPt) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt *************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DropDouble = True |-Fitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-ForceRefit = True |-IsBackTracking = False |-MatEffects = 3 (default: 3) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RefitPrds = False (default: False) |-ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringToolLowPt') | (default: 'Trk::TrackScoringTool/TrackScoringTool') |-SelectionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt') | (default: 'InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool') |-SuppressHoleSearch = False |-SuppressTrackFit = False \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt) ------ /***** Algorithm Trk::TrkAmbiguitySolver/InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt ********************************* |-AmbiguityProcessor = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt') | (default: 'Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/TrkAmbiguityProcessor') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-ResolveTracks = True |-TrackInput = ['SiSPSeededTracksLowPt'] (default: []) |-TrackOutput = 'ResolvedTracksLowPt' (default: 'Tracks') \----- (End of Algorithm Trk::TrkAmbiguitySolver/InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt) ------------------------ /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker ********* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ResolvedTracksLowPt' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSelector ********************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSelector) ------------ /***** Algorithm InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionAlg/InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt ****************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-ExtendedTracksLocation = 'ExtendedTracksMapLowPt' (default: 'TRT_ExtendedTracks') |-InputTracksLocation = 'ResolvedTracksLowPt' (default: 'SiSPSeededTracks') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionAlg/InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt) --------------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringToolLowPt *********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::IExtrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-maxDoubleHoles = 2 (default: 2) |-maxEta = 2.7000000000000002 (default: 2.7000000000000002) |-maxRPhiImp = 10.0 (default: 10.0) |-maxSiHoles = 4 (default: 5) |-maxZImp = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-minNDF = 0 |-minPt = 100.0 (default: 500.0) |-minSiClusters = 5 (default: 7) |-minTRTonTrk = 9 (default: 9) |-useAmbigFcn = True (default: True) |-useSigmaChi2 = False (default: False) |-useTRT_AmbigFcn = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringToolLowPt) -------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetExtensionProcessor/InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt *********************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-ExtensionMap = 'ExtendedTracksMapLowPt' (default: 'TrackExtensionMap') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-NewTrackName = 'ExtendedTracksLowPt' (default: 'ExtendedTrack') |-OutputLevel = 0 |-RefitPrds = False (default: True) |-ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringToolLowPt') | (default: 'Trk::TrackScoringTool') |-TrackFitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-TrackName = 'ResolvedTracksLowPt' (default: 'Tracks') |-etaBounds = [0.80000000000000004, 1.6000000000000001, 2.1000000000000001] | (default: [0.80000000000000004, 1.6000000000000001, 2.1000000000000001]) |-keepFailedExtension = True |-matEffects = 3 (default: 4) |-runOutlier = True |-suppressHoleSearch = False (default: False) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetExtensionProcessor/InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt) -------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker ********* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ExtendedTracksLowPt' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSelector ********************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSelector) ------------ Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetTrackPRD_Association/InDetSegmentPRD_Association ********************** |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TracksName = ['ExtendedTracks', 'ExtendedTracksLowPt'] (default: []) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetTrackPRD_Association/InDetSegmentPRD_Association) ------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk/InDetTRT_SeedsMaker ********************** |-AssosiationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' (default: 'MapSolenoid') |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk') |-MinNumberDriftCircles = 10 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-NumberAzimuthalChannel = 500 |-NumberMomentumChannel = 70 |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator') |-RemoveNoiseDriftCircles = True (default: True) |-TRT_ClustersContainer = 'TRT_DriftCircles' (default: 'TRT_DriftCircles') |-TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk') |-TrtManagerLocation = 'TRT' (default: '') |-UseAssosiationTool = True (default: True) |-pTmin = 500.0 (default: 500.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk/InDetTRT_SeedsMaker) ------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder/InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder *********************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-SegmentsLocation = 'TRTSegments' (default: 'TRTSegments') |-SegmentsMakerTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk/InDetTRT_SeedsMaker') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder/InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder) -------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededSpFinder **************** |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DoCosmics = False |-LoadFull = False (default: True) |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-NeighborSearch = True (default: True) |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SpacePointsOverlapName = 'OverlapSpacePoints' (default: 'OverlapSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsSCTName = 'SCT_SpacePoints' (default: 'SCT_SpacePoints') |-UseAssociationTool = True (default: False) |-Xi2C = 15.0 |-Xi2FC = 50.0 |-Xi2TC = 30.0 |-pTmin = 500.0 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededSpFinder) ------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_SeededSiRoad *********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DetectorStoreLocation = 'DetectorStore' |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MaxStep = 20.0 (default: 40.0) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PixManagerLocation = 'Pixel' (default: 'Pixel') |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator') |-RoadWidth = 20.0 |-SCTManagerLocation = 'SCT' (default: 'SCT') |-usePixel = True |-useSCT = True \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_SeededSiRoad) -------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_SeededTrackFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker ******************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-BremCorrection = True (default: False) |-CombinatorialTrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder') | (default: 'InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk') |-ConsistentSeeds = True (default: False) |-ErrorScaling = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] (default: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) |-MagneticFieldMode = 'MapSolenoid' |-MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') | (default: 'Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator') |-RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_SeededSiRoad') | (default: 'InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk') |-SeedTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededSpFinder') | (default: 'InDet::ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder') |-UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator') |-UseAssociationTool = True (default: False) |-Xi2max = 15.0 |-Xi2maxNoAdd = 50.0 |-Xi2maxlink = 100.0 |-nClustersMin = 4 |-nHolesGapMax = 1 |-nHolesMax = 1 |-pTmin = 500.0 (default: 500.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TRT_SeededTrackFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker) ---------- /***** Algorithm InDet::TRT_SeededTrackFinder/InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder *************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-FinalRefit = False (default: False) |-FinalStatistics = False (default: False) |-InputSegmentsLocation = 'TRTSegments' (default: 'TRTSegments') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputSegments = False (default: True) |-OutputTracksLocation = 'TRTSeededTracks' (default: 'TRTSeededTracks') |-RefitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk') |-TrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_SeededTrackFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker') | (default: 'InDet::TRT_SeededTrackFinderTool') |-TrtExtension = True (default: False) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TRT_SeededTrackFinder/InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder) ------------------ /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker ************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'TRTSeededTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector ************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'TRTSeededTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector) ---------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetTRT_SeededScoringTool *********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::IExtrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-maxDoubleHoles = 1 (default: 2) |-maxEta = 2.7000000000000002 (default: 2.7000000000000002) |-maxRPhiImp = 100.0 (default: 10.0) |-maxSiHoles = 2 (default: 5) |-maxZImp = 250.0 (default: 250.0) |-minNDF = 0 |-minPt = 500.0 (default: 500.0) |-minSiClusters = 4 (default: 7) |-minTRTonTrk = 10 (default: 9) |-useAmbigFcn = False (default: True) |-useSigmaChi2 = False (default: False) |-useTRT_AmbigFcn = True (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetTRT_SeededScoringTool) -------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelectionTool ***** |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'Trk::PRD_AssociationTool/PRD_AssociationTool') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Cosmics = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-maxShared = 2 (default: 2) |-maxTracksPerSharedPRD = 2 |-minHits = 4 (default: 5) |-minNotShared = 4 (default: 3) |-minScoreShareTracks = -1.0 (default: 1.0) |-minTRTHits = 10 (default: 0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelectionTool) ----- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProcessor ********** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DropDouble = True |-Fitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-ForceRefit = True |-IsBackTracking = False |-MatEffects = 3 (default: 3) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RefitPrds = False (default: False) |-ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetTRT_SeededScoringTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackScoringTool/TrackScoringTool') |-SelectionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelectionTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool') |-SuppressHoleSearch = False (default: False) |-SuppressTrackFit = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProcessor) ----- /***** Algorithm Trk::TrkAmbiguitySolver/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver **************************** |-AmbiguityProcessor = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProcessor') | (default: 'Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/TrkAmbiguityProcessor') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-ResolveTracks = True |-TrackInput = ['TRTSeededTracks'] (default: []) |-TrackOutput = 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracks' (default: 'Tracks') \----- (End of Algorithm Trk::TrkAmbiguitySolver/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker ***** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector ***************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector) -------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetTrackPRD_Association/InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association ********************* |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TracksName = ['ExtendedTracks', 'ExtendedTracksLowPt', 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracks'] (default: []) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetTrackPRD_Association/InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association) ------------ /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrtTrackScoringTool/InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool *************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-maxEta = 2.1000000000000001 (default: 2.1000000000000001) |-minTRTonTrk = 9 |-useAmbigFcn = True (default: True) |-useSigmaChi2 = False (default: False) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetTrtTrackScoringTool/InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool) ------ /***** Algorithm InDet::TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder/InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder ******************* |-AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') |-FinalRefit = False (default: False) |-InputSegmentsLocation = 'TRTSegments' (default: 'TRTSegments') |-MaxSharedHitsFraction = 0.29999999999999999 (default: 0.5) |-MinNumDriftCircles = 15 (default: 15) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputTracksLocation = 'TRTStandaloneTracks' (default: 'TRTStandaloneTracks') |-PtMin = 500.0 (default: 1.0) |-RefitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') | (default: 'Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter') |-ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrtTrackScoringTool/InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackScoringTool/TrackScoringTool') |-SuppressHoleSearch = True (default: False) |-UseAssociationTool = True (default: True) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder/InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder) ---------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker ********* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'TRTStandaloneTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSelector ********************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSelector) ------------ /***** Algorithm Trk::TrackCollectionMerger/TrkTrackCollectionMerger ******************************* |-AssoTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') | (default: 'Trk::IPRD_AssociationTool') |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputTracksLocation = 'CombinedInDetTracks' (default: 'CombinedInDetTracks') |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits') | (default: 'Trk::ITrackSummaryTool') |-TracksLocation = ['ExtendedTracks', 'ExtendedTracksLowPt', 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracks', 'TRTStandaloneTracks'] | (default: []) \----- (End of Algorithm Trk::TrackCollectionMerger/TrkTrackCollectionMerger) ---------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker ********* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'CombinedInDetTracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker) ----- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSelector ********************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSelector) ------------ /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrackSlimmingTool/InDetTrackSlimmingTool ******************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-KeepOutliers = True (default: False) |-KeepParameters = True (default: False) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrackSlimmingTool/InDetTrackSlimmingTool) ----------------------- /***** Algorithm Trk::TrackSlimmer/InDetTrackSlimmer *********************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PtCut = 0.0 |-SlimmedTrackLocation = ['Tracks'] (default: ['SlimmedMooreTracks', 'SlimmedMuonboyTracks']) |-TrackLocation = ['CombinedInDetTracks'] (default: ['ConvertedMooreTracks', 'ConvertedMuonboyTracks']) |-TrackSlimmingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSlimmingTool/InDetTrackSlimmingTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrkTrackSlimmingTool/TrkTrackSlimmingTool') \----- (End of Algorithm Trk::TrackSlimmer/InDetTrackSlimmer) -------------------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/DetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'DetailedTrackTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackCollectionName = 'Tracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-TruthNamePixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel') |-TruthNameSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' (default: 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT') |-TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker/DetailedTrackTruthMaker) -------------- /***** Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/TrackTruthCollectionSelector *********************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DetailedTrackTruthName = 'DetailedTrackTruth' (default: 'DetailedTrackTruth') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-OutputName = 'TrackTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthNew') |-WeightCSC = 1.0 |-WeightMDT = 1.0 |-WeightPixel = 10.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightRPC = 1.0 |-WeightSCT = 5.0 (default: 1.0) |-WeightTGC = 1.0 |-WeightTRT = 1.0 (default: 1.0) \----- (End of Algorithm TrackTruthSelector/TrackTruthCollectionSelector) -------------------------- Py:Athena INFO including file "InDetRecExample/" /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool/InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool ********* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackSummaryTool') |-d0Max = 1 (default: 1.0) |-d0MaxPreselection = 10.0 |-d0significanceMax = 4.0 (default: -1.0) |-etaMax = 9999.0 (default: 9999.0) |-fitChi2 = 99999.0 |-fitChi2OnNdfMax = 3.5 (default: 999.0) |-fitProb = -1.0 |-nHitBLayer = 0 (default: 1) |-nHitPix = 1 (default: 2) |-nHitSct = 5 (default: 0) |-nHitSi = 7 (default: 7) |-nHitTrt = 0 (default: 0) |-nHitTrtHighE = 0 (default: 0) |-nSharedBLayer = 0 |-nSharedPix = 0 |-nSharedSct = 1 |-nSharedSi = 999 |-pTMin = 500 (default: 1000.0) |-sigd0Max = 0.34999999999999998 (default: 999.0) |-sigz0Max = 2.5 (default: 999.0) |-usePerigeeParameters = False (default: False) |-usePreselectionCuts = False |-useSharedHitInfo = False (default: False) |-useTrackQualityInfo = True (default: True) |-useTrackSummaryInfo = True (default: True) |-z0Max = 1000 (default: 1.5) |-z0significanceMax = -1.0 (default: -1.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool/InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool) ----- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::ImpactPoint3dEstimator/TrkImpactPoint3dEstimator ************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool') |-MaxIterations = 20 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-Precision = 1e-10 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::ImpactPoint3dEstimator/TrkImpactPoint3dEstimator) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory/TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory ************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-ImpactPoint3dEstimator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ImpactPoint3dEstimator/TrkImpactPoint3dEstimator') | (default: 'Trk::ImpactPoint3dEstimator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory/TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory) ----- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::DetAnnealingMaker/TrkAnnealingMaker ************************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Cutoff = 9.0 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SetOfTemperatures = [64.0, 16.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0] (default: [3]) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::DetAnnealingMaker/TrkAnnealingMaker) ---------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::FullLinearizedTrackFactory/InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory ************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::FullLinearizedTrackFactory/InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory) ----- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter ********************* |-AnnealingMaker = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetAnnealingMaker/TrkAnnealingMaker') | (default: 'Trk::DetAnnealingMaker') |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-DoSmoothing = True (default: False) |-ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory/TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory') | (default: 'Trk::ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory') |-InitialError = 1e-08 |-LinearizedTrackFactory = PublicToolHandle('Trk::FullLinearizedTrackFactory/InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory') | (default: 'Trk::FullLinearizedTrackFactory') |-MaxDistToLinPoint = 0.5 |-MaxIterations = 50 |-MinWeight = 0.001 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-TrackCompatibilityEstimator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Chi2TrackCompatibilityEstimator') |-VertexSmoother = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SequentialVertexSmoother') |-VertexUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanVertexUpdator') \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter) ------------ /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool/InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool ***** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-MinWeight = 0.0001 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-SeedFinder = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ZScanSeedFinder') |-TrackSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool/InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetDetailedTrackSelector') |-TracksMaxZinterval = 5.0 |-VertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter') | (default: 'Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter') |-addSingleTrackVertices = False |-cutVertexDependence = 2.0 |-finalCutMaxVertexChi2 = 18.420000000000002 |-maxIterations = 100.0 |-maxVertexChi2 = 18.420000000000002 |-realMultiVertex = True |-selectiontype = 0 (default: 0) |-useBeamConstraint = True (default: True) |-useFastCompatibility = True \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool/InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool) ----- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetPriVxFinder/InDetPriVxFinder ****************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TracksName = 'Tracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-VertexFinderTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool/InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool') | (default: 'InDet::InDetPriVxFinderTool') |-VxCandidatesOutputName = 'VxPrimaryCandidate' (default: 'VxPrimaryCandidate') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetPriVxFinder/InDetPriVxFinder) --------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::ParticleCreatorTool/InDetParticleCreatorTool **************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ExpressPerigeeToVertex = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator') |-KeepParameters = True (default: False) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackSummaryTool') |-UseTrackSummaryTool = True \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::ParticleCreatorTool/InDetParticleCreatorTool) ------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::ParticleCreator/InDetParticleCreation ************************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DoSharedHits = False (default: False) |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PRDAssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('') (default: 'Trk::PRD_AssociationTool') |-ParticleCreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ParticleCreatorTool/InDetParticleCreatorTool') | (default: 'Trk::ParticleCreatorTool') |-TrackParticlesOutputName = 'TrackParticleCandidate' (default: 'TrackParticleCandidate') |-TracksName = 'Tracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-VxCandidatesPrimaryName = 'VxPrimaryCandidate' (default: 'VxPrimaryCandidate') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::ParticleCreator/InDetParticleCreation) ----------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::TrackParticleTruthMaker/InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker *********************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-trackParticleTruthCollection = 'TrackParticleTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackParticleTruthCollection') |-trackParticlesName = 'TrackParticleCandidate' (default: 'TrackParticleCandidate') |-tracksName = 'Tracks' (default: 'Tracks') |-tracksTruthName = 'TrackTruthCollection' (default: 'TrackTruthCollection') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TrackParticleTruthMaker/InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker) -------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkV0VertexFitter/InDetV0Fitter ***************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') |-MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') | (default: 'Trk::MagneticFieldTool') |-MaxChi2PerNdf = 0.10000000000000001 |-MaxIterations = 10 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkV0VertexFitter/InDetV0Fitter) -------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKVFitter ***************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Constraint = 0 (default: 0) |-CovVrtForConstraint = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'DefaultVKalPropagator') |-FirstMeasuredPoint = False |-IDsizeR = 1150.0 |-IDsizeZ = 3000.0 |-InputParticleMasses = [] (default: []) |-IterationNumber = 30 (default: 0) |-IterationPrecision = 0.0 |-MagFieldAtlasService = 'DefaultVKalField' |-MagFieldSvc = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MakeExtendedVertex = True (default: False) |-MassForConstraint = 497.67000000000002 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RobustScale = 1.0 |-Robustness = 0 |-VertexForConstraint = [0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0]) |-ZeroChgTracks = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKVFitter) -------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKKVFitter **************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Constraint = 1 (default: 0) |-CovVrtForConstraint = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'DefaultVKalPropagator') |-FirstMeasuredPoint = False |-IDsizeR = 1150.0 |-IDsizeZ = 3000.0 |-InputParticleMasses = [139.56999999999999, 139.56999999999999] (default: []) |-IterationNumber = 30 (default: 0) |-IterationPrecision = 0.0 |-MagFieldAtlasService = 'DefaultVKalField' |-MagFieldSvc = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MakeExtendedVertex = True (default: False) |-MassForConstraint = 497.67200000000003 (default: 497.67000000000002) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RobustScale = 1.0 |-Robustness = 0 |-VertexForConstraint = [0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0]) |-ZeroChgTracks = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKKVFitter) ------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLFitter ***************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Constraint = 1 (default: 0) |-CovVrtForConstraint = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'DefaultVKalPropagator') |-FirstMeasuredPoint = False |-IDsizeR = 1150.0 |-IDsizeZ = 3000.0 |-InputParticleMasses = [938.27200000000005, 139.56999999999999] (default: []) |-IterationNumber = 30 (default: 0) |-IterationPrecision = 0.0 |-MagFieldAtlasService = 'DefaultVKalField' |-MagFieldSvc = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MakeExtendedVertex = True (default: False) |-MassForConstraint = 1115.6800000000001 (default: 497.67000000000002) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RobustScale = 1.0 |-Robustness = 0 |-VertexForConstraint = [0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0]) |-ZeroChgTracks = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLFitter) -------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLbFitter **************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Constraint = 1 (default: 0) |-CovVrtForConstraint = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'DefaultVKalPropagator') |-FirstMeasuredPoint = False |-IDsizeR = 1150.0 |-IDsizeZ = 3000.0 |-InputParticleMasses = [139.56999999999999, 938.27200000000005] (default: []) |-IterationNumber = 30 (default: 0) |-IterationPrecision = 0.0 |-MagFieldAtlasService = 'DefaultVKalField' |-MagFieldSvc = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MakeExtendedVertex = True (default: False) |-MassForConstraint = 1115.6800000000001 (default: 497.67000000000002) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RobustScale = 1.0 |-Robustness = 0 |-VertexForConstraint = [0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0]) |-ZeroChgTracks = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLbFitter) ------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKGFitter ***************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Constraint = 12 (default: 0) |-CovVrtForConstraint = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'DefaultVKalPropagator') |-FirstMeasuredPoint = False |-IDsizeR = 1150.0 |-IDsizeZ = 3000.0 |-InputParticleMasses = [0.51100000000000001, 0.51100000000000001] (default: []) |-IterationNumber = 30 (default: 0) |-IterationPrecision = 0.0 |-MagFieldAtlasService = 'DefaultVKalField' |-MagFieldSvc = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MakeExtendedVertex = True (default: False) |-MassForConstraint = 497.67000000000002 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RobustScale = 1.0 |-Robustness = 6 (default: 0) |-VertexForConstraint = [0, 0, 0] (default: [0, 0, 0]) |-ZeroChgTracks = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKGFitter) -------------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetV0Finder/InDetV0Finder ************************************************ |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils') |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-GammaFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKGFitter') | (default: 'Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter') |-KshortFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKKVFitter') | (default: 'Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter') |-LambdaFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLFitter') | (default: 'Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter') |-LambdabarFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLbFitter') | (default: 'Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TrackParticleCollection = 'TrackParticleCandidate' (default: 'TrackParticleCandidate') |-V0CandidatesOutputName = 'V0Candidates' |-V0Tools = PublicToolHandle('Trk::V0Tools') |-VKVertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKVFitter') | (default: 'Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter') |-VertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkV0VertexFitter/InDetV0Fitter') | (default: 'Trk::V0VertexFitter') |-VxPrimaryCandidate = 'VxPrimaryCandidate' |-d0min = 0.0 |-fitter = 1 |-hitrxy = 0.98999999999999999 |-lcuts = 1 |-massGamma = 0.0 |-massK0S = 497.67200000000003 |-massLambda = 1115.6800000000001 |-masse = 0.51099899999999998 |-masses = 1 |-massp = 938.27200000000005 |-masspi = 139.56999999999999 |-maxChi2 = 6.0 |-maxMassErr = 100.0 |-mcuts = 1 |-minMassProb = 0.001 |-minRxy = 0.10000000000000001 |-minVertProb = 0.001 |-minsxy = 0.10000000000000001 |-nsig = 5 |-point = 2 |-ptmin = 500.0 |-sigmassGamma = 10.0 |-sigmassK0S = 8.5 |-sigmassLambda = 3.5 |-vertex = 1 |-wfac = 1 |-z0min = 0.0 \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetV0Finder/InDetV0Finder) --------------------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetConversionVxFitter ******************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Constraint = 12 (default: 0) |-CovVrtForConstraint = [0.00022499999999999999, 0.0, 0.00022499999999999999, 0.0, 0.0, 100000000.0] | (default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'DefaultVKalPropagator') |-FirstMeasuredPoint = False |-IDsizeR = 1150.0 |-IDsizeZ = 3000.0 |-InputParticleMasses = [0.51100000000000001, 0.51100000000000001] (default: []) |-IterationNumber = 30 (default: 0) |-IterationPrecision = 0.0 |-MagFieldAtlasService = 'DefaultVKalField' |-MagFieldSvc = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') |-MakeExtendedVertex = False |-MassForConstraint = 2.0 (default: 497.67000000000002) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RobustScale = 1.0 |-Robustness = 6 (default: 0) |-VertexForConstraint = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] (default: [0, 0, 0]) |-ZeroChgTracks = [] (default: []) \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetConversionVxFitter) ----------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::SeedNewtonTrkDistanceFinder/InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder ************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-Trk2dDistanceSeeder = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Trk2dDistanceSeeder') |-TrkDistanceFinderImplementation = PublicToolHandle('Trk::NewtonTrkDistanceFinder') \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::SeedNewtonTrkDistanceFinder/InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder) ----- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::StraightLinePropagator/InDetConversionPropagator ************************ |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-NumericalJacobianCalculation = False |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::StraightLinePropagator/InDetConversionPropagator) --------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils *************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils) ------------------ /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TrackSelector/ConversionTrackSelector ********************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') | (default: 'InDet::ConversionFinderUtils') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-RatioCut1 = 0.5 (default: 0.5) |-RatioCut2 = 0.10000000000000001 (default: 0.10000000000000001) |-RatioCut3 = 0.050000000000000003 (default: 0.050000000000000003) |-TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackSummaryTool') |-maxSiD0 = 50.0 (default: 35.0) |-maxSiZ0 = 350.0 (default: 200.0) |-maxTrtD0 = 100.0 (default: 100.0) |-maxTrtZ0 = 1400.0 (default: 1200.0) |-minPt = 500.0 (default: 500.0) \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TrackSelector/ConversionTrackSelector) ------------------------ /***** Public AlgTool InDet::TrackPairsSelector/ConversionTrackPairsSelector *********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') | (default: 'InDet::ConversionFinderUtils') |-DistanceTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SeedNewtonTrkDistanceFinder/InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder') | (default: 'Trk::SeedNewtonDistanceFinder/InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder') |-MaxDistBetweenTracks = [6.0, 90.0, 30.0] (default: [8, 80, 45]) |-MaxEta = [0.5, 0.90000000000000002, 0.40000000000000002] | (default: [0.80000000000000004, 1.2, 1.2]) |-MaxFirstHitRadius = 500.0 (default: 500.0) |-MaxInitDistance = [350.0, 640.0, 80.0] (default: [350, 700, 220]) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::TrackPairsSelector/ConversionTrackPairsSelector) -------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::VertexPointEstimator/ConversionVtxPointEstimator ********************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MaxArcLength = [600.0, 650.0, 680.0] (default: [500, 750, 750]) |-MaxChi2OfVtxEstimation = 20.0 (default: 20.0) |-MaxTrkXYDiffAtVtx = [6.0, 8.0, 2.0] (default: [6, 12, 8]) |-MaxTrkXYValue = [450.0, 650.0, 400.0] (default: [480, 700, 650]) |-MaxTrkZDiffAtVtx = [80.0, 380.0, 80.0] (default: [90, 500, 420]) |-MinArcLength = [30.0, 80.0, 350.0] (default: [24, 60, 135]) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::VertexPointEstimator/ConversionVtxPointEstimator) ------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::ConversionPostSelector/ConversionPostSelector ************************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-MaxChi2PerTrack = [40.0, 50.0, 25.0] (default: [35, 25, 20]) |-MaxInvariantMass = [60.0, 50.0, 25.0] (default: [100, 100, 100]) |-MaxdR = -100.0 |-MinFitMomentum = [2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0] (default: [1000, 1000, 1000]) |-MinPt = 500.0 |-MinRadius = [30, 35, 350] (default: [30, 35, 350]) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::ConversionPostSelector/ConversionPostSelector) ---------------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::SingleTrackConversionTool/SingleTrackConversionTool ******************* |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') | (default: 'InDet::ConversionFinderUtils') |-MinInitialHitRadius = 70.0 (default: 70.0) |-MinRatioOfHLhits = 0.94999999999999996 (default: 0.10000000000000001) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') | (default: 'Trk::TrackSummaryTool') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::SingleTrackConversionTool/SingleTrackConversionTool) ---------- /***** Public AlgTool InDet::InDetConversionFinderTools/InDetConversionFinderTools ***************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') | (default: 'InDet::ConversionFinderUtils') |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') |-IsConversion = True (default: False) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 |-PostSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionPostSelector/ConversionPostSelector') | (default: 'InDet::ConversionPostSelector') |-RemoveTrtTracks = False (default: False) |-SingleTrackConversionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SingleTrackConversionTool/SingleTrackConversionTool') | (default: 'InDet::SingleTrackConversionTool') |-TrackPairsSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TrackPairsSelector/ConversionTrackPairsSelector') | (default: 'InDet::TrackPairsSelector') |-TrackParticleCollection = 'TrackParticleCandidate' (default: 'TrackParticleCandidate') |-TrackSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TrackSelector/ConversionTrackSelector') | (default: 'InDet::TrackSelector') |-VertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetConversionVxFitter') | (default: 'Trk::FullVertexFitter') |-VertexPointEstimator = PublicToolHandle('InDet::VertexPointEstimator/ConversionVtxPointEstimator') | (default: 'InDet::VertexPointEstimator') \----- (End of Public AlgTool InDet::InDetConversionFinderTools/InDetConversionFinderTools) -------- /***** Algorithm InDet::ConversionFinder/InDetConversionFinder ************************************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-InDetConversionOutputName = 'ConversionCandidate' (default: 'InDetConversion') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-TracksName = 'TrackParticleCandidate' (default: 'Tracks') |-VertexFinderTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetConversionFinderTools/InDetConversionFinderTools') | (default: 'InDet::InDetConversionFinderTools') \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::ConversionFinder/InDetConversionFinder) ---------------------------- /***** Public AlgTool Trk::TruthToTrack/InDetTruthToTrack ****************************************** |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditTools = False |-Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') | (default: 'Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator') |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 7 \----- (End of Public AlgTool Trk::TruthToTrack/InDetTruthToTrack) --------------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::InDetRecStatisticsAlg/InDetRecStatistics *********************************** |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-DoSharedHits = True |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MakeNtuple = False (default: False) |-McTrackCollectionKey = 'TruthEvent' |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-NtupleMaxEta = 3.0 |-NtupleMinPt = 400.0 |-NtupleSaveHits = False |-NtupleSavePV = False |-NtupleSaveTRT = False |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PRDAssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::PRD_AssociationTool') |-PrintSecondary = True (default: False) |-RecoPrimaryVertexContainerName = 'VxPrimaryCandidate' |-ResidualPullCalculatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ResidualPullCalculator/ResidualPullCalculator') |-SkipOutliers = True |-SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits') | (default: 'Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') |-TrackCollectionKeys = ['ConvertedXKalmanTracks', 'ConvertedIPatTracks', 'SiSPSeededTracks', 'ResolvedTracks', 'ExtendedTracks', 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPt', 'ResolvedTracksLowPt', 'ExtendedTracksLowPt', 'TRTSeededTracks', 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracks', 'TRTStandaloneTracks', 'CombinedInDetTracks', 'Tracks'] | (default: ['Tracks']) |-TrackTruthCollectionKeys = ['ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth', 'ConvertedIPatTracksTruth', 'SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollection', 'ResolvedTracksTruthCollection', 'ExtendedTracksTruthCollection', 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollection', 'ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollection', 'ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollection', 'TRTSeededTracksTruthCollection', 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollection', 'TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollection', 'CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollection', 'TrackTruthCollection'] | (default: ['TrackTruthCollection']) |-TruthToTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TruthToTrack/InDetTruthToTrack') | (default: 'Trk::TruthToTrack') |-UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator/TrkKalmanUpdator') |-UseTrackSummary = True (default: True) |-fakeTrackCut = 0.90000000000000002 |-fakeTrackCut2 = 0.69999999999999996 |-matchTrackCut = 0.5 |-maxEta = 2.5 (default: 2.7000000000000002) |-maxEtaBarrel = 0.80000000000000004 |-maxEtaEndcap = 2.5 |-maxEtaTransition = 1.6000000000000001 |-maxRStartPrimary = 25.0 |-maxRStartSecondary = 360.0 |-maxZStartPrimary = 200.0 |-maxZStartSecondary = 2000.0 |-minPt = 1000.0 (default: 1000.0) |-minREndPrimary = 400.0 |-minREndSecondary = 1000.0 |-minZEndPrimary = 2300.0 |-minZEndSecondary = 3200.0 \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::InDetRecStatisticsAlg/InDetRecStatistics) -------------------------- /***** Algorithm InDet::TrackClusterAssValidation/InDetTrackClusterAssValidation ******************* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MinNumberClusters = 6 (default: 6) |-MinNumberClustersTRT = 10 (default: 0) |-MinNumberSpacePoints = 3 (default: 3) |-MomentumCut = 1000.0 (default: 1000.0) |-MomentumMaxCut = 1e+20 |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OutputLevel = 0 |-PixelClustesContainer = 'PixelClusters' |-RadiusMax = 20.0 (default: 30.0) |-RadiusMin = 0.0 (default: 0.0) |-RapidityCut = 2.0 (default: 2.6000000000000001) |-SCT_ClustesContainer = 'SCT_Clusters' |-SpacePointsOverlapName = 'OverlapSpacePoints' (default: 'OverlapSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsPixelName = 'PixelSpacePoints' (default: 'PixelSpacePoints') |-SpacePointsSCTName = 'SCT_SpacePoints' (default: 'SCT_SpacePoints') |-TRT_ClustesContainer = 'TRT_DriftCircles' |-TracksLocation = ['ConvertedXKalmanTracks', 'ConvertedIPatTracks', 'SiSPSeededTracks', 'ResolvedTracks', 'ExtendedTracks', 'SiSPSeededTracksLowPt', 'ResolvedTracksLowPt', 'ExtendedTracksLowPt', 'TRTSeededTracks', 'ResolvedTRTSeededTracks', 'TRTStandaloneTracks', 'CombinedInDetTracks', 'Tracks'] | (default: []) |-TruthLocationPixel = 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel' |-TruthLocationSCT = 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT' |-TruthLocationTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' |-useOutliers = False |-usePixel = True (default: True) |-useSCT = True (default: True) |-useTRT = True (default: True) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::TrackClusterAssValidation/InDetTrackClusterAssValidation) ---------- /***** Algorithm InDet::SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation/InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation ******* |-AuditAlgorithms = False |-AuditBeginRun = False |-AuditEndRun = False |-AuditExecute = False |-AuditFinalize = False |-AuditInitialize = False |-AuditReinitialize = False |-Enable = True |-ErrorCount = 0 |-ErrorMax = 1 |-MinNumberDCs = 15 (default: 10) |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc' |-OrigTracksLocation = 'TRTSegments' (default: 'TRTSegments') |-OutputLevel = 0 |-Pseudorapidity = 2.1000000000000001 (default: 2.1000000000000001) |-RadiusMax = 20.0 (default: 20.0) |-RadiusMin = 0.0 (default: 0.0) |-TRT_DriftCirclesName = 'TRT_DriftCircles' (default: 'TRT_DriftCircles') |-TruthNameTRT = 'PRD_MultiTruthTRT' |-pTmin = 500.0 (default: 500.0) \----- (End of Algorithm InDet::SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation/InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation) ----- Py:Athena INFO including file "" Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/" ApplicationMgr INFO Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0 ApplicationMgr SUCCESS ==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to ApplicationMgr $Revision: 1.72 $ running on on Fri Jun 20 11:59:21 2008 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Updating ROOT::Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0 StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1 DetectorStore INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 EventPersistencySvc INFO 'CnvServices':[ 'DetDescrCnvSvc' , 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc' , 'TagInfoMgr' ] ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-04-08 ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 310 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 310 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-00-18 MetaDataSvc INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-06-31 AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-15-03 PoolSvc INFO Initializing PoolSvc - package version PoolSvc-00-14-06 AthenaSealSvc INFO begin initialize() - loading dictionary fillers: size 4 AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 4896 types added 1451 dictionary filler name:STLRflx AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 6347 types added 686 dictionary filler name:STLAddRflx AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 7033 types added 805 dictionary filler name:AtlasSTLAddReflexDict AthenaSealSvc INFO loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 7838 types added 567 dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict PoolSvc INFO POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml PoolSvc INFO Resolved path is /afs/ XMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Connecting to the catalog PoolXMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Xerces-c initialization Number 0 PoolXMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Read-only filesystem PoolXMLFileCatalog: level[Info] XercesC termination number 0 XMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Disconnected PoolSvc INFO No POOL WriteCatalog was specified--using POOL default. WARNING: $POOL_CATALOG is not defined using default `xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml' XMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Connecting to the catalog PoolXMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Xerces-c initialization Number 0 XMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Connecting to the catalog PoolXMLFileCatalog: level[Info] Read-only filesystem PoolSvc INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to 'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':300/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':3600/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds with connection cleanup disabled PoolSvc INFO Frontier compression level set to 5 DBReplicaSvc INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/ DBReplicaSvc INFO Total of 4 servers found for host PoolSvc INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm DbSession Info Open DbSession AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized DbSession Info Closed DbSession AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Loading POOL XMLAuthenticationService. InputMetaDataStore INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 TagMetaDataStore INFO Initializing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 MetaDataStore INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 IOVDbSvc INFO Opened read transaction for POOL PersistencySvc. IOVDbSvc INFO DbConnections are managed (opened when needed) IOVDbSvc INFO POOL file connections are managed (closed at end of event) IOVDbSvc INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully EventSelector INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-06-31 DbSession Info Open DbSession Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 50A3D000-5D18-DD11-BB40-00145EED0B6C Domain[ROOT_All] Info castor:/castor/ StoreGateSvc INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 IOVDbSvc INFO castor:/castor/ Always Root file version:51400 ImplicitCollection Info Opened the implicit collection with connection string "PFN:castor:/castor/" ImplicitCollection Info and a name "POOLContainer_DataHeader" ActiveStoreSvc INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 InputMetaDataStore WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object MetaDataSvc of type DataHeader(CLID 222376821) MetaDataSvc WARNING Unable to load MetaData Proxies ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool INFO Could not retrieve IOVMetaDataContainer objects from InputMetaDataStore - cannot process input file meta data EventSelector INFO EventSelection with query 'Query': EventSelector INFO ----- EventSelectorAthenaPool Initialized Properly IOVDbSvc INFO RalDatabaseSvc Info Instantiate the RalDatabaseSvc RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLONL_INDET/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Loading default plugin for coral::IRelationalService: CORAL/Services/RelationalService CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "frontier" with native implementation CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "mysql" with native implementation CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "oracle" with native implementation CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Found plugin for RDBMS technology "sqlite" with native implementation CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "frontier" is native CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "mysql" is native CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "oracle" is native CORAL/Services/RelationalService Info Default implementation for RDBMS technology "sqlite" is native CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Loading default plugin for coral::ILookupService: CORAL/Services/XMLLookupService CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Loading default plugin for coral::IAuthenticationService: CORAL/Services/XMLAuthenticationService CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "ATLAS_COOLPROD" established. Id=9bdaa332-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "ATLAS_COOLPROD" started for user "ATLAS_COOL_READER". Connection Id=9bdaa332-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLONL_INDET/OFLP200' RelationalDatabase Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.1.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 2.4.0 IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLONL_TRT/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "ATLAS_COOLPROD" started for user "ATLAS_COOL_READER". Connection Id=9bdaa332-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLONL_TRT/OFLP200' RelationalDatabase Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.0.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 2.4.0 RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLONL_PIXEL/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "ATLAS_COOLPROD" started for user "ATLAS_COOL_READER". Connection Id=9bdaa332-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLONL_PIXEL/OFLP200' RelationalDatabase Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.1.0 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 2.4.0 RalSessionMgr Info Instantiate a R/O RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_DCS/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Connect to the database server CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "ATLAS_COOLPROD" started for user "ATLAS_COOL_READER". Connection Id=9bdaa332-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 RalSessionMgr Info Start a read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RelationalDatabase Info Instantiate a R/O RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_DCS/OFLP200' RelationalDatabase Warning Release number backward compatibility - NO SCHEMA EVOLUTION REQUIRED: database with OLDER release number 2.2.2 will be opened using CURRENT client release number 2.4.0 IOVDbMgr INFO HVS tag PixDCS-00-00-00 resolved to PixDCSTemperature-00-00-00 for folder /PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE IOVDbMgr INFO HVS tag PixDCS-00-00-00 resolved to PixDCSHV-00-00-00 for folder /PIXEL/DCS/HV IOVDbMgr INFO HVS tag PixDCS-00-00-00 resolved to PixDCSFSMStatus-00-00-00 for folder /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS IOVDbMgr INFO HVS tag PixDCS-00-00-00 resolved to PixDCSFSMState-00-00-01 for folder /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE DetDescrCnvSvc INFO initializing DetDescrCnvSvc INFO Found DetectorStore service DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling proxies for detector managers DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for InDetMgr with CLID 2512 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for MuonMgr with CLID 4060 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store DetDescrCnvSvc INFO filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store GeoModelSvc INFO Retrieved DetectorTools = PrivateToolHandleArray(['PixelDetectorTool/PixelDetectorTool','SCT_DetectorTool/SCT_DetectorTool','TRT_DetectorTool/TRT_DetectorTool','InDetServMatTool/InDetServMatTool','BeamPipeDetectorTool/BeamPipeDetectorTool']) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "atlas_dd" established. Id=9ddeb34e-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "atlas_dd" started for user "atlasdd_reader". Connection Id=9ddeb34e-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "atlas_dd" established. Id=9ea9d880-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "atlas_dd" started for user "atlasdd_reader". Connection Id=9ea9d880-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 GeoModelSvc.PixelDetectorTool INFO Building Pixel Detector with Version Tag: ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 at Node: ATLAS GeoModelSvc.PixelDetectorTool INFO Pixel Version: Pixel-DC3-04 Package Version: PixelGeoModel-00-06-03 ToolSvc.InDetDD::BCM_Builder INFO BCMBuilder initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetDD::BCM_Builder GeoModelSvc.PixelDetectorTool INFO BCM_GeoModel tool retrieved: BCM_Tool = PublicToolHandle('InDetDD::BCM_Builder/InDetDD::BCM_Builder') ToolSvc.InDetDD::BLM_Builder INFO BLMBuilder initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetDD::BLM_Builder GeoModelSvc.PixelDetectorTool INFO BLM_GeoModel tool retrieved: BLM_Tool = PublicToolHandle('InDetDD::BLM_Builder/InDetDD::BLM_Builder') EventPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:DetDescrCnvSvc IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in initialize IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in createObj: creating a IdDictManager object in the detector store IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO IdDictName: IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading InnerDetector IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictInnerDetector.xml IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading LArCalorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictLArCalorimeter_DC3-05-Comm-01.xml IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading TileCalorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictTileCalorimeter.xml IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading Calorimeter IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictCalorimeter_L1Onl.xml IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Reading MuonSpectrometer IdDict file IdDictParser/IdDictMuonSpectrometer_R.01.xml IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Found id dicts: IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Using dictionary tag: destaged_layout IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary ATLAS version default DetDescr tag (using default) IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary Calorimeter version default DetDescr tag CaloIdentifier-LVL1-02 IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary InnerDetector version default DetDescr tag InDetIdentifier-05 IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArCalorimeter version fullAtlas DetDescr tag LArIdentifier-DC3-05-Comm IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArElectrode version fullAtlas DetDescr tag (using default) IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary LArHighVoltage version fullAtlas DetDescr tag (using default) IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary MuonSpectrometer version R.01 DetDescr tag MuonIdentifier-02 IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO Dictionary TileCalorimeter version fullAtlasAndTestBeam DetDescr tag TileIdentifier-00 PixelID INFO Initialize from dictionary AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK PixelGeoModel INFO Retrieving Record Sets from database ... PixelGeoModel INFO Key = ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 Node = ATLAS PixelGeoModel INFO ... Record Sets retrieved. PixelDetectorFactory INFO Building Pixel Detector PixelDetectorFactory INFO Version: Pixel-DC3-04, Name: DC3, Layout: Final, Code Version: 4.00.00, Description: DC3 Geometry ToolSvc.InDetDD::BCM_Builder INFO BCMBuilder building... ToolSvc.InDetDD::BCM_Builder INFO Building BCM with Version Tag: ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 at Node: ATLAS ToolSvc.InDetDD::BCM_Builder INFO BCM Version: Package Version: BCM_GeoModel-00-01-03 ToolSvc.InDetDD::BCM_Builder INFO No BCM Version. BCM will not be built. ToolSvc.InDetDD::BLM_Builder INFO BLMBuilder building... ToolSvc.InDetDD::BLM_Builder INFO Building BLM with Version Tag: ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 at Node: ATLAS ToolSvc.InDetDD::BLM_Builder INFO BLM Version: Package Version: BLM_GeoModel-00-00-02 ToolSvc.InDetDD::BLM_Builder INFO No BLM Version. BLM will not be built. GeoModelSvc.SCT_DetectorTool INFO Building SCT with Version Tag: ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 at Node: ATLAS GeoModelSvc.SCT_DetectorTool INFO SCT Version: SCT-DC3-05 Package Version: SCT_GeoModel-00-09-27 SCT_ID INFO Initialize from dictionary MSG::DEBUG (Re)initialize AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK MSG::DEBUG decode index and bit fields for each level: MSG::DEBUG indet decode 1 vals 2,4,5,7,10,11,12 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 7 1fffffff 29 3 0 indexes 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 4 5 6 mode enumerated MSG::DEBUG sct decode 1 vals 1:3 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 3 e7ffffff 27 2 3 indexes mode both_bounded MSG::DEBUG bec decode 1 vals -2,0,2 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 3 f9ffffff 25 2 5 indexes 0 0 1 0 2 mode enumerated MSG::DEBUG lay_disk decode 0 vals 0:8 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset f fe1fffff 21 4 7 indexes mode both_bounded MSG::DEBUG phi_mod decode 0 vals 0:55 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 3f ffe07fff 15 6 11 indexes mode both_bounded MSG::DEBUG eta_mod decode 1 vals -6:6 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset f ffff87ff 11 4 17 indexes mode both_bounded MSG::DEBUG side decode 0 vals 0:1 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 1 fffffbff 10 1 21 indexes mode both_bounded MSG::DEBUG strip decode 0 vals 0:767 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 3ff fffffc00 0 10 22 indexes mode both_bounded MSG::DEBUG SCT_ID::initialize_from_dict Set barrel field values: 0 MSG::DEBUG SCT_ID::initialize_from_dict Found field values: SCT 2 MSG::DEBUG SCT_ID::init_neighbors MSG::INFO SCT_ID::initialize_from_dict MSG::DEBUG Wafer range -> 2/2/0/0/0:31/-6:-1/0:1 | 2/2/0/1/0:39/-6:-1/0:1 | 2/2/0/2/0:47/-6:-1/0:1 | 2/2/0/3/0:55/-6:-1/0:1 | 2/2/0/0/0:31/1:6/0:1 | 2/2/0/1/0:39/1:6/0:1 | 2/2/0/2/0:47/1:6/0:1 | 2/2/0/3/0:55/1:6/0:1 | 2/2/-2,2/0:8/0:51/0/0:1 | 2/2/-2,2/0/0:39/1/0:1 | 2/2/-2,2/1:5/0:39/1:2/0:1 | 2/2/-2,2/6:7/0:39/1/0:1 MSG::DEBUG Strip range -> 2/2/0/0/0:31/-6:-1/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/1/0:39/-6:-1/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/2/0:47/-6:-1/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/3/0:55/-6:-1/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/0/0:31/1:6/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/1/0:39/1:6/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/2/0:47/1:6/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/0/3/0:55/1:6/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/-2,2/0:8/0:51/0/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/-2,2/0/0:39/1/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/-2,2/1:5/0:39/1:2/0:1/0:767 | 2/2/-2,2/6:7/0:39/1/0:1/0:767 SCT_DetectorFactory INFO Building SCT Detector. SCT_DetectorFactory INFO Version: SCT-DC3-05, Name: DC3, Layout: Final, Code Version: 3.04.04, Description: DC3 Geometry SCT_GeoModel INFO Retrieving Record Sets from database ... GeoModelSvc.TRT_DetectorTool INFO Building TRT with Version Tag: ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 at Node: ATLAS GeoModelSvc.TRT_DetectorTool INFO TRT Version: TRT-R13-00 Package Version: TRT_GeoModel-00-02-28 GeoModelSvc.TRT_DetectorTool INFO Building TRT geometry from GeoModel factory TRTDetectorFactory_Full INFO Initialize from dictionary cout 0 DEBUG (Re)initialize AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK DEBUG decode index and bit fields for each level: DEBUG indet decode 1 vals 2,4,5,7,10,11,12 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 7 1fffffff 29 3 0 indexes 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 4 5 6 mode enumerated DEBUG trt decode 1 vals 1:3 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 3 e7ffffff 27 2 3 indexes mode both_bounded DEBUG bec decode 1 vals -2,-1,1,2 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 3 f9ffffff 25 2 5 indexes 0 1 0 2 3 mode enumerated DEBUG phi_mod decode 0 vals 0:31 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 1f fe0fffff 20 5 7 indexes mode both_bounded DEBUG lay_wheel decode 0 vals 0:17 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 1f fff07fff 15 5 12 indexes mode both_bounded DEBUG str_lay decode 0 vals 0:29 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 1f ffff83ff 10 5 17 indexes mode both_bounded DEBUG straw decode 0 vals 0:28 mask/zero mask/shift/bits/offset 1f fffffc1f 5 5 22 indexes mode both_bounded DEBUG TRT_ID::initialize_from_dict Set barrel field values: -1,1 DEBUG TRT_ID::initialize_from_dict Found field values: InDet/TRT 2/3 DEBUG Module range -> 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/0:5 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/6:13 DEBUG TRT_ID::init_hashes module hash max 1088 DEBUG TRT_ID::init_hashes straw layer hash max 14912 DEBUG TRT_ID::init_hashes straw hash max 350848 DEBUG TRT_ID::initialize_from_dict DEBUG Module range -> 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/0:5 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/6:13 DEBUG Straw layer range -> 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/0 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/1:4 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/5:9 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/10:14 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/15:17 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/18 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/0 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/1:5 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/6:10 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/11:15 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/16:20 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/21:22 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/23 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/0 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/1:4 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/5:9 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/10:14 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/15:19 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/20:24 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/25:28 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/29 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/0:5/0:15 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/6:13/0:7 DEBUG Straw range -> 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/0/0:14 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/1:4/0:15 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/5:9/0:16 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/10:14/0:17 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/15:17/0:18 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/0/18/0:17 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/0/0:18 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/1:5/0:19 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/6:10/0:20 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/11:15/0:21 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/16:20/0:22 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/21:22/0:23 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/1/23/0:22 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/0/0:22 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/1:4/0:23 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/5:9/0:24 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/10:14/0:25 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/15:19/0:26 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/20:24/0:27 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/25:28/0:28 | 2/3/-1,1/0:31/2/29/0:27 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/0:5/0:15/0:23 | 2/3/-2,2/0:31/6:13/0:7/0:23 TRT_DetectorFactory INFO In TRT Detector Factory (For DC2 and later geometries) TRT_DetectorFactory INFO Version: TRT-R13-00, Name: DC3, Layout: Initial, Code Version: 4.01.01, Description: DC3 Geometry GeoModelSvc.InDetServMatTool INFO InDetServMat Package Version: InDetServMatGeoModel-00-02-10 GeoModelSvc.InDetServMatTool INFO Building Inner Detector Service Material GeoModelSvc.BeamPipeDetectorTool INFO Building Beam Pipe ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 1094 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL SpecialPixelMapSvc INFO Initializing SpecialPixelMapSvc SpecialPixelMapSvc INFO Detector store retrieved AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-33-03 InDetPixelClusterization INFO PixelClusterization::initialize() ToolSvc.InDetMergedPixelsTool INFO initialize() ToolSvc.InDetClusterMakerTool INFO ToolSvc.InDetClusterMakerTool initialize() PixelOfflineCalibSvc INFO initialize() PixelOfflineCalibSvc INFO initialize() successful in PixelOfflineCalibSvc PixelOfflineCalibSvc INFO StoreGateSvc retrieved! ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool initialize() ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO StoreGateSvc retrieved! ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO createPixelCalibObjects method called PixelClusterErrorData Initialize done ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO Load PixelErrorData constants from text file ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO Load PixelClusterOnTrackErrorData constants from text file ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO Load PixelChargeInterpolationData constants from text file ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2176 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL PixelOfflineCalibSvc INFO Retrieved tool PixelRecoDbTool ToolSvc.InDetClusterMakerTool INFO Retrieved tool IID_2 PixelCalibSvc INFO initialize() successful in PixelCalibSvc PixelCalibSvc INFO StoreGateSvc retrieved! PixelCalibSvc INFO Found all Pixel service ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool initialize() ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO StoreGateSvc retrieved! ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO Found all Pixel service ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO m_calibobjs size 1744 writedb ? 'WriteDB':False ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO PixelCalibDbTool: The Pixel/Calib keys and chips are: 1744 PixelCalibSvc INFO Database tool: PixelCalibDbTool retrieved. ToolSvc.PixelIdMapping INFO PixelIdMapping::initialize ToolSvc.PixelIdMapping INFO Layout: Final ToolSvc.PixelIdMapping INFO using Final Cabling ToolSvc.InDetClusterMakerTool INFO Retrieved tool IID_2 ToolSvc.InDetMergedPixelsTool INFO globalPosAlg: Retrieved tool InDet::ClusterMakerTool PixelConditionsSummarySvc INFO Initializing PixelConditionsSummarySvc PixelDCSSvc INFO PixelDCSSvc Entering PixelDCSSvc::initialize() PixelDCSSvc INFO initialize() successful in PixelDCSSvc PixelDCSSvc INFO Detector store retrieved PixelDCSSvc INFO Found all Pixel services ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2185 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL PixelConditionsSummarySvc INFO PixelDCSSvc retrieved ToolSvc.InDetMergedPixelsTool INFO Retrieved service IID_2 InDetPixelClusterization INFO clusteringTool: Retrieved tool InDet::MergedPixelsTool InDetPixelClusterization INFO gangedAmbiguitiesFinder: Retrieved tool InDet::PixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder InDetSCT_Clusterization INFO SCT_Clusterization::initialize()! SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc INFO No services were selected for the SCT summary SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc INFO SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc::initialize() ToolSvc.InDetSCT_ClusteringTool INFO Initialize clustering tool ToolSvc.InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool INFO You have chosen to override the Data/MC detection Your selection will take effect on BeginRun Incident ToolSvc.InDetTRT_DriftCircleTool INFO TRTDriftFunctionTool: Retrieved tool TRT_DriftFunctionTool ToolSvc.InDetTRTConditionsSummaryTool INFO TRT_ConditionsSummaryTool::initialize. ToolSvc.InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool INFO TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool initialize method called ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2273 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool INFO TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool initialized successfully ToolSvc.InDetTRT_DriftCircleTool INFO Retrieved tool ConditionsSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('TRT_ConditionsSummaryTool/InDetTRTConditionsSummaryTool') InDetTRT_RIO_Maker INFO TRT_DriftCircleTool: Retrieved tool TRT_DriftCircleTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleTool/InDetTRT_DriftCircleTool') ToolSvc.TRTStrawStatusTool INFO TRTStrawStatusTool::initialize !!! ToolSvc.TRTStrawStatusTool INFO Got the StoreGate svc ToolSvc.TRTStrawStatusTool INFO Got the Detector svc InDetTRT_RIO_Maker INFO TRTStrawStatusTool: Retrieved tool TRTStrawStatusTool InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool PRDTruthTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PRD_MultiTruthBuilder') InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker INFO PRD_MultiTurthMaker initialized successfully ! ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2291 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder INFO Initialized successfully iPatRec INFO iPatRec::initialize() - package version iPatRecAlgs-00-17-31 ToolSvc.LayerAllocator INFO LayerAllocator::initialize() - package version iPatGeometryTools-00-00-02 ToolSvc.LayerAllocator INFO Retrieved tool DetectorSelection = PublicToolHandle('DetectorSelection/DetectorSelection') SiliconRectangle: localEtaWidth 30.40 localPhiWidth 8.20 ToolSvc.LayerAllocator INFO made pixel rings. Version name DC3 SiliconTrapezoid: localEtaWidth 60.62 localPhiWidth 31.01 bond-gap: localEta 3.0 -> 5.1 SiliconTrapezoid: localEtaWidth 58.85 localPhiWidth 31.58 bond-gap: localEta 4.3 -> 6.4 SiliconTrapezoid: localEtaWidth 29.55 localPhiWidth 24.26 SiliconTrapezoid: localEtaWidth 26.24 localPhiWidth 34.18 SiliconRectangle: localEtaWidth 63.05 localPhiWidth 30.72 bond-gap: localEta -1.0 -> 1.0 ToolSvc.LayerAllocator INFO made sct rings. Version name DC3 ToolSvc.SiDetectorLocator INFO Retrieved tool LayerAllocator = PublicToolHandle('LayerAllocator/LayerAllocator') ToolSvc.SiDetectorLocator INFO SiDetectorLocator initialized with 1744 pixel and 8176 SCT detectors ToolSvc.AlignmentTolerances INFO Retrieved tool SiDetectorLocator = PublicToolHandle('SiDetectorLocator/SiDetectorLocator') ToolSvc.AlignmentTolerances INFO AlignmentTolerances initialized iPatRec INFO Retrieved tool AlignmentTolerances = PublicToolHandle('AlignmentTolerances/AlignmentTolerances') iPatRec INFO Retrieved tool DetectorSelection = PublicToolHandle('DetectorSelection/DetectorSelection') ToolSvc.TrackFinder INFO TrackFinder::initialize() ToolSvc.TrackBuilder INFO TrackBuilder::initialize() ToolSvc.TrackFitter INFO TrackFitter::initialize() - package version iPatTrackFitter-01-02-09 ToolSvc.RungeKuttaIntersector INFO RungeKuttaIntersector::initialize() - package version TrkExRungeKuttaIntersector-00-04-12 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : MagFieldParam Constructor MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : setDefault MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_binner 20.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_rmainn 105.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_zmainn 320.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_eps0 5.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_rtori 423.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_ztori 681.5 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_rtoro 1500.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_ztoro 2300.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_itf 9999 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dx 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dy 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dz 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dpsi 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dphi 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dtheta 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dx 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dy 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dz 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dpsi 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dphi 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dtheta 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : noTiltNoShift 9999 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO in initialize() MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Magnetic Field information from ORACLE MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO in initGeoModel() MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO *********************************************** MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * Retrieving Magnetic Field from DD DataBase! * MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO *********************************************** CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:geomDB/geomDB_sqlite": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/ is not writable" ) CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info Connection to service "atlas_dd" established. Id=ac5bfdaa-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Info New session on connection to service "atlas_dd" started for user "atlasdd_reader". Connection Id=ac5bfdaa-3eaf-11dd-8a2b-003048945576 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Using Atlas Geometry version tag: ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Using Atlas Geometry version tag: MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO No Solenoid Map available for this tag MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO BFieldDisplacements tag = BFieldDisplacements-01 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO NO Shifts & NO Tilts For the Global map: tag = BFieldDisplacements-01 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Only Global displacement: BFieldDisplacements Global Map MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO BFieldDisplacements printParam() MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_binner 20.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_rmainn 105.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_zmainn 320.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_eps0 5.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_rtori 423.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_ztori 681.5 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_rtoro 1500.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_ztoro 2300.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_itf 9999 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dx 0.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dy 0.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dz 0.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dpsi 0.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dphi 0.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dtheta 0.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dx 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dy 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dz 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dpsi 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dphi 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : m_dtheta 9999.0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO : noTiltNoShift 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO bfTagName: MagneticField-CSC-01-00-00 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO ATTENTION : ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO itf : 9999 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO in initMagField() MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Selected source : ORACLE MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Input Bfield file : MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Found as : /afs/ MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Global Shifts and Tilts for Magnetic Field: MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Dx 0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Dy 0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Dz 0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Da 0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Db 0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Dc 0 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Solenoid global map : MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO Found as : MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO No Solenoid map: Your are using ATLM semi Analytical calculation MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO r tran 90 BFName /afs/ MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO r tran 90 Istate1 0 ===> ReBfield opening /afs/ ===> opened version in REAMAG_PARAMETER B-3D-R.1 VERTEMP -R.1 ===> DTB: -R.1 ===> Tabulated 3D mag. field version B-3D-R.1 has been read from file No 17 by routine REAMAG ===> ********** **** ******** ===> Tabulated nonlinear 3D mag. field has been read from file No 17 by routine RFELIX ===> **** ******** ===> Tabulated 3D mag. field limits set to : ===> RTORI,ZTORI,RTORO,ZTORO = 423.0 681.5 1500.0 2300.0 (cm) MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO r tran 90 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO r tran 90 VERTEMP -R.1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO r tran 90 Istate2 11 MagFieldFactory INFO :bmagatlas04_test1 and after MagFieldFactory INFO :noTiltNoShift 1 MagFieldFactory INFO :itf 9999 MagFieldFactory INFO :Class MFSXXNoTilt MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO ******************************* MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * Magnetic Field Status * MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * * MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * ToroidBarrelOn() * 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * ToroidECTAOn() * 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * ToroidECTCOn() * 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * AllToroidOn() * 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * SolenoidOn() * 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * FieldStatusOn() * 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO * * MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO ******************************* ToolSvc.AtlasMagneticFieldTool INFO ToolSvc.AtlasMagneticFieldTool initialize() sucessful ToolSvc.RungeKuttaIntersector INFO Retrieved tool MagneticField = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AtlasMagneticFieldTool') ToolSvc.TrackFitter INFO Retrieved tool RungeKuttaIntersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaIntersector/RungeKuttaIntersector') ToolSvc.SolenoidalIntersector INFO SolenoidalIntersector::initialize() - package version TrkExSolenoidalIntersector-00-00-10 TrajectorySvc INFO TrajectorySvc::initialize() - package version iPatTrajectory-00-16-10 parametrize solenoid FastField: central_field 1.964T - please be patient while the solenoid is parametrised !! ToolSvc.SolenoidalIntersector INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('TrajectorySvc/TrajectorySvc') ToolSvc.TrackFitter INFO Retrieved tool SolenoidalIntersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SolenoidalIntersector/SolenoidalIntersector') ToolSvc.StraightLineIntersector INFO StraightLineIntersector::initialize() - package version TrkExStraightLineIntersector-00-00-01 ToolSvc.TrackFitter INFO Retrieved tool StraightLineIntersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::StraightLineIntersector/StraightLineIntersector') ToolSvc.TrackBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackFitter = PublicToolHandle('TrackFitter/TrackFitter') ToolSvc.TrackBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackQuality = PublicToolHandle('TrackQuality/TrackQuality') ToolSvc.TrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool TrackBuilder = PublicToolHandle('TrackBuilder/TrackBuilder') ToolSvc.TrackFollower INFO TrackFollower::initialize()-package version iPatTrackFollower-02-07-12 ToolSvc.SiClusterProperties INFO SiClusterProperties::initialize() ToolSvc.PixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO ToolSvc.PixelClusterOnTrackTool initialize() ToolSvc.PixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool IID_2 ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2371 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool INFO Registered callback on COOL folder /Indet/TrkErrorScaling ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool INFO Folder /MUON/TrkErrorScaling is not loaded, intrinsic meas't errors will be used for Muon RIOs_OnTrack. ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool INFO initialize successful in ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool ToolSvc.PixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool ErrorScalingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool/RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool') ToolSvc.PixelDistortionsTool INFO Reading pixel distortions from database ToolSvc.PixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO Pixel distortions tool retrieved ToolSvc.SiClusterProperties INFO Retrieved tool PixelROT_Maker = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool INFO A strategy to assign tuned, angle-dependent SCT errors will be applied during SCT_ClusterOnTrack making ToolSvc.SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool INFO SCT cluster positions will be corrected ToolSvc.SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool ErrorScalingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool/RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool') ToolSvc.SiClusterProperties INFO Retrieved tool SCT_ROT_Maker = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.TrackFollower INFO Retrieved tool SiClusterProperties = PublicToolHandle('SiClusterProperties/SiClusterProperties') ToolSvc.TrackFollower INFO Retrieved tool LayerAllocator = PublicToolHandle('LayerAllocator/LayerAllocator') ToolSvc.TrackFollower INFO Retrieved tool TrackBuilder = PublicToolHandle('TrackBuilder/TrackBuilder') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO TRT_Recon::initialize() - package version TRT_Rec-05-04-10 ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool DetectorSelection = PublicToolHandle('DetectorSelection/DetectorSelection') ToolSvc.TRT_DataSelector INFO TRT_DataSelector::initialize() ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool TRT_DataSelector = PublicToolHandle('TRT_DataSelector/TRT_DataSelector') ToolSvc.TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool ErrorScalingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool/RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool DriftCircleOnTrackCreator = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.AthenaMagneticFieldTool INFO ToolSvc.AthenaMagneticFieldTool initialize() sucessful ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AthenaMagneticFieldTool') ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeArrayCreator INFO ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeArrayCreator initialize() successful ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackingVolumeArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator/TrackingVolumeArrayCreator') ToolSvc.LayerArrayCreator INFO ToolSvc.LayerArrayCreator initialize() successful ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeHelper INFO Retrieved tool LayerArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::LayerArrayCreator/LayerArrayCreator') ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeHelper INFO Retrieved tool TrackingVolumeArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator/TrackingVolumeArrayCreator') ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeHelper INFO ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeHelper initialize() successful ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackingVolumeHelper = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeHelper/TrackingVolumeHelper') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AtlasMagneticFieldTool') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::LayerArrayCreator/LayerArrayCreator') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackingVolumeArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator/TrackingVolumeArrayCreator') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackingVolumeHelper = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackingVolumeHelper/TrackingVolumeHelper') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::LayerArrayCreator/LayerArrayCreator') ToolSvc.BeamPipeBuilder INFO ToolSvc.BeamPipeBuilder initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool BeamPipeBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::BeamPipeBuilder/BeamPipeBuilder') ToolSvc.PixelVolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AtlasMagneticFieldTool') ToolSvc.PixelVolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::LayerArrayCreator/LayerArrayCreator') ToolSvc.PixelLayerBuilder INFO ToolSvc.PixelLayerBuilder initialize() successful ToolSvc.PixelVolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelLayerBuilder/PixelLayerBuilder') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool PixelVolumeBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelVolumeBuilder/PixelVolumeBuilder') ToolSvc.SCT_VolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AtlasMagneticFieldTool') ToolSvc.SCT_VolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::LayerArrayCreator/LayerArrayCreator') ToolSvc.SCT_LayerBuilder INFO ToolSvc.SCT_LayerBuilder initialize() successful ToolSvc.SCT_VolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_LayerBuilder/SCT_LayerBuilder') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool SCT_VolumeBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_VolumeBuilder/SCT_VolumeBuilder') ToolSvc.TRT_VolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/AtlasMagneticFieldTool') ToolSvc.TRT_VolumeBuilder INFO Retrieved tool LayerArrayCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::LayerArrayCreator/LayerArrayCreator') ToolSvc.TRT_VolumeBuilder INFO ToolSvc.TRT_VolumeBuilder initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TRT_VolumeBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_VolumeBuilder/TRT_VolumeBuilder') ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO initialize() succesful ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder INFO Retrieved tool InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder/InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder') ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder INFO ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder initialize() successful AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc INFO Retrieved tool GeometryBuilder = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GeometryBuilder/AtlasGeometryBuilder') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2468 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc INFO initialize() successful! ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator INFO Successfully retrieved TrackingGeometrySvc = ServiceHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc') ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator INFO ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator initialize() successful ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool DynamicLayerCreator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DynamicLayerCreator/DynamicLayerCreator') ToolSvc.TRT_Histogrammer INFO TRT_Histogrammer::initialize() - package version TRT_Rec-05-04-10 ToolSvc.TRT_Histogrammer INFO Retrieved tool DriftCircleOnTrackMaker = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.TRT_Histogrammer INFO Retrieved tool StrawOnTrackMaker = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool TRT_Histogrammer = PublicToolHandle('TRT_Histogrammer/TRT_Histogrammer') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool Intersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaIntersector/RungeKuttaIntersector') ToolSvc.TRT_Predictor INFO TRT_Predictor::initialize() RegSelSvc INFO Initializing RegSelSvc - package version RegionSelector-03-03-06-07 RegSelSvc INFO DetectorDescription version ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 (obtained from GeoModelSvc) RegSelSvc INFO DeltaZ = 168 RegSelSvc INFO detector switches: indet=enabled ( sct=enabled pixel=enabled trt=enabled ) calo=disabled muon=disabled RegSelSvc INFO registered Listener with IncidentSvc ToolSvc.TRT_Predictor INFO Retrieved service ServiceHandle('RegSelSvc') ToolSvc.TRT_Predictor INFO Retrieved tool Intersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaIntersector/RungeKuttaIntersector') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool TRT_Predictor = PublicToolHandle('TRT_Predictor/TRT_Predictor') ToolSvc.IntersectorWrapper INFO Retrieved tool Intersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaIntersector/RungeKuttaIntersector') ToolSvc.StraightLinePropagator INFO initialize() successful ToolSvc.IntersectorWrapper INFO Retrieved tool LinePropagator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::StraightLinePropagator/StraightLinePropagator') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool PublicToolHandle('Trk::IntersectorWrapper/IntersectorWrapper') ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO Retrieved tool StrawOnTrackCreator = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') ToolSvc.TrackFollower INFO Retrieved tool TRT_Recon = PublicToolHandle('TRT_Recon/TRT_Recon') ToolSvc.TrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool TrackFollower = PublicToolHandle('TrackFollower/TrackFollower') ToolSvc.CandidateBuilder INFO CandidateBuilder::initialize() ToolSvc.CandidateBuilder INFO Retrieved tool SiClusterProperties = PublicToolHandle('SiClusterProperties/SiClusterProperties') ToolSvc.CandidateBuilder INFO Retrieved tool SiDetectorLocator = PublicToolHandle('SiDetectorLocator/SiDetectorLocator') ToolSvc.CandidateBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackFitter = PublicToolHandle('TrackFitter/TrackFitter') ToolSvc.CandidateBuilder INFO Retrieved tool TrackQuality = PublicToolHandle('TrackQuality/TrackQuality') ToolSvc.CombinationMaker INFO CombinationMaker::initialize() ToolSvc.CombinationMaker INFO Retrieved tool DetectorSelection = PublicToolHandle('DetectorSelection/DetectorSelection') ToolSvc.LayerNumberAllocator INFO LayerNumberAllocator::initialize()-package version iPatGeometryTools-00-00-02 ToolSvc.LayerNumberAllocator INFO Retrieved tool LayerAllocator = PublicToolHandle('LayerAllocator/LayerAllocator') LayerNumberAllocator: pixel wheel z-boundary r-boundaries 0 446.8 69.9 105.8 135.8 1 534.4 1.0 122.2 157.0 2 611.9 88.9 107.4 157.0 3 1293.8 1.0 2.0 157.0 LayerNumberAllocator: sct wheel z-boundary r-boundaries 0 789.4 336.8 408.0 479.6 1047.3 1 874.7 354.7 435.2 518.2 1125.8 2 993.5 374.0 394.0 483.5 1125.8 3 1176.5 327.8 447.3 471.3 1125.8 4 1330.6 333.5 401.1 544.4 1125.8 5 1566.3 297.4 361.9 435.3 1125.8 6 1924.1 354.3 389.0 468.0 1125.8 7 2290.9 1.0 426.4 470.5 1125.8 8 2608.4 1.0 2.0 510.2 1125.8 9 5461.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 1125.8 ToolSvc.CombinationMaker INFO Retrieved tool LayerNumberAllocator = PublicToolHandle('LayerNumberAllocator/LayerNumberAllocator') ToolSvc.FinderTolerances INFO FinderTolerances::initialize() ToolSvc.PointManager INFO PointManager::initialize() ToolSvc.PointManager INFO Retrieved tool SiDetectorLocator = PublicToolHandle('SiDetectorLocator/SiDetectorLocator') ToolSvc.PointManager INFO Retrieved tool LayerNumberAllocator = PublicToolHandle('LayerNumberAllocator/LayerNumberAllocator') ToolSvc.CombinationMaker INFO layout Final ToolSvc.TrackManager INFO TrackManager::initialize() ToolSvc.TrackManager INFO Retrieved tool DetectorSelection = PublicToolHandle('DetectorSelection/DetectorSelection') ToolSvc.TrackManager INFO Retrieved tool TrackBuilder = PublicToolHandle('TrackBuilder/TrackBuilder') ToolSvc.TrackManager INFO Retrieved tool TrackFollower = PublicToolHandle('TrackFollower/TrackFollower') ToolSvc.TrackManager INFO Retrieved tool TrackQuality = PublicToolHandle('TrackQuality/TrackQuality') iPatRec INFO Retrieved tool TrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('TrackFinder/TrackFinder') iPatRec INFO Retrieved tool TrackFollower = PublicToolHandle('TrackFollower/TrackFollower') iPatRec INFO Retrieved tool TrackQuality = PublicToolHandle('TrackQuality/TrackQuality') iPatRec INFO Retrieved tool TRT_DataSelector = PublicToolHandle('TRT_DataSelector/TRT_DataSelector') ToolSvc.FinderTolerances INFO layout Final maxPrimaryImpact 1*mm maxSecondaryImpact 100*mm iPatTrackTruthAssociator INFO iPatTrackTruthAssociator::initialize() ToolSvc.TruthSelector INFO TruthSelector::initialize()-package version TruthTools-00-02-01 PartPropSvc INFO PDT file(s): PartPropSvc INFO PDGTABLE.MeV PartPropSvc INFO Type: PDG --------------- HepPDT Version 2.02.02 --------------- found 259 particles iPatTrackTruthAssociator INFO Retrieved tool TruthSelector = PublicToolHandle('TruthSelector/TruthSelector') iPatStatistics INFO iPatStatistics::initialize() iPatStatistics INFO Retrieved tool DetectorSelection = PublicToolHandle('DetectorSelection/DetectorSelection') iPatStatistics INFO Retrieved tool LayerNumberAllocator = PublicToolHandle('LayerNumberAllocator/LayerNumberAllocator') ToolSvc.TruthParameters INFO TruthParameters::initialize() - package version iPatTruthTrajectory-00-15-02 ToolSvc.TruthParameters INFO Retrieved tool Intersector = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaIntersector/RungeKuttaIntersector') ToolSvc.TruthParameters INFO Retrieved tool TruthSelector = PublicToolHandle('TruthSelector/TruthSelector') iPatStatistics INFO Retrieved tool TruthParameters = PublicToolHandle('TruthParameters/TruthParameters') iPatStatistics INFO Retrieved tool TruthSelector = PublicToolHandle('TruthSelector/TruthSelector') InDetLegacyCnvAlg INFO Retrieved tool inDetIPatToTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetIPatToTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator INFO RIO_OnTrackCreator job configuration: (i) The following RIO correction tools configured (depends on mode = indet): Pixel : ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') SCT : ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') TRT : ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') MDT : ToolMuonDriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackTool') CSC/RPC/TGC: ToolMuonCluster = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MuonClusterOnTrackCreator/MuonClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator ToolSvc.InDetXKalToTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool RIOonTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator') ToolSvc.InDetXKalToTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool RIOonTrackToolTRT = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetXKalToTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool RIOonTrackToolTRTN = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') InDetLegacyCnvAlg INFO Retrieved tool xKalToTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetXKalmanToTrackTool/InDetXKalToTrackTool') AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') ToolSvc.InDetSpSeedsMaker INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') InDetSiSpTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool SeedsTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker') ToolSvc.InDetSiTrackMaker INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetSiRoadMaker INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetSiRoadMaker INFO Retrieved tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2554 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.InDetSiTrackMaker INFO Retrieved tool RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker') ToolSvc.InDetSiComTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetSiComTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ToolSvc.InDetPatternUpdator INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetPatternUpdator ToolSvc.InDetSiComTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator') ToolSvc.InDetSiComTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool RIOonTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator') ToolSvc.InDetPrdAssociationTool INFO InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels::initialize(). ToolSvc.InDetSiComTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool PixelSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('PixelConditionsSummarySvc') ToolSvc.InDetSiComTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool SctSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2616 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.InDetSiTrackMaker INFO Retrieved tool CombinatorialTrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder') InDetSiSpTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool TrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker') SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetAmbiguitySolver INFO TrkAmbiguitySolver::initialize(). AtlasIDDetDescrCnv INFO in createObj: creating a AtlasDetectorID helper object in the detector store AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO Retrieved tools Propagators = PublicToolHandleArray(['Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator']) ToolSvc.InDetNavigator INFO Successfully retrieved TrackingGeometrySvc = ServiceHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc') ToolSvc.InDetNavigator INFO ToolSvc.InDetNavigator initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO Retrieved tool Navigator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Navigator/InDetNavigator') ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator INFO Minimal momentum cut for material update : 50 MeV ToolSvc.AtlasEnergyLossUpdator INFO ToolSvc.AtlasEnergyLossUpdator initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator INFO Retrieved tool EnergyLossUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::EnergyLossUpdator/AtlasEnergyLossUpdator') ToolSvc.AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator INFO ToolSvc.AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator INFO Retrieved tool MultipleScatteringUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator/AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator') ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO Retrieved tools: MaterialEffectsUpdators = PublicToolHandleArray(['Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator']) ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO subPropagator:0 pointing to propagator: ToolSvc.InDetPropagator ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO subMEUpdator:0 pointing to updator: ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO subPropagator:1 pointing to propagator: ToolSvc.InDetPropagator ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO subMEUpdator:1 pointing to updator: ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO subPropagator:2 pointing to propagator: ToolSvc.InDetPropagator ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO subMEUpdator:2 pointing to updator: ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetHoleSearchTool INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetHoleSearchTool INFO Retrieved tool PixelSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('PixelConditionsSummarySvc') ToolSvc.InDetHoleSearchTool INFO Retrieved tool SctSummarySvc = ServiceHandle('SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc') ToolSvc.InDetHoleSearchTool INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetHoleSearchTool ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelper INFO Retrieved tool HoleSearch = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelper INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelper ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool INFO Retrieved tool InDetSummaryHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelper') ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool INFO Retrieved tool InDetHoleSearchTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool INFO Search for InDet holes turned ON ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool INFO Search for Muon holes turned OFF ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool ToolSvc.InDetAmbiScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessor INFO Retrieved tool ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringTool') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessor INFO Retrieved tool SelectionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool') ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator INFO RIO_OnTrackCreator job configuration: (i) The following RIO correction tools configured (depends on mode = indet): Pixel : ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') SCT : ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') TRT : ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool/TRT_RefitRotCreator') MDT : ToolMuonDriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackTool') CSC/RPC/TGC: ToolMuonCluster = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MuonClusterOnTrackCreator/MuonClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool/TRT_RefitRotCreator') AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator INFO RIO_OnTrackCreator job configuration: (i) The following RIO correction tools configured (depends on mode = indet): Pixel : ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool') SCT : ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/BroadSCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') TRT : ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') MDT : ToolMuonDriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackTool') CSC/RPC/TGC: ToolMuonCluster = PublicToolHandle('Muon::MuonClusterOnTrackCreator/MuonClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO ToolSvc.BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool initialize() ToolSvc.BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool IID_2 ToolSvc.BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool ErrorScalingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool/RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool') ToolSvc.BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool INFO Pixel distortions tool retrieved ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolPixelCluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::PixelClusterOnTrackTool/BroadPixelClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.BroadSCT_ClusterOnTrackTool INFO A strategy to apply simple pitch errors will be applied during SCT_ClusterOnTrack making ToolSvc.BroadSCT_ClusterOnTrackTool INFO SCT cluster positions will be corrected ToolSvc.BroadSCT_ClusterOnTrackTool INFO Retrieved tool ErrorScalingTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool/RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool') ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolSCT_Cluster = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/BroadSCT_ClusterOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator INFO Retrieved tool ToolTRT_DriftCircle = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator ToolSvc.InDetUpdator INFO Initial covariance: 250, 250, 0.25, 0.25, 1e-06 (diagonal) ToolSvc.InDetUpdator INFO Track state cov matrix will be calculated according to Gelb-1975 p305. ToolSvc.InDetUpdator INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetUpdator AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO straightline=0, numderivs=0 ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO ref point: (0,0,0) ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO allow empty rots: 0 ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO fixed momentum: 0 ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessor INFO Retrieved tool Fitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') InDetAmbiguitySolver INFO Retrieved tool AmbiguityProcessor = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessor') ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ExtensionTool INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ExtensionTool INFO Retrieved tool RIOonTrackToolYesDr = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ExtensionTool INFO Retrieved tool RIOonTrackToolNoDr = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_RoadMaker INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_RoadMaker INFO Retrieved tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2675 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ExtensionTool INFO Retrieved tool RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_RoadMaker') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ExtensionTool INFO Retrieved tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ExtensionTool INFO Retrieved tool UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator') InDetTRT_Extension INFO Retrieved tool TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') InDetExtensionProcessor INFO InDetExtensionProcessor::initialize() InDetExtensionProcessor INFO Retrieved tool TrackFitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') ToolSvc.InDetExtenScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetExtenScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') InDetExtensionProcessor INFO Retrieved tool ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringTool') ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetLowPtPRD_Association INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetSpSeedsMakerLowPt INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetSpSeedsMakerLowPt INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt INFO Retrieved tool SeedsTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum/InDetSpSeedsMakerLowPt') ToolSvc.InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt INFO Retrieved tool RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker') ToolSvc.InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt INFO Retrieved tool CombinatorialTrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder') InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt INFO Retrieved tool TrackTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMakerLowPt') SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt INFO TrkAmbiguitySolver::initialize(). ToolSvc.InDetAmbiScoringToolLowPt INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiScoringToolLowPt INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt INFO Retrieved tool ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetAmbiScoringToolLowPt') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt INFO Retrieved tool SelectionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetAmbiTrackSelectionToolLowPt') ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt INFO Retrieved tool Fitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt INFO Retrieved tool AmbiguityProcessor = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetAmbiguityProcessorLowPt') ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt INFO Retrieved tool TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt INFO InDetExtensionProcessor::initialize() InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt INFO Retrieved tool TrackFitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') ToolSvc.InDetExtenScoringToolLowPt INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetExtenScoringToolLowPt INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt INFO Retrieved tool ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetExtenScoringToolLowPt') ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetSegmentPRD_Association INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeedsMaker INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeedsMaker INFO Retrieved tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeedsMaker INFO Retrieved tool TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeedsMaker INFO Retrieved tool AssosiationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2702 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder INFO Retrieved tool SegmentsMakerTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk/InDetTRT_SeedsMaker') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker INFO Got the propagator tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker INFO Got the updator tool UpdatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededSiRoad INFO Retrieved tool MagneticTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool_xk/InDetPatternMagField') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededSiRoad INFO Retrieved tool PropagatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPatternPropagator') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2711 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker INFO Got the detector elements road tool RoadTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRT_SeededSiRoad') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker INFO Got the seed tool SeedTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL/InDetTRT_SeededSpFinder') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededTrackMaker INFO Retrieved tool CombinatorialTrackFinder = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk/InDetSiComTrackFinder') InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool TrackExtensionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRT_ExtensionTool') TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver INFO TrkAmbiguitySolver::initialize(). ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProce... INFO Retrieved tool ScoringTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetTRT_SeededScoringTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelec... INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelec... INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelectionTool ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProce... INFO Retrieved tool SelectionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiTrackSelectionTool') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProce... INFO Retrieved tool Fitter = PublicToolHandle('Trk::GlobalChi2Fitter/InDetTrackFitter') InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver INFO Retrieved tool AmbiguityProcessor = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool/InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguityProcessor') ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthM... INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association INFO Retrieved tool AssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') TrkTrackCollectionMerger INFO Retrieved tool AssoTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits INFO Retrieved tool AssoTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels/InDetPrdAssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits INFO Retrieved tool HoleSearch = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits INFO Retrieved tool InDetSummaryHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/InDetSummaryHelperSharedHits') ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2737 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits INFO Retrieved tool TRT_ElectronPidTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TRT_ElectronPidTool/InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool') ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits INFO Retrieved tool InDetHoleSearchTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetTrackHoleSearchTool/InDetHoleSearchTool') ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits INFO Search for InDet holes turned ON ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits INFO Search for Muon holes turned OFF ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits TrkTrackCollectionMerger INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits') CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') InDetTrackSlimmer INFO InDetTrackSlimmer initialize() InDetTrackSlimmer INFO StoreGateSvc retrieved! ToolSvc.InDetTrackSlimmingTool INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetTrackSlimmingTool InDetTrackSlimmer INFO initialize() successful in InDetTrackSlimmer DetailedTrackTruthMaker INFO Retrieved tool TruthTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetailedTrackTruthBuilder') ToolSvc.InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetMagField INFO ToolSvc.InDetMagField initialize() sucessful ToolSvc.InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Retrieved tool LinearizedTrackFactory = PublicToolHandle('Trk::FullLinearizedTrackFactory/InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory') ToolSvc.Trk::Chi2TrackCompatibilityEs... INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Retrieved tool TrackCompatibilityEstimator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Chi2TrackCompatibilityEstimator') ToolSvc.TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.Trk::MagneticFieldTool INFO ToolSvc.Trk::MagneticFieldTool initialize() sucessful ToolSvc.TrkImpactPoint3dEstimator INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory INFO Retrieved tool ImpactPoint3dEstimator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ImpactPoint3dEstimator/TrkImpactPoint3dEstimator') ToolSvc.TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Retrieved tool ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory/TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory') ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Retrieved tool VertexUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanVertexUpdator') ToolSvc.Trk::KalmanVertexTrackUpdator INFO Retrieved tool VertexUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanVertexUpdator') ToolSvc.Trk::SequentialVertexSmoother INFO Retrieved tool VertexTrackUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::KalmanVertexTrackUpdator') ToolSvc.Trk::SequentialVertexSmoother INFO Initialization successfull ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Retrieved tool VertexSmoother = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SequentialVertexSmoother') ToolSvc.TrkAnnealingMaker INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Retrieved tool AnnealingMaker = PublicToolHandle('Trk::DetAnnealingMaker/TrkAnnealingMaker') ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Retrieved tool VertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter') ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.Trk::FsmwMode1dFinder INFO Initialize successfull ToolSvc.Trk::ZScanSeedFinder INFO Retrieved tool Mode1dFinder = PublicToolHandle('Trk::FsmwMode1dFinder') ToolSvc.Trk::ZScanSeedFinder INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Retrieved tool SeedFinder = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ZScanSeedFinder') ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool INFO Track summary tool retrieved ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Track filter retrieved ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO VxPrimary initialize(): Parametersettings ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Trackselection cuts handled by the TrackSelectorTool: TrackSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool/InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool') ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Finder settings: ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Maximum distance between simultaneously fitted vertices: TracksMaxZinterval 5 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Seeding: minimum weight for a track being an outlier: maxVertexChi2 18.42 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Signal identification: final cut on track chi2: finalCutMaxVertexChi2 = 18.42 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Activate complete multi vertex fitting feature: realMultiVertex 1 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Merging vertices: upper cut on significance to merge two vertices: cutVertexDependence = 2 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Maximum number of iterations: maxIterations = 100 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Selection type (0 is sqrt(Ntr)*Sum_{tr} pT^2): selectiontype = 0 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Use fast compatibility (if false use refitted chi2 instead of approximation): useFastCompatibility = 1 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO MinWeight (if track weight in the fit is lower, don't perform the Kalman Update) = 0.0001 ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinder... INFO Initialization successful InDetPriVxFinder INFO Retrieved tool VertexFinderTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool/InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool') InDetPriVxFinder INFO Initialization successful ToolSvc.InDetParticleCreatorTool INFO Retrieved tool TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetParticleCreatorTool INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') InDetParticleCreation INFO Retrieved tool ParticleCreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::ParticleCreatorTool/InDetParticleCreatorTool') InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker INFO TrackParticleTruthMaker::initialize() ToolSvc.InDetV0Fitter INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetV0Fitter INFO Retrieved tool MagneticFieldTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField') ToolSvc.InDetV0Fitter INFO Initialize successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool VertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkV0VertexFitter/InDetV0Fitter') ToolSvc.InDetVKVFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter initialize() successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool VKVertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKVFitter') ToolSvc.InDetVKKVFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter initialize() successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool KshortFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKKVFitter') ToolSvc.InDetVKLFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter initialize() successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool LambdaFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLFitter') ToolSvc.InDetVKLbFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter initialize() successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool LambdabarFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKLbFitter') ToolSvc.InDetVKGFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter initialize() successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool GammaFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetVKGFitter') ToolSvc.Trk::V0Tools INFO Initialize successful InDetV0Finder INFO Retrieved tool V0Tools = PublicToolHandle('Trk::V0Tools') InDetV0Finder INFO Initialization successful ToolSvc.InDetConversionVxFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter initialize() successful ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool VertexFitterTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrkVKalVrtFitter/InDetConversionVxFitter') ToolSvc.ConversionTrackSelector INFO Retrieved tool ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') ToolSvc.ConversionTrackSelector INFO Retrieved tool TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool TrackSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TrackSelector/ConversionTrackSelector') ToolSvc.ConversionTrackPairsSelector INFO Retrieved tool ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') ToolSvc.Trk::Trk2dDistanceSeeder INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.Trk::NewtonTrkDistanceFinder INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder INFO Initialize successful ToolSvc.ConversionTrackPairsSelector INFO Got the distance tool DistanceTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::SeedNewtonTrkDistanceFinder/InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder') ToolSvc.ConversionTrackPairsSelector INFO Initialization successful ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool TrackPairsSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::TrackPairsSelector/ConversionTrackPairsSelector') ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool VertexPointEstimator = PublicToolHandle('InDet::VertexPointEstimator/ConversionVtxPointEstimator') ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool PostSelector = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionPostSelector/ConversionPostSelector') ToolSvc.SingleTrackConversionTool INFO Retrieved tool ConversionFinderHelperTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::ConversionFinderUtils/ConversionFinderUtils') ToolSvc.SingleTrackConversionTool INFO Retrieved tool TrackSummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryTool') ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool SingleTrackConversionTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::SingleTrackConversionTool/SingleTrackConversionTool') ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') ToolSvc.InDetConversionFinderTools INFO Initialization successful InDetConversionFinder INFO Retrieved tool VertexFinderTool = PublicToolHandle('InDet::InDetConversionFinderTools/InDetConversionFinderTools') InDetConversionFinder INFO Initialization successful AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK InDetRecStatistics INFO Retrieved tool SummaryTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TrackSummaryTool/InDetTrackSummaryToolSharedHits') InDetRecStatistics INFO Retrieved tool PRDAssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::PRD_AssociationTool') ToolSvc.InDetTruthToTrack INFO Retrieved tool Extrapolator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator') InDetRecStatistics INFO Retrieved tool TruthToTrackTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::TruthToTrack/InDetTruthToTrack') InDetRecStatistics INFO Retrieved tool PRDAssociationTool = PublicToolHandle('Trk::PRD_AssociationTool') ToolSvc.TrkKalmanUpdator INFO Initial covariance: 250, 250, 0.25, 0.25, 1e-06 (diagonal) ToolSvc.TrkKalmanUpdator INFO Track state cov matrix will be calculated according to Gelb-1975 p305. ToolSvc.TrkKalmanUpdator INFO initialize() successful in ToolSvc.TrkKalmanUpdator AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK InDetRecStatistics INFO Generic hit residuals&pulls will be calculated in one or both available local coordinates HistogramPersistencySvc INFO 'CnvServices':[ 'HbookHistSvc' , 'RootHistSvc' ] HistogramPersistencySvc WARNING Histograms saving not required. AthenaEventLoopMgr WARNING Histograms saving not required. AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2839 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL EventPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 14890 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type EventInfo_p2 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID 22006E19-F0DA-4EFB-AF55-6FBDA421BF06 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type EventInfo_p2 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type EventID_p1 for 8 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type EventType_p1 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type TriggerInfo_p2 for 7 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type StreamTag_p2 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 14890 AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start of run 5001 <<<=== EventPersistencySvc INFO Added successfully Conversion service:TagInfoMgr ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2850 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to TrtCalibPID-DC3-00 IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to TRTCalibPID_RToT-DC3-00 IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to PixMap-000-00 IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to InDetPixelDist-nominal IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to TRTAlign_CSC_01 IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to InDetAlign_CSC_02 IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to IndetTrkErrorScaling_nominal IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to nominal AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 14895 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type AlignableTransform AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID E779C6B5-3F2A-473E-B35E-6CCB345E0665 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type AlignableTransform for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type AlignTransMember for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type Identifier for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type HepTransform3D for 12 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 15193 PoolXMLFileCatalog Info FileID 14138A63-183C-DB11-9249-00132046AB63 is not in the catalog XMLFileCatalog Info empty physical filename found PoolXMLFileCatalog Info PFname is not in the xml file DbSession Info Open DbSession Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Access DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 14138A63-183C-DB11-9249-00132046AB63 Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/ /afs/ Always Root file version:51000 AthenaRootStreamerSvc INFO Found unknown streamer checksum 4240723739 for class HepTransform3D - using default ROOT streamer PoolXMLFileCatalog Info FileID 9CD5F769-7DFF-DA11-9E2E-000CF1DA62DD is not in the catalog XMLFileCatalog Info empty physical filename found PoolXMLFileCatalog Info PFname is not in the xml file Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 9CD5F769-7DFF-DA11-9E2E-000CF1DA62DD Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/ /afs/ Always Root file version:51000 SpecialPixelMapSvc INFO IOVCALLBACK for key /PIXEL/PixMap number 2 ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2873 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO IOVCALLBACK for key /PIXEL/PixCalib number 2 ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO Load PixelCalibData from DB ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO createPixelCalibObjects method called ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO Collection CondAttrListCollection CLID 1 ToolSvc.InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool INFO IOVCALLBACK for key /TRT/Cond/Status number 2 ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool INFO Callback function invoked! (Folder: /Indet/TrkErrorScaling) AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 15542 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type DetCondCFloat AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID DCE158E2-27A7-4A78-9778-D3E4D4F740CB AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type DetCondCFloat for 4 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type string for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type map for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type Identifier for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 15542 PoolXMLFileCatalog Info FileID 8C5D7155-23E9-DC11-99B4-001320DCF58D is not in the catalog XMLFileCatalog Info empty physical filename found PoolXMLFileCatalog Info PFname is not in the xml file Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 8C5D7155-23E9-DC11-99B4-001320DCF58D Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/ /afs/ Always Root file version:51400 IOVDbSvc INFO Resolved TagInfo tag GeoAtlas to value InDetLayerMat_v5_ATLAS-CSC-02-01-00 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 15544 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type LayerPropertiesSet AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID CD1E06B4-122D-4466-B3F3-1CFA80679D14 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type LayerPropertiesSet for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type LayerMaterialProperties for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type pair for 2 members: AthenaSealSvc INFO ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type ReferenceMaterial for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type LayerIndex for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 16023 PoolXMLFileCatalog Info FileID 000AE0D9-C344-DC11-8BAD-003048836897 is not in the catalog XMLFileCatalog Info empty physical filename found PoolXMLFileCatalog Info PFname is not in the xml file Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 000AE0D9-C344-DC11-8BAD-003048836897 Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/ /afs/ Always Root file version:51400 AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc INFO MaterialProperties for 90 layers successfully read from COOL. AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc INFO [+] Successfully recovered nominal layer indices for : 90 layers. ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2879 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc INFO initialize() successful: TrackingGeometry 'AtlasTrackingGeometry' built and written to DetectorStore. ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO Updating constants for the TRT_ElectronPidTool! ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO Channel Number: 1 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_dEdx_const[channel] = 0.02913 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_dEdx_slope[channel] = 0.000814 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_TR_size[channel] = 0.1563 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_TR_mean[channel] = 3.29 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_TR_width[channel] = 0.2749 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO Channel Number: 2 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_dEdx_const[channel] = 0.02913 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_dEdx_slope[channel] = 0.000814 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_TR_size[channel] = 0.2063 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_TR_mean[channel] = 3.29 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO m_gamma_TR_width[channel] = 0.2749 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_ElectronPidTool INFO Successfully read RToT database table - version: 0 PixelConditionsSummarySvc INFO Special pixel map callback for key /PIXEL/PixMap number 3 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool INFO Data setup forced ToolSvc.TRTCalDbTool INFO TRTCalDbTool initialize method called IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to TrtCalibRt-DC3-00 IOVDbSvc INFO HVS tag OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 resolved to TrtCalibT0-DC3-00 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool INFO TRT detector manager returned digitization version 6 corresponding to DC3version2 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 16037 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type StrawT0ContainerTemplate<2> AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID 773DFAFD-DFE8-4D95-A4B2-1FBE7D488AC4 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type StrawT0ContainerTemplate<2> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type LinearPacker for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<2,TRTCond::NestedContainer<3,TRTCond::StrawT0,TRTCond::StrawT0Trait>,TRTCond::StrawT0,TRTCond::StrawT0Trait> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type StrawT0 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<3,TRTCond::NestedContainer<4,TRTCond::StrawT0,TRTCond::StrawT0Trait>,TRTCond::StrawT0,TRTCond::StrawT0Trait> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<4,TRTCond::StrawT0,TRTCond::StrawT0,TRTCond::StrawT0Trait> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17222 PoolXMLFileCatalog Info FileID 2EF3F634-DF86-DC11-8399-003048836776 is not in the catalog XMLFileCatalog Info empty physical filename found PoolXMLFileCatalog Info PFname is not in the xml file Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 2EF3F634-DF86-DC11-8399-003048836776 Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/ /afs/ Always Root file version:51400 ToolSvc.InDetTRT_DriftFunctionTool INFO Digitization version before 14. T0 for barrel is 15.75 in db. Shifted to 15.75 RegSelSvc INFO handle incident type BeginRun RegSelSvc INFO Initialising Inner Detector maps ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO initialize() ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO Tool Properties ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO Detector Manager: Pixel ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO DeltaZ: 168 mm ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO initialising new map ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3007 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO Pixel RegSelSiLUT successfully saved in detector Store RegSelSvc INFO Retrieved tool PixelRegionLUT_CreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('SiRegionSelectorTable/PixelRegionSelectorTable') RegSelSvc INFO retrieved new pixel RegSelSiLUT map pixel ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO initialize() ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO Tool Properties ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO Detector Manager: SCT ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO DeltaZ: 168 mm ToolSvc.SCT_IdMapping INFO SCT_IdMapping::initialize ToolSvc.SCT_CablingSelector INFO SCT_CablingSelector::initialize ToolSvc.SCT_FillCablingDataFromText INFO SCT CablingData has been requested without being filled; it will be filled now... ToolSvc.SCT_FillCablingDataFromText INFO Opening the file /afs/ ToolSvc.SCT_FillCablingDataFromText INFO 8176 entries were made to the identifier map. ToolSvc.SCT_IdMapping INFO The SCT cabling maps were filled during initialize, before 'BeginRun' ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO initialising new map ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO SCT RegSelSiLUT successfully saved in detector Store RegSelSvc INFO Retrieved tool SCT_RegionLUT_CreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('SiRegionSelectorTable/SCT_RegionSelectorTable') RegSelSvc INFO retrieved new sct RegSelSiLUT map sct ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO initialize() ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO Tool Properties ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO Detector Manager: TRT ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO DeltaZ: 168 mm ToolSvc.TRT_IdMapping INFO TRT_IdMapping::initialize ToolSvc.TRT_IdMapping INFO TRT DC3 Cabling ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO TRT_FillCablingData_DC3::initialize ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO In defineTables_broken_FDR ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO defineTables: Barrel A ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO defineTables: Barrel C ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO defineTables: Global Spec ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO Default (complete) SourceID list ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO Out of defineTables_broken_FDR ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO In defineCollID_broken_FDR() ToolSvc.TRT_FillCablingData_DC3 INFO TRT_FillCablingData_DC3::initializiation finished ToolSvc.TRT_IdMapping INFO TRT_IdMapping::initializiation finished ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO initialising new trt map ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO trt RegSelSiLUT successfully saved in detector Store RegSelSvc INFO Retrieved tool TRT_RegionLUT_CreatorTool = PublicToolHandle('TRT_RegionSelectorTable/TRT_RegionSelectorTable') RegSelSvc INFO retrieved new trt RegSelSiLUT map trt RegSelSvc INFO >>>>> Inner detectors have been initialized with Region Type 'RegionType':n/a AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1252, run #5001 0 events processed so far <<<=== HistorySvc INFO Registered 72 Algorithms HistorySvc INFO Registered 175 AlgTools HistorySvc INFO Registered 49 Services PixelRDO_Contai... INFO PixelRDO_ContainerCnv::initialize() AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type InDetRawDataContainer_p1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID DA76970C-E019-43D2-B2F9-25660DCECD9D AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawDataContainer_p1 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawDataCollection_p1 for 4 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawData_p1 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17236 ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3272 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL SCT_RDO_Contain... INFO SCT_RDO_ContainerCnv::initialize() AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type SCT_RawDataContainer_p1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID 8E13963E-13E5-4D10-AA8B-73F00AFF8FA8 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type SCT_RawDataContainer_p1 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawDataCollection_p1 for 4 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawData_p1 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type SCT3_RawData_p1 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17236 TRT_RDO_Contain... INFO TRT_RDO_ContainerCnv::initialize() AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type InDetRawDataContainer_p1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID DA76970C-E019-43D2-B2F9-25660DCECD9D AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawDataContainer_p1 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawDataCollection_p1 for 4 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetRawData_p1 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type StrawStatusContainerTemplate<2> AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID ED8DD42D-1A67-4B82-93F4-4462D9E11705 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<2,TRTCond::NestedContainer<3,TRTCond::StrawStatus,TRTCond::DeadStrawTrait>,TRTCond::StrawStatus,TRTCond::DeadStrawTrait> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type StrawStatus for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<3,TRTCond::NestedContainer<4,TRTCond::StrawStatus,TRTCond::DeadStrawTrait>,TRTCond::StrawStatus,TRTCond::DeadStrawTrait> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<4,TRTCond::StrawStatus,TRTCond::StrawStatus,TRTCond::DeadStrawTrait> for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17236 PoolXMLFileCatalog Info FileID E4455F90-74CA-DC11-935E-001143C35FD1 is not in the catalog XMLFileCatalog Info empty physical filename found PoolXMLFileCatalog Info PFname is not in the xml file Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Access DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] E4455F90-74CA-DC11-935E-001143C35FD1 Domain[ROOT_All] Info /afs/ /afs/ Always Root file version:51400 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type NestedContainer<2,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::NestedContainerPointerTrait > AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID 3C7382CF-36FA-41EF-8005-1B9EA83FB924 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<2,TRTCond::NestedContainer<3,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::NestedContainerPointerTrait >,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::NestedContainerPointerTrait > for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<3,TRTCond::NestedContainer<4,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::NestedContainerPointerTrait >,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::NestedContainerPointerTrait > for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type NestedContainerBase<4,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::RtRelation*,TRTCond::NestedContainerPointerTrait > for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17236 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type InDetSimDataCollection_p1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID 333EF996-1672-4AB8-917D-187F908F1EDE AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetSimDataCollection_p1 for 1 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type pair for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type InDetSimData_p1 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type HepMcParticleLink_p1 for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17236 HepMcParticleLink INFO cptr: Using TruthEvent as McEventCollection key for this job AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on entry 17238 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found type McEventCollection_p3 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - found ClassID 6FC41599-64D6-4DB9-973E-9493166F6291 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type McEventCollection_p3 for 3 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type GenEvent_p3 for 12 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type GenVertex_p3 for 9 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type GenParticle_p3 for 13 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO Checking members of type pair for 2 members: ok - isComplete 1 AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - NO MISSING FIELDS!!! AthenaSealSvc INFO checkClass - Number of types on exit 17238 ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 3276 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Welcome to XKALMAN++ | | | | Version 26 May 2006 for Athena framework | | | | XKALMAN is a package for global pattern recognition and track fitting in the | | Atlas inner detector for charge tracks with transverse momentum above 0.5 GeV | | XKALMAN uses Geomodel and RIO classes as interface to clusters and | | geometrical parameters. All final accepted tracks are then | | stored in an output bank for reconstructed tracks, using well-specified and | | agreed-upon format (CBNT). | | The algorithm starts the pattern recognition in the TRT using | | a histogramming method or in pixel and SCT using segments search. | | Primary track finding in TRT delivery as end-product a set of possible | | track-candidate trajectories. Each of these trajectories is defined as | | an initial helix, with its set of parameters and their covariance matrix. | | This helix is then used to define a track road through the 'precision' | | layers, along which are collected all the measured clusters. The program | | attempts to find all possible helix trajectories within the initial road and | | with a sufficient number of 'precision' clusters. | | Primary track finding in pixels or SCT gives a set space points as initial | | trajectory estimation. This set is a start point for Kalman filter-smoother | | formalism. Each track reconstructed in the 'precision' layes is then | | extrapolated back into the TRT, where a narrow road can be defined around the | | the result of the extrapolation. All TRT clusters together with drift-time | | hits found within this road are then include for the final track-finding and | | track-fitting steps. | | XKALMAN can recognize and work with all Atlas Inner Detector layouts | | with uniform and non uniform magnetic fields. | | | | User can define set sub-detectors and truth information using. | | | | XKaDetectorBuilder.Pixel = true or false; use Pixel detector ? | | XKaDetectorBuilder.SCT = true or false; use SCT detector ? | | XKaDetectorBuilder.TRT = true or false; use TRT detector ? | | XKaDetectorBuilder.TruthInformation = true or false; use truth information ? | | XKaDetectorBuilder.TestBeamGeometry = true or false; for TB geometry | | | | User can select different strategies of the reconstruction and different | | subset detectors which he want take into account by define variable | | ReconstructionStrategy in jobOption.txt | | | | Stategy Start from Take into account Comments | | | | = 0 pixel pixel trigger mode | | = 1 pixel silicon trigger mode | | = 2 pixel silicon+TRT trigger mode | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | = 3 pixel+silicon pixel+silicon best mode without TRT| | | | = 4 pixel+silicon pixel+silicon+TRT best mode with TRT| | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | = 5 TRT TRT trigger mode | | | | User can select different sources of the magnetic field information using | | variable MagneticField | | | | MagneticFieldService Source of the magnetic field information | | | | <= 1 uniform magnetic field | | = 2 MagFieldAthenaSvc (non-uniform) (default) | | = 3 Field map produced with MagFieldAthenaSvc (~10 Mbytes) | | >= 4 Magnetic field map produced with AGUFLD (~.3 Mbytes) (sol) | | | | if MagneticFieldServic<=1 user can define magnetic field using parameter | | MagneticField = {0.,0.,20.,600.}; Hx,Hy,Hz, Rmax | | | | User can call bremsstrahlung recovery algorithm by define variable TrackModel | | for different sets of initial space points (p-pixel ,s-SCT) | | | | TrackModel Algorithm will work only for tracks initiated | | | | < 30 without bremsstrahlung recovery algorithm (default) | | = 30,31 ppp | | = 40,41 ppp+pps | | = 50,51 ppp+pps+pss | | = 60,61 ppp+pps+pss+sss | | | | User can select level of selectivity of the reconstruction using | | variable Selectivity | | | | Selectivity = 0 reconstruction cosmic rays | | Selectivity <=7 reconstruction without vertex constraint (7-default) | | Selectivity = 8 reconstruction with vertex constraint | | Selectivity = 9 reconstruction with vertex constraint for heavy ion events | | Selectivity =10 reconstruction without vertex constraint | | | | User can select kind of seed and define size of the road and min. pT | | | | User can recontruct full event if he put in XKaSeedsManager only XKaSeedALL | | and define conditions of the reconstruction | | XKaSeedALL.RoadParameters = {1000., 3.2, 2.5, 150., 10.}; | | | | where 1000. - min. pT (MeV) of reconstructied tracks (1000 MeV default) | | where 3.2 - half width of the road in azimuthal angle direction | | where 2.5 - half width of the road in rapidity direction | | where 150. - half width of the road in Z(beam)-direction (mm) | | where 10. - half width of the road in XY(transfers)-direction (mm) | | | | User can start reconstruction from KINE information if he put in | | XKaSeedsManager only XKaSeedKINE | | For this kind of seed he has to define three kind of information | | | | Condition of the reconstruction the same as for XKaSeedALL | | XKaSeedKINE.RoadParameters = {1000., .2, .2, 10., 10.}; | | | | Region of interest for Kine information | | XKaSeedKINE.SearchRegion = {1000., 0., 6.29, -3., 3.}; | | | | where 1000. - min. pT (MeV) of Kine object (muon,electron,pion,quark,....) | | where 0. - min. azimuthal angle of the search region | | where 6.29 - max. azimuthal angle of the search region | | where -3. - min. rapidity of the search region | | where +3. - max. rapidity of the search region | | | | Kind of Kine object (muon,electron,pion,quark, .......) | | XKaSeedKINE.Particles = {13, -13}; | | | | User can use both seeds with different conditions of the reconstruction if | | he put in XKaSeedsManager XKaSeedALL and XKaSeedKine | | | | User can define average coordinates and errors of the beam position using | | | | XKalMan.BeamXcoordinate = {0.,.015}; X-coordinate with error (mm) | | XKalMan.BeamYcoordinate = {0.,.015}; Y-coordinate with error (mm) | | XKalMan.BeamZcoordinate = {0., 60.}; Z-coordinate with error (mm) | | | | User can initiate of primary vertex search if he define | | XKalMan.PrimaryVertexSearch = true; | | | | Additional parameters which user can select for running XKALMAN++ | | | | Variable Comments Default | | | | MinNumberOfSilClusters minimal number of precision clusters 8 | | MinNumberOfUniqueSilClusters minimal number of unique precision clusters 5 | | MinNumberOfTRTClusters minimal number of TRT clusters 9 | | Xi2forPrecisionCluster maximal Xi2 for precision clusters 15.| | TRTClusterRatio minimal ratio TRT-cluster/TRT-crossed straws .70| | MaxNumberHoles (max. number of holes)*10+max. holes gap 22| | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | USER request | | | | Method of the reconstruction 4 | | Selectivity 2 | | Extra information 2 | | Magnetic field service xKalman++ field map (solenoid) | | Momentum cut pTmin(MeV) >= 500.0 | | Electron-track model test 0 | | Number 'precision' clusters>= 7 | | Number 'unique prec' clusters>= 5 | | Number of holes <= 2 | | Number of holes between 2 cl.<= 2 | | Number TRT clusters>= 9 | | Xi2 for prec clusters <= 15.0 | | Number TRT clusters>= 9 | | TRTclusters/TRTcros.straws >= 0.5 | | TRTtimes /TRTcros.straws >= 0.5 | | Use TRT drift time ? = 1 | | Xi2 for TRT clusters <= 2.0 | | coordinate of the beam = 0.0 +- 0.0 | | coordinate of the beam = 0.0 +- 0.0 | | coordinate of the beam = 0.0 +- 53.0 | | beam axis = 1.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 | | beam axis = 0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000 | | beam axis = 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 | | | | Send your comments or suggestions to | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLOFL_DCS/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLOFL_DCS/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLONL_INDET/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLONL_INDET/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLONL_PIXEL/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLONL_PIXEL/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server RelationalDatabase Info Delete the RalDatabase for 'COOLONL_TRT/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Delete the RalSessionMgr for 'COOLONL_TRT/OFLP200' RalSessionMgr Info Commit the read-only transaction active for the duration of the database connection RalSessionMgr Info Disconnect from the database server XMLFileCatalog Info There were no updates in the catalog PoolXMLFileCatalog Info Read-only filesystem /afs/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 14138A63-183C-DB11-9249-00132046AB63 /afs/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 9CD5F769-7DFF-DA11-9E2E-000CF1DA62DD /afs/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 8C5D7155-23E9-DC11-99B4-001320DCF58D /afs/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 000AE0D9-C344-DC11-8BAD-003048836897 /afs/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 2EF3F634-DF86-DC11-8399-003048836776 /afs/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] E4455F90-74CA-DC11-935E-001143C35FD1 Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1252, run #5001 1 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1253, run #5001 1 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1253, run #5001 2 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1254, run #5001 2 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1254, run #5001 3 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1255, run #5001 3 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1255, run #5001 4 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1256, run #5001 4 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1256, run #5001 5 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1257, run #5001 5 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1257, run #5001 6 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1258, run #5001 6 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1258, run #5001 7 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1259, run #5001 7 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1259, run #5001 8 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1260, run #5001 8 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1260, run #5001 9 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1261, run #5001 9 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1261, run #5001 10 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1262, run #5001 10 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1262, run #5001 11 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1263, run #5001 11 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1263, run #5001 12 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1264, run #5001 12 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1264, run #5001 13 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1265, run #5001 13 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1265, run #5001 14 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1266, run #5001 14 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1266, run #5001 15 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1267, run #5001 15 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1267, run #5001 16 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1268, run #5001 16 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1268, run #5001 17 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1269, run #5001 17 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1269, run #5001 18 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1270, run #5001 18 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1270, run #5001 19 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1271, run #5001 19 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1271, run #5001 20 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1272, run #5001 20 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1272, run #5001 21 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1273, run #5001 21 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1273, run #5001 22 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1274, run #5001 22 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1274, run #5001 23 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1275, run #5001 23 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1275, run #5001 24 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1276, run #5001 24 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1276, run #5001 25 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1277, run #5001 25 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1277, run #5001 26 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1278, run #5001 26 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1278, run #5001 27 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1279, run #5001 27 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1279, run #5001 28 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1280, run #5001 28 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1280, run #5001 29 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1281, run #5001 29 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1281, run #5001 30 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1282, run #5001 30 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1282, run #5001 31 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1283, run #5001 31 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1283, run #5001 32 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1284, run #5001 32 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1284, run #5001 33 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1285, run #5001 33 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1285, run #5001 34 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1286, run #5001 34 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1286, run #5001 35 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1287, run #5001 35 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1287, run #5001 36 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1288, run #5001 36 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1288, run #5001 37 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1289, run #5001 37 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1289, run #5001 38 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1290, run #5001 38 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1290, run #5001 39 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1291, run #5001 39 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1291, run #5001 40 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1292, run #5001 40 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1292, run #5001 41 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1293, run #5001 41 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1293, run #5001 42 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1294, run #5001 42 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1294, run #5001 43 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1295, run #5001 43 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1295, run #5001 44 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1296, run #5001 44 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1296, run #5001 45 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1297, run #5001 45 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1297, run #5001 46 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1298, run #5001 46 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1298, run #5001 47 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1299, run #5001 47 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1299, run #5001 48 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1300, run #5001 48 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1300, run #5001 49 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1301, run #5001 49 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1301, run #5001 50 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1302, run #5001 50 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1302, run #5001 51 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1303, run #5001 51 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1303, run #5001 52 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1304, run #5001 52 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1304, run #5001 53 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1305, run #5001 53 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1305, run #5001 54 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1306, run #5001 54 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1306, run #5001 55 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1307, run #5001 55 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1307, run #5001 56 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1308, run #5001 56 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1308, run #5001 57 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1309, run #5001 57 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1309, run #5001 58 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1310, run #5001 58 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1310, run #5001 59 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1311, run #5001 59 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1311, run #5001 60 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1312, run #5001 60 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1312, run #5001 61 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1313, run #5001 61 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1313, run #5001 62 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1314, run #5001 62 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1314, run #5001 63 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1315, run #5001 63 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1315, run #5001 64 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1316, run #5001 64 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1316, run #5001 65 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1317, run #5001 65 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1317, run #5001 66 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1318, run #5001 66 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1318, run #5001 67 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1319, run #5001 67 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1319, run #5001 68 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1320, run #5001 68 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1320, run #5001 69 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1321, run #5001 69 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1321, run #5001 70 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1322, run #5001 70 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1322, run #5001 71 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1323, run #5001 71 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1323, run #5001 72 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1324, run #5001 72 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1324, run #5001 73 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1325, run #5001 73 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1325, run #5001 74 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1326, run #5001 74 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1326, run #5001 75 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1327, run #5001 75 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1327, run #5001 76 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1328, run #5001 76 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1328, run #5001 77 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1329, run #5001 77 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1329, run #5001 78 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1330, run #5001 78 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1330, run #5001 79 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1331, run #5001 79 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1331, run #5001 80 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1332, run #5001 80 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1332, run #5001 81 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1333, run #5001 81 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1333, run #5001 82 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1334, run #5001 82 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1334, run #5001 83 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1335, run #5001 83 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1335, run #5001 84 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1336, run #5001 84 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1336, run #5001 85 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1337, run #5001 85 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1337, run #5001 86 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1338, run #5001 86 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1338, run #5001 87 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1339, run #5001 87 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1339, run #5001 88 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1340, run #5001 88 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1340, run #5001 89 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1341, run #5001 89 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1341, run #5001 90 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1342, run #5001 90 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1342, run #5001 91 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1343, run #5001 91 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1343, run #5001 92 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1344, run #5001 92 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1344, run #5001 93 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1345, run #5001 93 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1345, run #5001 94 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1346, run #5001 94 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1346, run #5001 95 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1347, run #5001 95 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1347, run #5001 96 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1348, run #5001 96 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1348, run #5001 97 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1349, run #5001 97 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1349, run #5001 98 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1350, run #5001 98 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1350, run #5001 99 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1351, run #5001 99 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1351, run #5001 100 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1352, run #5001 100 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1352, run #5001 101 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1353, run #5001 101 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1353, run #5001 102 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1354, run #5001 102 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1354, run #5001 103 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1355, run #5001 103 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1355, run #5001 104 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1356, run #5001 104 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1356, run #5001 105 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1357, run #5001 105 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1357, run #5001 106 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1358, run #5001 106 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1358, run #5001 107 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1359, run #5001 107 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1359, run #5001 108 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1360, run #5001 108 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1360, run #5001 109 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1361, run #5001 109 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1361, run #5001 110 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1362, run #5001 110 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1362, run #5001 111 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1363, run #5001 111 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1363, run #5001 112 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1364, run #5001 112 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1364, run #5001 113 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1365, run #5001 113 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1365, run #5001 114 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1366, run #5001 114 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1366, run #5001 115 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1367, run #5001 115 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1367, run #5001 116 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1368, run #5001 116 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1368, run #5001 117 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1369, run #5001 117 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1369, run #5001 118 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1370, run #5001 118 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1370, run #5001 119 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1371, run #5001 119 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1371, run #5001 120 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1372, run #5001 120 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1372, run #5001 121 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1373, run #5001 121 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1373, run #5001 122 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1374, run #5001 122 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1374, run #5001 123 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1375, run #5001 123 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1375, run #5001 124 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1376, run #5001 124 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1376, run #5001 125 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1377, run #5001 125 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1377, run #5001 126 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1378, run #5001 126 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1378, run #5001 127 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1379, run #5001 127 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1379, run #5001 128 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1380, run #5001 128 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1380, run #5001 129 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1381, run #5001 129 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1381, run #5001 130 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1382, run #5001 130 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1382, run #5001 131 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1383, run #5001 131 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1383, run #5001 132 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1384, run #5001 132 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1384, run #5001 133 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1385, run #5001 133 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1385, run #5001 134 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1386, run #5001 134 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1386, run #5001 135 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1387, run #5001 135 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1387, run #5001 136 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1388, run #5001 136 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1388, run #5001 137 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1389, run #5001 137 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1389, run #5001 138 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1390, run #5001 138 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1390, run #5001 139 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1391, run #5001 139 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1391, run #5001 140 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1392, run #5001 140 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1392, run #5001 141 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1393, run #5001 141 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1393, run #5001 142 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1394, run #5001 142 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1394, run #5001 143 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1395, run #5001 143 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1395, run #5001 144 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1396, run #5001 144 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1396, run #5001 145 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1397, run #5001 145 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1397, run #5001 146 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1398, run #5001 146 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1398, run #5001 147 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1399, run #5001 147 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1399, run #5001 148 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1400, run #5001 148 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1400, run #5001 149 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1401, run #5001 149 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1401, run #5001 150 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1402, run #5001 150 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1402, run #5001 151 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1403, run #5001 151 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1403, run #5001 152 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1404, run #5001 152 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1404, run #5001 153 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1405, run #5001 153 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1405, run #5001 154 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1406, run #5001 154 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1406, run #5001 155 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1407, run #5001 155 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1407, run #5001 156 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1408, run #5001 156 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1408, run #5001 157 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1409, run #5001 157 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1409, run #5001 158 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1410, run #5001 158 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1410, run #5001 159 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1411, run #5001 159 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1411, run #5001 160 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1412, run #5001 160 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1412, run #5001 161 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1413, run #5001 161 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1413, run #5001 162 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1414, run #5001 162 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1414, run #5001 163 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1415, run #5001 163 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1415, run #5001 164 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1416, run #5001 164 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1416, run #5001 165 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1417, run #5001 165 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1417, run #5001 166 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1418, run #5001 166 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1418, run #5001 167 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1419, run #5001 167 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1419, run #5001 168 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1420, run #5001 168 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1420, run #5001 169 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1421, run #5001 169 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1421, run #5001 170 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1422, run #5001 170 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1422, run #5001 171 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1423, run #5001 171 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1423, run #5001 172 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1424, run #5001 172 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1424, run #5001 173 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1425, run #5001 173 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1425, run #5001 174 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1426, run #5001 174 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1426, run #5001 175 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1427, run #5001 175 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1427, run #5001 176 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1428, run #5001 176 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1428, run #5001 177 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1429, run #5001 177 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1429, run #5001 178 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1430, run #5001 178 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1430, run #5001 179 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1431, run #5001 179 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1431, run #5001 180 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1432, run #5001 180 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1432, run #5001 181 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1433, run #5001 181 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1433, run #5001 182 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1434, run #5001 182 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1434, run #5001 183 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1435, run #5001 183 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1435, run #5001 184 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1436, run #5001 184 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1436, run #5001 185 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1437, run #5001 185 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1437, run #5001 186 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1438, run #5001 186 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1438, run #5001 187 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1439, run #5001 187 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1439, run #5001 188 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1440, run #5001 188 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1440, run #5001 189 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1441, run #5001 189 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1441, run #5001 190 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1442, run #5001 190 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1442, run #5001 191 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1443, run #5001 191 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1443, run #5001 192 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1444, run #5001 192 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1444, run #5001 193 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1445, run #5001 193 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1445, run #5001 194 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1446, run #5001 194 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1446, run #5001 195 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1447, run #5001 195 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1447, run #5001 196 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1448, run #5001 196 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1448, run #5001 197 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1449, run #5001 197 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1449, run #5001 198 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1450, run #5001 198 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1450, run #5001 199 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1451, run #5001 199 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1451, run #5001 200 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1452, run #5001 200 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1452, run #5001 201 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1453, run #5001 201 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1453, run #5001 202 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1454, run #5001 202 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1454, run #5001 203 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1455, run #5001 203 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1455, run #5001 204 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1456, run #5001 204 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1456, run #5001 205 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1457, run #5001 205 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1457, run #5001 206 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1458, run #5001 206 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1458, run #5001 207 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1459, run #5001 207 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1459, run #5001 208 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1460, run #5001 208 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1460, run #5001 209 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1461, run #5001 209 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1461, run #5001 210 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1462, run #5001 210 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1462, run #5001 211 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1463, run #5001 211 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1463, run #5001 212 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1464, run #5001 212 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1464, run #5001 213 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1465, run #5001 213 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1465, run #5001 214 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1466, run #5001 214 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1466, run #5001 215 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1467, run #5001 215 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1467, run #5001 216 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1468, run #5001 216 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1468, run #5001 217 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1469, run #5001 217 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1469, run #5001 218 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1470, run #5001 218 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1470, run #5001 219 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1471, run #5001 219 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1471, run #5001 220 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1472, run #5001 220 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1472, run #5001 221 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1473, run #5001 221 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1473, run #5001 222 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1474, run #5001 222 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1474, run #5001 223 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1475, run #5001 223 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1475, run #5001 224 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1476, run #5001 224 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1476, run #5001 225 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1477, run #5001 225 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1477, run #5001 226 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1478, run #5001 226 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1478, run #5001 227 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1479, run #5001 227 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1479, run #5001 228 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1480, run #5001 228 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1480, run #5001 229 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1481, run #5001 229 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1481, run #5001 230 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1482, run #5001 230 events processed so far <<<=== ToolSvc.InDet::InDetIPatToTrackTool WARNING intersection skipped as not on the detector surface AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1482, run #5001 231 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1483, run #5001 231 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1483, run #5001 232 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1484, run #5001 232 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1484, run #5001 233 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1485, run #5001 233 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1485, run #5001 234 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1486, run #5001 234 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1486, run #5001 235 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1487, run #5001 235 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1487, run #5001 236 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1488, run #5001 236 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1488, run #5001 237 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1489, run #5001 237 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1489, run #5001 238 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1490, run #5001 238 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1490, run #5001 239 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1491, run #5001 239 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1491, run #5001 240 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1492, run #5001 240 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1492, run #5001 241 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1493, run #5001 241 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1493, run #5001 242 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1494, run #5001 242 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1494, run #5001 243 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1495, run #5001 243 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1495, run #5001 244 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1496, run #5001 244 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1496, run #5001 245 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1497, run #5001 245 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1497, run #5001 246 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1498, run #5001 246 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1498, run #5001 247 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1499, run #5001 247 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1499, run #5001 248 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1500, run #5001 248 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1500, run #5001 249 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #1501, run #5001 249 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #1501, run #5001 250 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #2, run #5001 250 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #2, run #5001 251 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3, run #5001 251 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3, run #5001 252 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #4, run #5001 252 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #4, run #5001 253 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #5, run #5001 253 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #5, run #5001 254 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #6, run #5001 254 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #6, run #5001 255 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #7, run #5001 255 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #7, run #5001 256 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #8, run #5001 256 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #8, run #5001 257 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #9, run #5001 257 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #9, run #5001 258 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #10, run #5001 258 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #10, run #5001 259 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #11, run #5001 259 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #11, run #5001 260 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #12, run #5001 260 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #12, run #5001 261 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #13, run #5001 261 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #13, run #5001 262 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #14, run #5001 262 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #14, run #5001 263 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #15, run #5001 263 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #15, run #5001 264 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #16, run #5001 264 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #16, run #5001 265 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #17, run #5001 265 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #17, run #5001 266 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #18, run #5001 266 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #18, run #5001 267 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #19, run #5001 267 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #19, run #5001 268 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #20, run #5001 268 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #20, run #5001 269 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #21, run #5001 269 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #21, run #5001 270 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #22, run #5001 270 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #22, run #5001 271 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #23, run #5001 271 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #23, run #5001 272 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #24, run #5001 272 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #24, run #5001 273 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #25, run #5001 273 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #25, run #5001 274 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #26, run #5001 274 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #26, run #5001 275 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #27, run #5001 275 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #27, run #5001 276 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #28, run #5001 276 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #28, run #5001 277 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #29, run #5001 277 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #29, run #5001 278 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #30, run #5001 278 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #30, run #5001 279 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #31, run #5001 279 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #31, run #5001 280 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #32, run #5001 280 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #32, run #5001 281 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #33, run #5001 281 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #33, run #5001 282 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #34, run #5001 282 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #34, run #5001 283 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #35, run #5001 283 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #35, run #5001 284 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #36, run #5001 284 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #36, run #5001 285 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #37, run #5001 285 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #37, run #5001 286 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #38, run #5001 286 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #38, run #5001 287 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #39, run #5001 287 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #39, run #5001 288 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #40, run #5001 288 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #40, run #5001 289 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #41, run #5001 289 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #41, run #5001 290 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #42, run #5001 290 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #42, run #5001 291 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #43, run #5001 291 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #43, run #5001 292 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #44, run #5001 292 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #44, run #5001 293 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #45, run #5001 293 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #45, run #5001 294 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #46, run #5001 294 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #46, run #5001 295 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #47, run #5001 295 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #47, run #5001 296 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #48, run #5001 296 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #48, run #5001 297 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #49, run #5001 297 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #49, run #5001 298 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #50, run #5001 298 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #50, run #5001 299 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #51, run #5001 299 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #51, run #5001 300 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #52, run #5001 300 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #52, run #5001 301 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #53, run #5001 301 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #53, run #5001 302 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #54, run #5001 302 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #54, run #5001 303 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #55, run #5001 303 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #55, run #5001 304 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #56, run #5001 304 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #56, run #5001 305 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #57, run #5001 305 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #57, run #5001 306 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #58, run #5001 306 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #58, run #5001 307 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #59, run #5001 307 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #59, run #5001 308 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #60, run #5001 308 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #60, run #5001 309 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #61, run #5001 309 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #61, run #5001 310 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #62, run #5001 310 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #62, run #5001 311 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #63, run #5001 311 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #63, run #5001 312 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #64, run #5001 312 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #64, run #5001 313 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #65, run #5001 313 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #65, run #5001 314 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #66, run #5001 314 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #66, run #5001 315 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #67, run #5001 315 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #67, run #5001 316 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #68, run #5001 316 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #68, run #5001 317 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #69, run #5001 317 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #69, run #5001 318 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #70, run #5001 318 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #70, run #5001 319 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #71, run #5001 319 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #71, run #5001 320 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #72, run #5001 320 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #72, run #5001 321 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #73, run #5001 321 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #73, run #5001 322 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #74, run #5001 322 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #74, run #5001 323 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #75, run #5001 323 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #75, run #5001 324 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #76, run #5001 324 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #76, run #5001 325 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #77, run #5001 325 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #77, run #5001 326 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #78, run #5001 326 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #78, run #5001 327 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #79, run #5001 327 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #79, run #5001 328 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #80, run #5001 328 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #80, run #5001 329 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #81, run #5001 329 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #81, run #5001 330 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #82, run #5001 330 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #82, run #5001 331 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #83, run #5001 331 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #83, run #5001 332 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #84, run #5001 332 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #84, run #5001 333 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #85, run #5001 333 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #85, run #5001 334 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #86, run #5001 334 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #86, run #5001 335 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #87, run #5001 335 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #87, run #5001 336 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #88, run #5001 336 events processed so far <<<=== ToolSvc.InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinderWARNING Problem with Newton finder, even after 2d seeder: no minimum between tracks foundHessian is negative AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #88, run #5001 337 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #89, run #5001 337 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #89, run #5001 338 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #90, run #5001 338 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #90, run #5001 339 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #91, run #5001 339 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #91, run #5001 340 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #92, run #5001 340 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #92, run #5001 341 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #93, run #5001 341 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #93, run #5001 342 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #94, run #5001 342 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #94, run #5001 343 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #95, run #5001 343 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #95, run #5001 344 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #96, run #5001 344 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #96, run #5001 345 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #97, run #5001 345 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #97, run #5001 346 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #98, run #5001 346 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #98, run #5001 347 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #99, run #5001 347 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #99, run #5001 348 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #100, run #5001 348 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #100, run #5001 349 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #101, run #5001 349 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #101, run #5001 350 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #102, run #5001 350 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #102, run #5001 351 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #103, run #5001 351 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #103, run #5001 352 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #104, run #5001 352 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #104, run #5001 353 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #105, run #5001 353 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #105, run #5001 354 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #106, run #5001 354 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #106, run #5001 355 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #107, run #5001 355 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #107, run #5001 356 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #108, run #5001 356 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #108, run #5001 357 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #109, run #5001 357 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #109, run #5001 358 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #110, run #5001 358 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #110, run #5001 359 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #111, run #5001 359 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #111, run #5001 360 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #112, run #5001 360 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #112, run #5001 361 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #113, run #5001 361 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #113, run #5001 362 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #114, run #5001 362 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #114, run #5001 363 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #115, run #5001 363 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #115, run #5001 364 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #116, run #5001 364 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #116, run #5001 365 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #117, run #5001 365 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #117, run #5001 366 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #118, run #5001 366 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #118, run #5001 367 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #119, run #5001 367 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #119, run #5001 368 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #120, run #5001 368 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #120, run #5001 369 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #121, run #5001 369 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #121, run #5001 370 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #122, run #5001 370 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #122, run #5001 371 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #123, run #5001 371 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #123, run #5001 372 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #124, run #5001 372 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #124, run #5001 373 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #125, run #5001 373 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #125, run #5001 374 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #126, run #5001 374 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #126, run #5001 375 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #127, run #5001 375 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #127, run #5001 376 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #128, run #5001 376 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #128, run #5001 377 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #129, run #5001 377 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #129, run #5001 378 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #130, run #5001 378 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #130, run #5001 379 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #131, run #5001 379 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #131, run #5001 380 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #132, run #5001 380 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #132, run #5001 381 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #133, run #5001 381 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #133, run #5001 382 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #134, run #5001 382 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #134, run #5001 383 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #135, run #5001 383 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #135, run #5001 384 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #136, run #5001 384 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #136, run #5001 385 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #137, run #5001 385 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #137, run #5001 386 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #138, run #5001 386 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #138, run #5001 387 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #139, run #5001 387 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #139, run #5001 388 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #140, run #5001 388 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #140, run #5001 389 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #141, run #5001 389 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #141, run #5001 390 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #142, run #5001 390 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #142, run #5001 391 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #143, run #5001 391 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #143, run #5001 392 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #144, run #5001 392 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #144, run #5001 393 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #145, run #5001 393 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #145, run #5001 394 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #146, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #151, run #5001 399 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #151, run #5001 400 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #152, run #5001 400 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #152, run #5001 401 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #153, run #5001 401 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #153, run #5001 402 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #154, run #5001 402 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #154, run #5001 403 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #155, run #5001 403 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #155, run #5001 404 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #156, run #5001 404 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #156, run #5001 405 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #157, run #5001 405 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #157, run #5001 406 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #158, run #5001 406 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #158, run #5001 407 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #159, run #5001 407 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #159, run #5001 408 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #160, run #5001 408 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #160, run #5001 409 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #161, run #5001 409 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #161, run #5001 410 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #162, run #5001 410 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #162, run #5001 411 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #163, run #5001 411 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #163, run #5001 412 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #164, run #5001 412 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #164, run #5001 413 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #165, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #170, run #5001 418 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #170, run #5001 419 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #171, run #5001 419 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #171, run #5001 420 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #172, run #5001 420 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #172, run #5001 421 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #173, run #5001 421 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #173, run #5001 422 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #174, run #5001 422 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #174, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #179, run #5001 428 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #180, run #5001 428 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #180, run #5001 429 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #181, run #5001 429 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #181, run #5001 430 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #182, run #5001 430 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #182, run #5001 431 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #183, run #5001 431 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #183, run #5001 432 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #184, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #189, run #5001 437 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #189, run #5001 438 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #190, run #5001 438 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #190, run #5001 439 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #191, run #5001 439 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #191, run #5001 440 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #192, run #5001 440 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #192, run #5001 441 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #193, run #5001 441 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #193, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #198, run #5001 447 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #199, run #5001 447 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #199, run #5001 448 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #200, run #5001 448 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #200, run #5001 449 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #201, run #5001 449 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #201, run #5001 450 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #202, run #5001 450 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #202, run #5001 451 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #203, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #208, run #5001 456 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #208, run #5001 457 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #209, run #5001 457 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #209, run #5001 458 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #210, run #5001 458 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #210, run #5001 459 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #211, run #5001 459 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #211, run #5001 460 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #212, run #5001 460 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #212, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #217, run #5001 466 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #218, run #5001 466 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #218, run #5001 467 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #219, run #5001 467 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #219, run #5001 468 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #220, run #5001 468 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #220, run #5001 469 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #221, run #5001 469 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #221, run #5001 470 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #222, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #227, run #5001 475 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #227, run #5001 476 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #228, run #5001 476 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #228, run #5001 477 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #229, run #5001 477 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #229, run #5001 478 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #230, run #5001 478 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #230, run #5001 479 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #231, run #5001 479 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #231, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #236, run #5001 485 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #237, run #5001 485 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #237, run #5001 486 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #238, run #5001 486 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #238, run #5001 487 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #239, run #5001 487 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #239, run #5001 488 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #240, run #5001 488 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #240, run #5001 489 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #241, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #246, run #5001 494 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #246, run #5001 495 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #247, run #5001 495 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #247, run #5001 496 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #248, run #5001 496 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #248, run #5001 497 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #249, run #5001 497 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #249, run #5001 498 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #250, run #5001 498 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #250, run #5001 499 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #251, run #5001 499 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #251, run #5001 500 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #252, run #5001 500 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #252, run #5001 501 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #253, run #5001 501 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #253, run #5001 502 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #254, run #5001 502 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #254, run #5001 503 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #255, run #5001 503 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #255, run #5001 504 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #256, run #5001 504 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #256, run #5001 505 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #257, run #5001 505 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #257, run #5001 506 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #258, run #5001 506 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #258, run #5001 507 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #259, run #5001 507 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #259, run #5001 508 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #260, run #5001 508 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #260, run #5001 509 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #261, run #5001 509 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #261, run #5001 510 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #262, run #5001 510 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #262, run #5001 511 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #263, run #5001 511 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #263, run #5001 512 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #264, run #5001 512 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #264, run #5001 513 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #265, run #5001 513 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #265, run #5001 514 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #266, run #5001 514 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #266, run #5001 515 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #267, run #5001 515 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #267, run #5001 516 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #268, run #5001 516 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #268, run #5001 517 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #269, run #5001 517 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #269, run #5001 518 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #270, run #5001 518 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #270, run #5001 519 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #271, run #5001 519 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #271, run #5001 520 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #272, run #5001 520 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #272, run #5001 521 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #273, run #5001 521 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #273, run #5001 522 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #274, run #5001 522 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #274, run #5001 523 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #275, run #5001 523 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #275, run #5001 524 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #276, run #5001 524 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #276, run #5001 525 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #277, run #5001 525 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #277, run #5001 526 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #278, run #5001 526 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #278, run #5001 527 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #279, run #5001 527 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #279, run #5001 528 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #280, run #5001 528 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #280, run #5001 529 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #281, run #5001 529 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #281, run #5001 530 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #282, run #5001 530 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #282, run #5001 531 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #283, run #5001 531 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #283, run #5001 532 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #284, run #5001 532 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #284, run #5001 533 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #285, run #5001 533 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #285, run #5001 534 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #286, run #5001 534 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #286, run #5001 535 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #287, run #5001 535 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #287, run #5001 536 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #288, run #5001 536 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #288, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #293, run #5001 542 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #294, run #5001 542 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #294, run #5001 543 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #295, run #5001 543 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #295, run #5001 544 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #296, run #5001 544 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #296, run #5001 545 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #297, run #5001 545 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #297, run #5001 546 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #298, run #5001 546 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #298, run #5001 547 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #299, run #5001 547 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #299, run #5001 548 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #300, run #5001 548 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #300, run #5001 549 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #301, run #5001 549 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #301, run #5001 550 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #302, run #5001 550 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #302, run #5001 551 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #303, run #5001 551 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #303, run #5001 552 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #304, run #5001 552 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #304, run #5001 553 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #305, run #5001 553 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #305, run #5001 554 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #306, run #5001 554 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #306, run #5001 555 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #307, run #5001 555 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #307, run #5001 556 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #308, run #5001 556 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #308, run #5001 557 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #309, run #5001 557 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #309, run #5001 558 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #310, run #5001 558 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #310, run #5001 559 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #311, run #5001 559 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #311, run #5001 560 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #312, run #5001 560 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #312, run #5001 561 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #313, run #5001 561 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #313, run #5001 562 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #314, run #5001 562 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #314, run #5001 563 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #315, run #5001 563 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #315, run #5001 564 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #316, run #5001 564 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #316, run #5001 565 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #317, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #322, run #5001 570 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #322, run #5001 571 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #323, run #5001 571 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #323, run #5001 572 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #324, run #5001 572 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #324, run #5001 573 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #325, run #5001 573 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #325, run #5001 574 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #326, run #5001 574 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #326, run #5001 575 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #327, run #5001 575 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #327, run #5001 576 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #328, run #5001 576 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #328, run #5001 577 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #329, run #5001 577 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #329, run #5001 578 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #330, run #5001 578 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #330, run #5001 579 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #331, run #5001 579 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #331, run #5001 580 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #332, run #5001 580 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #332, run #5001 581 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #333, run #5001 581 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #333, run #5001 582 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #334, run #5001 582 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #334, run #5001 583 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #335, run #5001 583 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #335, run #5001 584 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #336, run #5001 584 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #336, run #5001 585 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #337, run #5001 585 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #337, run #5001 586 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #338, run #5001 586 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #338, run #5001 587 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #339, run #5001 587 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #339, run #5001 588 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #340, run #5001 588 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #340, run #5001 589 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #341, run #5001 589 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #341, run #5001 590 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #342, run #5001 590 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #342, run #5001 591 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #343, run #5001 591 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #343, run #5001 592 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #344, run #5001 592 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #344, run #5001 593 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #345, run #5001 593 events processed so far <<<=== ToolSvc.InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinderWARNING Problem with Newton finder, even after 2d seeder: no minimum between tracks foundMaximum point found AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #345, run #5001 594 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #346, run #5001 594 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #346, run #5001 595 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #347, run #5001 595 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #347, run #5001 596 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #348, run #5001 596 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #348, run #5001 597 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #349, run #5001 597 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #349, run #5001 598 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #350, run #5001 598 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #350, run #5001 599 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #351, run #5001 599 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #351, run #5001 600 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #352, run #5001 600 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #352, run #5001 601 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #353, run #5001 601 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #353, run #5001 602 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #354, run #5001 602 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #354, run #5001 603 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #355, run #5001 603 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #355, run #5001 604 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #356, run #5001 604 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #356, run #5001 605 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #357, run #5001 605 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #357, run #5001 606 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #358, run #5001 606 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #358, run #5001 607 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #359, run #5001 607 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #359, run #5001 608 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #360, run #5001 608 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #360, run #5001 609 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #361, run #5001 609 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #361, run #5001 610 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #362, run #5001 610 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #362, run #5001 611 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #363, run #5001 611 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #363, run #5001 612 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #364, run #5001 612 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #364, run #5001 613 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #365, run #5001 613 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #365, run #5001 614 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #366, run #5001 614 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #366, run #5001 615 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #367, run #5001 615 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #367, run #5001 616 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #368, run #5001 616 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #368, run #5001 617 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #369, run #5001 617 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #369, run #5001 618 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #370, run #5001 618 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #370, run #5001 619 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #371, run #5001 619 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #371, run #5001 620 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #372, run #5001 620 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #372, run #5001 621 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #373, run #5001 621 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #373, run #5001 622 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #374, run #5001 622 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #374, run #5001 623 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #375, run #5001 623 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #375, run #5001 624 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #376, run #5001 624 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #376, run #5001 625 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #377, run #5001 625 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #377, run #5001 626 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #378, run #5001 626 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #378, run #5001 627 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #379, run #5001 627 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #379, run #5001 628 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #380, run #5001 628 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #380, run #5001 629 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #381, run #5001 629 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #381, run #5001 630 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #382, run #5001 630 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #382, run #5001 631 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #383, run #5001 631 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #383, run #5001 632 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #384, run #5001 632 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #384, run #5001 633 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #385, run #5001 633 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #385, run #5001 634 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #386, run #5001 634 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #386, run #5001 635 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #387, run #5001 635 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #387, run #5001 636 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #388, run #5001 636 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #388, run #5001 637 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #389, run #5001 637 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #389, run #5001 638 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #390, run #5001 638 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #390, run #5001 639 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #391, run #5001 639 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #391, run #5001 640 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #392, run #5001 640 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #392, run #5001 641 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #393, run #5001 641 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #393, run #5001 642 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #394, run #5001 642 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #394, run #5001 643 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #395, run #5001 643 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #395, run #5001 644 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #396, run #5001 644 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #396, run #5001 645 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #397, run #5001 645 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #397, run #5001 646 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #398, run #5001 646 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #398, run #5001 647 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #399, run #5001 647 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #399, run #5001 648 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #400, run #5001 648 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #400, run #5001 649 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #401, run #5001 649 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #401, run #5001 650 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #402, run #5001 650 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #402, run #5001 651 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #403, run #5001 651 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #403, run #5001 652 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #404, run #5001 652 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #404, run #5001 653 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #405, run #5001 653 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #405, run #5001 654 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #406, run #5001 654 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #406, run #5001 655 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #407, run #5001 655 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #407, run #5001 656 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #408, run #5001 656 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #408, run #5001 657 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #409, run #5001 657 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #409, run #5001 658 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #410, run #5001 658 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #410, run #5001 659 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #411, run #5001 659 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #411, run #5001 660 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #412, run #5001 660 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #412, run #5001 661 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #413, run #5001 661 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #413, run #5001 662 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #414, run #5001 662 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #414, run #5001 663 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #415, run #5001 663 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #415, run #5001 664 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #416, run #5001 664 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #416, run #5001 665 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #417, run #5001 665 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #417, run #5001 666 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #418, run #5001 666 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #418, run #5001 667 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #419, run #5001 667 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #419, run #5001 668 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #420, run #5001 668 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #420, run #5001 669 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #421, run #5001 669 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #421, run #5001 670 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #422, run #5001 670 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #422, run #5001 671 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #423, run #5001 671 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #423, run #5001 672 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #424, run #5001 672 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #424, run #5001 673 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #425, run #5001 673 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #425, run #5001 674 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #426, run #5001 674 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #426, run #5001 675 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #427, run #5001 675 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #427, run #5001 676 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #428, run #5001 676 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #428, run #5001 677 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #429, run #5001 677 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #429, run #5001 678 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #430, run #5001 678 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #430, run #5001 679 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #431, run #5001 679 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #431, run #5001 680 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #432, run #5001 680 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #432, run #5001 681 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #433, run #5001 681 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #433, run #5001 682 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #434, run #5001 682 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #434, run #5001 683 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #435, run #5001 683 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #435, run #5001 684 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #436, run #5001 684 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #436, run #5001 685 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #437, run #5001 685 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #437, run #5001 686 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #438, run #5001 686 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #438, run #5001 687 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #439, run #5001 687 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #439, run #5001 688 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #440, run #5001 688 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #440, run #5001 689 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #441, run #5001 689 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #441, run #5001 690 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #442, run #5001 690 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #442, run #5001 691 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #443, run #5001 691 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #443, run #5001 692 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #444, run #5001 692 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #444, run #5001 693 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #445, run #5001 693 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #445, run #5001 694 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #446, run #5001 694 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #446, run #5001 695 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #447, run #5001 695 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #447, run #5001 696 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #448, run #5001 696 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #448, run #5001 697 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #449, run #5001 697 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #449, run #5001 698 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #450, run #5001 698 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #450, run #5001 699 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #451, run #5001 699 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #451, run #5001 700 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #452, run #5001 700 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #452, run #5001 701 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #453, run #5001 701 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #453, run #5001 702 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #454, run #5001 702 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #454, run #5001 703 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #455, run #5001 703 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #455, run #5001 704 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #456, run #5001 704 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #456, run #5001 705 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #457, run #5001 705 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #457, run #5001 706 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #458, run #5001 706 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #458, run #5001 707 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #459, run #5001 707 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #459, run #5001 708 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #460, run #5001 708 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #460, run #5001 709 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #461, run #5001 709 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #461, run #5001 710 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #462, run #5001 710 events processed so far <<<=== ToolSvc.InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinderWARNING Problem with Newton finder, even after 2d seeder: no minimum between tracks foundMaximum point found AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #462, run #5001 711 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #463, run #5001 711 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #463, run #5001 712 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #464, run #5001 712 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #464, run #5001 713 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #465, run #5001 713 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #465, run #5001 714 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #466, run #5001 714 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #466, run #5001 715 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #467, run #5001 715 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #467, run #5001 716 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #468, run #5001 716 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #468, run #5001 717 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #469, run #5001 717 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #469, run #5001 718 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #470, run #5001 718 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #470, run #5001 719 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #471, run #5001 719 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #471, run #5001 720 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #472, run #5001 720 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #472, run #5001 721 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #473, run #5001 721 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #473, run #5001 722 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #474, run #5001 722 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #474, run #5001 723 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #475, run #5001 723 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #475, run #5001 724 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #476, run #5001 724 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #476, run #5001 725 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #477, run #5001 725 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #477, run #5001 726 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #478, run #5001 726 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #478, run #5001 727 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #479, run #5001 727 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #479, run #5001 728 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #480, run #5001 728 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #480, run #5001 729 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #481, run #5001 729 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #481, run #5001 730 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #482, run #5001 730 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #482, run #5001 731 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #483, run #5001 731 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #483, run #5001 732 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #484, run #5001 732 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #484, run #5001 733 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #485, run #5001 733 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #485, run #5001 734 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #486, run #5001 734 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #486, run #5001 735 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #487, run #5001 735 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #487, run #5001 736 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #488, run #5001 736 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #488, run #5001 737 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #489, run #5001 737 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #489, run #5001 738 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #490, run #5001 738 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #490, run #5001 739 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #491, run #5001 739 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #491, run #5001 740 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #492, run #5001 740 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #492, run #5001 741 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #493, run #5001 741 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #493, run #5001 742 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #494, run #5001 742 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #494, run #5001 743 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #495, run #5001 743 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #495, run #5001 744 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #496, run #5001 744 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #496, run #5001 745 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #497, run #5001 745 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #497, run #5001 746 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #498, run #5001 746 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #498, run #5001 747 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #499, run #5001 747 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #499, run #5001 748 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #500, run #5001 748 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #500, run #5001 749 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #501, run #5001 749 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #501, run #5001 750 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #502, run #5001 750 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #502, run #5001 751 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #503, run #5001 751 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #503, run #5001 752 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #504, run #5001 752 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #504, run #5001 753 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #505, run #5001 753 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #505, run #5001 754 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #506, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #511, run #5001 759 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #511, run #5001 760 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #512, run #5001 760 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #512, run #5001 761 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #513, run #5001 761 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #513, run #5001 762 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #514, run #5001 762 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #514, run #5001 763 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #515, run #5001 763 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #515, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #520, run #5001 769 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #521, run #5001 769 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #521, run #5001 770 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #522, run #5001 770 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #522, run #5001 771 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #523, run #5001 771 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #523, run #5001 772 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #524, run #5001 772 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #524, run #5001 773 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #525, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #530, run #5001 778 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #530, run #5001 779 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #531, run #5001 779 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #531, run #5001 780 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #532, run #5001 780 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #532, run #5001 781 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #533, run #5001 781 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #533, run #5001 782 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #534, run #5001 782 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #534, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #539, run #5001 788 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #540, run #5001 788 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #540, run #5001 789 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #541, run #5001 789 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #541, run #5001 790 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #542, run #5001 790 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #542, run #5001 791 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #543, run #5001 791 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #543, run #5001 792 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #544, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #549, run #5001 797 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #549, run #5001 798 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #550, run #5001 798 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #550, run #5001 799 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #551, run #5001 799 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #551, run #5001 800 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #552, run #5001 800 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #552, run #5001 801 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #553, run #5001 801 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #553, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #558, run #5001 807 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #559, run #5001 807 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #559, run #5001 808 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #560, run #5001 808 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #560, run #5001 809 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #561, run #5001 809 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #561, run #5001 810 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #562, run #5001 810 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #562, run #5001 811 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #563, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #568, run #5001 816 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #568, run #5001 817 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #569, run #5001 817 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #569, run #5001 818 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #570, run #5001 818 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #570, run #5001 819 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #571, run #5001 819 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #571, run #5001 820 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #572, run #5001 820 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #572, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #577, run #5001 826 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #578, run #5001 826 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #578, run #5001 827 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #579, run #5001 827 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #579, run #5001 828 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #580, run #5001 828 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #580, run #5001 829 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #581, run #5001 829 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #581, run #5001 830 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #582, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #587, run #5001 835 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #587, run #5001 836 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #588, run #5001 836 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #588, run #5001 837 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #589, run #5001 837 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #589, run #5001 838 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #590, run #5001 838 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #590, run #5001 839 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #591, run #5001 839 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #591, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #596, run #5001 845 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #597, run #5001 845 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #597, run #5001 846 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #598, run #5001 846 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #598, run #5001 847 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #599, run #5001 847 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #599, run #5001 848 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #600, run #5001 848 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #600, run #5001 849 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #601, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #606, run #5001 854 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #606, run #5001 855 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #607, run #5001 855 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #607, run #5001 856 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #608, run #5001 856 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #608, run #5001 857 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #609, run #5001 857 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #609, run #5001 858 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #610, run #5001 858 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #610, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #615, run #5001 864 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #616, run #5001 864 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #616, run #5001 865 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #617, run #5001 865 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #617, run #5001 866 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #618, run #5001 866 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #618, run #5001 867 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #619, run #5001 867 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #619, run #5001 868 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #620, 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AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #625, run #5001 873 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #625, run #5001 874 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #626, run #5001 874 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #626, run #5001 875 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #627, run #5001 875 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #627, run #5001 876 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #628, run #5001 876 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #628, run #5001 877 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #629, run #5001 877 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #629, run #5001 878 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #630, run #5001 878 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #630, run #5001 879 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #631, run #5001 879 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #631, run #5001 880 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #632, run #5001 880 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #632, run #5001 881 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #633, run #5001 881 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #633, run #5001 882 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #634, run #5001 882 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #634, run #5001 883 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #635, run #5001 883 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #635, run #5001 884 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #636, run #5001 884 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #636, run #5001 885 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #637, run #5001 885 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #637, run #5001 886 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #638, run #5001 886 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #638, run #5001 887 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #639, run #5001 887 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #639, run #5001 888 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #640, run #5001 888 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #640, run #5001 889 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #641, run #5001 889 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #641, run #5001 890 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #642, run #5001 890 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #642, run #5001 891 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #643, run #5001 891 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #643, run #5001 892 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #644, run #5001 892 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #644, run #5001 893 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #645, run #5001 893 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #645, run #5001 894 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #646, run #5001 894 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #646, run #5001 895 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #647, run #5001 895 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #647, run #5001 896 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #648, run #5001 896 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #648, run #5001 897 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #649, run #5001 897 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #649, run #5001 898 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #650, run #5001 898 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #650, run #5001 899 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #651, run #5001 899 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #651, run #5001 900 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #652, run #5001 900 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #652, run #5001 901 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #653, run #5001 901 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #653, run #5001 902 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #654, run #5001 902 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #654, run #5001 903 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #655, run #5001 903 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #655, run #5001 904 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #656, run #5001 904 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #656, run #5001 905 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #657, run #5001 905 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #657, run #5001 906 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #658, run #5001 906 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #658, run #5001 907 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #659, run #5001 907 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #659, run #5001 908 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #660, run #5001 908 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #660, run #5001 909 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #661, run #5001 909 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #661, run #5001 910 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #662, run #5001 910 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #662, run #5001 911 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #663, run #5001 911 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #663, run #5001 912 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #664, run #5001 912 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #664, run #5001 913 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #665, run #5001 913 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #665, run #5001 914 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #666, run #5001 914 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #666, run #5001 915 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #667, run #5001 915 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #667, run #5001 916 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #668, run #5001 916 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #668, run #5001 917 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #669, run #5001 917 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #669, run #5001 918 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #670, run #5001 918 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #670, run #5001 919 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #671, run #5001 919 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #671, run #5001 920 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #672, run #5001 920 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #672, run #5001 921 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #673, run #5001 921 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #673, run #5001 922 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #674, run #5001 922 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #674, run #5001 923 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #675, run #5001 923 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #675, run #5001 924 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #676, run #5001 924 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #676, run #5001 925 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #677, run #5001 925 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #677, run #5001 926 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #678, run #5001 926 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #678, run #5001 927 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #679, run #5001 927 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #679, run #5001 928 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #680, run #5001 928 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #680, run #5001 929 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #681, run #5001 929 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #681, run #5001 930 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #682, run #5001 930 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #682, run #5001 931 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #683, run #5001 931 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #683, run #5001 932 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #684, run #5001 932 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #684, run #5001 933 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #685, run #5001 933 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #685, run #5001 934 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #686, run #5001 934 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #686, run #5001 935 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #687, run #5001 935 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #687, run #5001 936 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #688, run #5001 936 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #688, run #5001 937 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #689, run #5001 937 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #689, run #5001 938 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #690, run #5001 938 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #690, run #5001 939 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #691, run #5001 939 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #691, run #5001 940 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #692, run #5001 940 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #692, run #5001 941 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #693, run #5001 941 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #693, run #5001 942 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #694, run #5001 942 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #694, run #5001 943 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #695, run #5001 943 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #695, run #5001 944 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #696, run #5001 944 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #696, run #5001 945 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #697, run #5001 945 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #697, run #5001 946 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #698, run #5001 946 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #698, run #5001 947 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #699, run #5001 947 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #699, run #5001 948 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #700, run #5001 948 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #700, run #5001 949 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #701, run #5001 949 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #701, run #5001 950 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #702, run #5001 950 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #702, run #5001 951 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #703, run #5001 951 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #703, run #5001 952 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #704, run #5001 952 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #704, run #5001 953 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #705, run #5001 953 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #705, run #5001 954 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #706, run #5001 954 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #706, run #5001 955 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #707, run #5001 955 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #707, run #5001 956 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #708, run #5001 956 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #708, run #5001 957 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #709, run #5001 957 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #709, run #5001 958 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #710, run #5001 958 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #710, run #5001 959 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #711, run #5001 959 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #711, run #5001 960 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #712, run #5001 960 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #712, run #5001 961 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #713, run #5001 961 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #713, run #5001 962 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #714, run #5001 962 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #714, run #5001 963 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #715, run #5001 963 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #715, run #5001 964 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #716, run #5001 964 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #716, run #5001 965 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #717, run #5001 965 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #717, run #5001 966 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #718, run #5001 966 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #718, run #5001 967 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #719, run #5001 967 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #719, run #5001 968 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #720, run #5001 968 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #720, run #5001 969 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #721, run #5001 969 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #721, run #5001 970 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #722, run #5001 970 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #722, run #5001 971 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #723, run #5001 971 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #723, run #5001 972 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #724, run #5001 972 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #724, run #5001 973 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #725, run #5001 973 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #725, run #5001 974 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #726, run #5001 974 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #726, run #5001 975 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #727, run #5001 975 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #727, run #5001 976 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #728, run #5001 976 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #728, run #5001 977 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #729, run #5001 977 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #729, run #5001 978 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #730, run #5001 978 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #730, run #5001 979 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #731, run #5001 979 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #731, run #5001 980 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #732, run #5001 980 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #732, run #5001 981 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #733, run #5001 981 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #733, run #5001 982 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #734, run #5001 982 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #734, run #5001 983 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #735, run #5001 983 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #735, run #5001 984 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #736, run #5001 984 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #736, run #5001 985 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #737, run #5001 985 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #737, run #5001 986 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #738, run #5001 986 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #738, run #5001 987 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #739, run #5001 987 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #739, run #5001 988 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #740, run #5001 988 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #740, run #5001 989 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #741, run #5001 989 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #741, run #5001 990 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #742, run #5001 990 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #742, run #5001 991 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #743, run #5001 991 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #743, run #5001 992 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #744, run #5001 992 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #744, run #5001 993 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #745, run #5001 993 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #745, run #5001 994 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #746, run #5001 994 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #746, run #5001 995 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #747, run #5001 995 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #747, run #5001 996 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #748, run #5001 996 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #748, run #5001 997 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #749, run #5001 997 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #749, run #5001 998 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #750, run #5001 998 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #750, run #5001 999 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #751, run #5001 999 events processed so far <<<=== AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #751, run #5001 1000 events processed so far <<<=== InDetPixelClusterization INFO PixelClusterization::finalize() InDetSCT_Clusterization INFO SCT_Clusterization::finalize() InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder INFO SiTrackerSpacePointFinder::finalize() InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder INFO 1000 events processed iPatRec INFO finalised with 16460 tracks found, of which 11012 primaries, 3759 truncated, and 1689 secondaries iPatTrackTruthAssociator INFO finalized with 0 probable fake tracks, 412 tracks with a wrong silicon cluster, and 276 background tracks iPatStatistics INFO 1000 events processed SpacePoints/event : total .... pixel layers .... ......... SCT layers ......... 734.8 83.3 97.0 108.9 103.2 109.5 123.9 108.8 Track statistics : ....... rates wrt truth ....... bkgd ......... hits/track ......... tracks/event primary missed secondary missed rate SiClusters SiHoles Straws Total 16.5 0.0168 10.29 0.52 16.31 Signal 13.3 0.8866 0.1209 0.0182 10.59 0.53 17.65 signal by type in barrel region (eta<0.8) : Primary 3.2 0.5499 0.1934 0.0177 10.72 0.63 26.68 Truncated 1.3 0.2155 0.0303 9.10 0.20 0.00 Secondary 0.3 0.0504 0.1862 8.61 0.11 27.28 signal by type in transition region (0.8 BLayer Pixel SCT TRT All (P+S+T) InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Hits 0.885 2.779 6.125 13.607 22.511 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Shared Hits 0.012 0.024 0.022 0.045 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- High Threshold Hits 0.696 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Holes 0.012 0.043 0.000 0.055 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Outliers 0.002 0.056 0.576 0.646 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Dead Sensors/Straws 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Spoiled/Tube Hits 0.103 1.152 4.515 5.770 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Add info pixels InDetParticleCreation INFO # contributing layers : 2.549 InDetParticleCreation INFO # ganged pixels : 0.156 InDetParticleCreation INFO # ganged flagged as fake : 0.009 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Add info SCT: # double holes : 0.019 InDetParticleCreation INFO --- Add info TRT: # high threshhold outliers : 0.032 InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker INFO TrackParticleTruthMaker::finalize() InDetV0Finder INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InDetV0Finder INFO Summary InDetV0Finder INFO Processed : 1000 events InDetV0Finder INFO Stored : 595 V0s InDetV0Finder INFO of which : 571 Kshorts InDetV0Finder INFO : 11 Lambdas InDetV0Finder INFO : 13 Lambdabars InDetV0Finder INFO : 4 Conversions InDetV0Finder INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InDetConversionFinder INFO Summary: ------------------------------------------------------------ Processed: 1000 events Stored : 1027 Conversions ------------------------------------------------------------ | Double Conversions Si-Si Si-TRT TRT-TRT | | 61 13 42 6 | ------------------------------------------------------------ | Single Conversions Si TRT | | 966 371 595 | ------------------------------------------------------------ InDetRecStatistics INFO ********** Beginning InDetRecStatistics Statistics Table *********** InDetRecStatistics INFO see for doc InDetRecStatistics INFO ******************************************************************** 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary Processed : 1000 events, 257724 reconstructed tracks with 4853927 hits, and 1540781 truth particles Problem objects : 0 tracks without perigee, 0 unknown hits Reco TrackCollections : "ConvertedXKalmanTracks", "ConvertedIPatTracks", "SiSPSeededTracks", "ResolvedTracks", "ExtendedTracks", "SiSPSeededTracksLowPt", "ResolvedTracksLowPt", "ExtendedTracksLowPt", "TRTSeededTracks", "ResolvedTRTSeededTracks", "TRTStandaloneTracks", "CombinedInDetTracks", "Tracks" TrackTruthCollections : "ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth", "ConvertedIPatTracksTruth", "SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollection", "ResolvedTracksTruthCollection", "ExtendedTracksTruthCollection", "SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollection", "ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollection", "ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollection", "TRTSeededTracksTruthCollection", "ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollection", "TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollection", "CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollection", "TrackTruthCollection" .............................................................................................................................................. Ntuple Settings & Cuts Save Ntuple : NO Save hits : NO Save TRT details : NO Track cuts : pT > 0.40 GeV/c, |eta| < 3.00 .............................................................................................................................................. Cuts and Settings for Statistics Table TrackSummary Statistics YES Signal pT > 1.00 GeV/c, |eta| < 2.50 Primary track start R < 25.00mm and |z| < 200.00mm Barrel 0.00< |eta| < 0.80 Primary track end R > 400.00mm or |z| > 2300.00mm Transition Region 0.80< |eta| < 1.60 Secondary track start 25.00mm < R < 360.00mm and 200.00mm < |z| < 2000.00 mm Endcap 1.60< |eta| < 2.50 Secondary track end R > 1000.00mm or |z| > 1000.00mm Low prob tracks #1 < 0.90 of hits from single Truth Track Low prob tracks #2 < 0.70 of hits from single Truth Track No link tracks Track has no link associated to an HepMC Particle Good reco tracks > 0.50 of hits from single Truth Track + a link ! .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ConvertedXKalmanTracks TrackCollection "ConvertedXKalmanTracks" (TrackAuthors: xKalmanLegacyCnv ), TrackTruthCollection "ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 3.99 0.61 0.9948 0.3192 3.79% 1.08% 0.23% 1.05% 31.2 1.15 1.02 0.87 1.70 1.74 1.61 1.51 1.71 19.84 in barrel 1.35 0.68 0.9916 0.3219 2.15% 0.74% 0.59% 1.26% 34.4 0.95 0.96 0.97 2.03 2.06 2.04 2.01 0.00 23.43 in trans. 1.29 0.59 0.9974 0.2677 3.56% 1.39% 0.00% 1.16% 35.1 0.95 0.98 1.00 2.86 2.41 1.67 1.03 0.03 24.20 in endcap 1.35 0.58 0.9955 0.3704 5.64% 1.11% 0.07% 0.74% 24.0 1.53 1.13 0.66 0.27 0.79 1.10 1.47 5.02 12.09 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ConvertedIPatTracks TrackCollection "ConvertedIPatTracks" (TrackAuthors: iPatLegacyCnv iPatLegacyCnvBremFit ), TrackTruthCollection "ConvertedIPatTracksTruth" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 3.98 0.61 0.9959 0.2863 1.86% 0.38% 0.35% 1.56% 28.0 1.16 1.04 0.88 1.59 1.61 1.47 1.37 1.60 17.30 in barrel 1.33 0.67 0.9916 0.2790 1.13% 0.15% 0.45% 2.42% 30.4 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.88 1.93 1.92 1.86 0.00 19.86 in trans. 1.30 0.59 0.9982 0.2362 1.46% 0.00% 0.08% 1.23% 32.4 0.98 1.00 1.02 2.71 2.24 1.56 0.95 0.02 21.93 in endcap 1.36 0.58 0.9982 0.3457 2.95% 0.96% 0.52% 1.03% 21.6 1.53 1.13 0.66 0.24 0.69 0.96 1.31 4.67 10.39 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for SiSPSeededTracks TrackCollection "SiSPSeededTracks" (TrackAuthors: SiSPSeededTrackFinder ), TrackTruthCollection "SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 5.10 0.64 0.9959 0.4329 18.16% 11.67% 0.76% 14.69% 10.6 1.05 0.91 0.76 1.64 1.67 1.50 1.40 1.69 0.00 in barrel 1.61 0.70 0.9924 0.4421 12.93% 8.95% 1.68% 10.63% 10.5 0.88 0.87 0.87 1.99 2.01 1.96 1.92 0.00 0.00 in trans. 1.65 0.62 0.9965 0.4173 18.26% 12.58% 0.12% 13.91% 10.3 0.87 0.87 0.87 2.77 2.34 1.60 0.97 0.04 0.00 in endcap 1.84 0.61 0.9991 0.4403 22.65% 13.23% 0.54% 18.94% 11.0 1.37 1.00 0.58 0.32 0.76 1.01 1.33 4.66 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ResolvedTracks TrackCollection "ResolvedTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ResolvedTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 3.84 0.59 0.9954 0.1904 2.60% 0.52% 0.29% 0.00% 11.5 1.22 1.07 0.91 1.71 1.75 1.61 1.50 1.70 0.00 in barrel 1.27 0.65 0.9908 0.1845 1.65% 0.39% 0.63% 0.00% 11.2 1.01 1.01 1.00 2.02 2.06 2.04 2.01 0.00 0.00 in trans. 1.26 0.57 0.9965 0.1457 2.14% 0.40% 0.08% 0.00% 11.1 1.01 1.03 1.04 2.89 2.43 1.68 1.03 0.02 0.00 in endcap 1.31 0.57 0.9991 0.2428 3.97% 0.76% 0.15% 0.00% 12.1 1.63 1.18 0.70 0.27 0.80 1.12 1.47 4.98 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ExtendedTracks TrackCollection "ExtendedTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ExtendedTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 3.85 0.59 0.9954 0.1904 2.36% 0.52% 0.21% 0.00% 31.2 1.22 1.08 0.91 1.71 1.75 1.61 1.50 1.70 19.74 in barrel 1.28 0.65 0.9908 0.1845 1.40% 0.47% 0.39% 0.00% 35.0 1.01 1.01 1.00 2.02 2.06 2.04 2.01 0.00 23.81 in trans. 1.26 0.57 0.9965 0.1457 1.67% 0.40% 0.08% 0.00% 35.1 1.01 1.03 1.03 2.89 2.42 1.68 1.03 0.02 23.95 in endcap 1.31 0.57 0.9991 0.2428 3.97% 0.69% 0.15% 0.00% 23.9 1.63 1.18 0.70 0.27 0.80 1.12 1.46 4.98 11.73 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for SiSPSeededTracksLowPt TrackCollection "SiSPSeededTracksLowPt" (TrackAuthors: SiSPSeededTrackFinder ), TrackTruthCollection "SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 0.13 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 79.55% 37.88% 0.76% 21.97% 5.5 1.50 1.30 0.69 0.39 0.38 0.28 0.20 0.77 0.00 in barrel 0.02 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 75.00% 43.75% 6.25% 0.00% 5.1 1.12 1.19 0.75 0.62 0.81 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 in trans. 0.03 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 77.78% 40.74% 0.00% 7.41% 5.1 1.04 1.15 0.89 1.19 0.56 0.19 0.11 0.00 0.00 in endcap 0.09 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 80.90% 35.96% 0.00% 30.34% 5.7 1.71 1.37 0.62 0.10 0.25 0.26 0.26 1.15 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ResolvedTracksLowPt TrackCollection "ResolvedTracksLowPt" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 0.03 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 66.67% 33.33% 0.00% 6.67% 5.4 1.47 1.20 0.73 0.60 0.57 0.27 0.27 0.33 0.00 in barrel 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 80.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.2 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.60 1.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 in trans. 0.01 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 50.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.4 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.50 0.50 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 in endcap 0.01 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 73.33% 40.00% 0.00% 13.33% 5.5 1.73 1.33 0.53 0.00 0.47 0.27 0.53 0.67 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ExtendedTracksLowPt TrackCollection "ExtendedTracksLowPt" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 0.03 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 66.67% 33.33% 0.00% 6.67% 6.4 1.47 1.20 0.73 0.60 0.57 0.27 0.27 0.33 1.00 in barrel 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 80.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.2 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.60 1.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 in trans. 0.01 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 50.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.4 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.50 0.50 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 in endcap 0.01 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 73.33% 40.00% 0.00% 13.33% 7.5 1.73 1.33 0.53 0.00 0.47 0.27 0.53 0.67 2.00 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for TRTSeededTracks TrackCollection "TRTSeededTracks" (TrackAuthors: TRT_SeededTrackFinder ), TrackTruthCollection "TRTSeededTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 0.55 0.04 0.0038 0.1986 55.96% 44.77% 3.30% 17.43% 26.0 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.94 1.50 1.46 1.10 0.53 20.15 in barrel 0.17 0.04 0.0059 0.1888 52.73% 44.85% 7.27% 10.91% 25.3 0.07 0.12 0.17 0.86 1.73 1.76 1.45 0.04 19.12 in trans. 0.28 0.06 0.0044 0.3150 56.27% 44.80% 1.43% 19.35% 26.3 0.07 0.07 0.12 1.17 1.61 1.39 0.87 0.35 20.60 in endcap 0.10 0.02 0.0009 0.0864 60.40% 44.55% 1.98% 22.77% 26.2 0.09 0.08 0.03 0.43 0.85 1.19 1.16 1.80 20.56 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for ResolvedTRTSeededTracks TrackCollection "ResolvedTRTSeededTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 0.15 0.02 0.0017 0.1014 14.47% 12.50% 3.29% 1.32% 33.9 0.16 0.18 0.26 1.62 1.96 1.71 1.45 0.50 26.09 in barrel 0.05 0.03 0.0025 0.1330 10.91% 9.09% 5.45% 0.00% 34.6 0.13 0.22 0.35 1.60 2.04 2.13 1.98 0.00 26.18 in trans. 0.07 0.03 0.0026 0.1260 17.39% 15.94% 2.90% 2.90% 33.5 0.12 0.16 0.29 2.16 2.28 1.54 0.87 0.07 26.00 in endcap 0.03 0.01 0.0000 0.0453 14.29% 10.71% 0.00% 0.00% 33.7 0.32 0.18 0.04 0.36 1.04 1.32 1.82 2.54 26.11 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for TRTStandaloneTracks TrackCollection "TRTStandaloneTracks" (TrackAuthors: TRT_StandAlone ), TrackTruthCollection "TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 3.53 0.07 0.0328 0.2342 20.91% 11.57% 27.22% 0.11% 18.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.95 in barrel 0.39 0.05 0.0210 0.1803 22.08% 11.93% 26.14% 0.00% 16.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.18 in trans. 1.31 0.11 0.0467 0.4252 26.50% 17.06% 41.58% 0.30% 17.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.24 in endcap 1.83 0.04 0.0312 0.0864 16.64% 7.55% 17.13% 0.00% 18.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.85 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for CombinedInDetTracks TrackCollection "CombinedInDetTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter TRT_StandAlone ), TrackTruthCollection "CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 7.57 0.66 0.9962 0.5205 11.53% 6.05% 12.89% 4.44% 25.0 0.63 0.56 0.47 0.90 0.93 0.85 0.80 0.88 18.96 in barrel 1.74 0.71 0.9924 0.4979 6.62% 3.46% 6.39% 4.15% 30.6 0.76 0.75 0.75 1.55 1.59 1.58 1.55 0.00 22.08 in trans. 2.65 0.67 0.9974 0.6890 14.57% 9.13% 20.72% 6.04% 26.1 0.49 0.50 0.50 1.43 1.21 0.84 0.51 0.01 20.59 in endcap 3.18 0.61 0.9991 0.3663 11.67% 4.91% 9.91% 3.27% 21.0 0.68 0.50 0.29 0.11 0.34 0.47 0.62 2.08 15.90 .............................................................................................................................................. InDetRecStatistics INFO Printing Statistics for Tracks TrackCollection "Tracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter TRT_StandAlone ), TrackTruthCollection "TrackTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. lowPb1 lowPb2 noLink multM total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total 7.57 0.66 0.9962 0.5205 11.53% 6.05% 12.89% 4.44% 25.0 0.63 0.56 0.47 0.90 0.93 0.85 0.80 0.88 18.96 in barrel 1.74 0.71 0.9924 0.4979 6.62% 3.46% 6.39% 4.15% 30.6 0.76 0.75 0.75 1.55 1.59 1.58 1.55 0.00 22.08 in trans. 2.65 0.67 0.9974 0.6890 14.57% 9.13% 20.72% 6.04% 26.1 0.49 0.50 0.50 1.43 1.21 0.84 0.51 0.01 20.59 in endcap 3.18 0.61 0.9991 0.3663 11.67% 4.91% 9.91% 3.27% 21.0 0.68 0.50 0.29 0.11 0.34 0.47 0.62 2.08 15.90 .............................................................................................................................................. Detailed Statistics for Hits on Reconstructed tracks, using TrackSummary: (Preselection of tracks as described above.) .............................................................................................................................................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reco Tracks tracks ................................................hits/track................................................. in BARREL /event blay bshrd bout pix pixShrd pixHole pixGang SCT SCTShrd SCTHole SCTDHole TR TR-OL TRHi TRHiOL OutL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all ConvertedXKalmanTracks 1.35 0.95 0.0007 0.0007 2.89 0.0015 0.0141 0.14 8.14 0.0119 0.0030 0.0015 23.43 0.95 1.04 0.09 1.12 all ConvertedIPatTracks 1.33 0.97 0.0000 0.0015 2.91 0.0008 0.0053 0.14 7.59 0.0091 0.0038 0.0015 19.86 0.21 0.83 0.03 0.22 all SiSPSeededTracks 1.61 0.88 0.0000 0.0019 2.61 0.0000 0.0000 0.14 7.89 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 all ResolvedTracks 1.27 1.01 0.0000 0.0000 3.02 0.0000 0.0259 0.14 8.14 0.0000 0.0142 0.0071 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 all ExtendedTracks 1.28 1.01 0.0000 0.0000 3.02 0.0000 0.0257 0.14 8.14 0.0000 0.0140 0.0070 23.81 0.70 1.04 0.05 0.71 all SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.02 1.12 0.0000 0.0000 3.06 0.0000 0.0000 0.19 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 all ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.40 0.0000 0.0000 3.20 0.0000 0.0000 0.20 2.00 0.0000 1.6000 0.8000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 all ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.40 0.0000 0.0000 3.20 0.0000 0.0000 0.20 2.00 0.0000 1.6000 0.8000 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.40 2.20 all TRTSeededTracks 0.17 0.07 0.0000 0.0000 0.36 0.0000 0.0000 0.02 5.84 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 19.12 0.00 1.56 0.00 0.07 all ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.05 0.13 0.0000 0.0000 0.69 0.0000 0.0000 0.04 7.75 0.0000 0.0727 0.0364 26.18 0.13 1.78 0.00 0.15 all TRTStandaloneTracks 0.39 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.18 0.00 1.42 0.00 0.00 all CombinedInDetTracks 1.74 0.76 0.0017 0.0000 2.26 0.0023 0.0190 0.11 6.26 0.0098 0.0173 0.0086 22.08 0.53 1.15 0.04 0.54 all Tracks 1.74 0.76 0.0017 0.0000 2.26 0.0023 0.0190 0.11 6.26 0.0098 0.0173 0.0086 22.08 0.53 1.15 0.04 0.54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowPb1 ConvertedXKalmanTracks 0.03 0.55 0.0000 0.0000 1.52 0.0000 0.2759 0.24 7.28 0.0690 0.0690 0.0345 10.03 2.17 0.41 0.21 3.14 lowPb1 ConvertedIPatTracks 0.01 0.60 0.0000 0.0000 2.27 0.0000 0.0000 0.47 7.47 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.80 1.53 0.80 0.27 1.60 lowPb1 SiSPSeededTracks 0.21 0.42 0.0000 0.0048 0.99 0.0000 0.0000 0.13 6.58 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 lowPb1 ResolvedTracks 0.02 0.90 0.0000 0.0000 2.14 0.0000 0.8571 0.38 7.38 0.0000 0.3810 0.1905 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 lowPb1 ExtendedTracks 0.02 0.89 0.0000 0.0000 1.94 0.0000 1.0000 0.33 7.11 0.0000 0.4444 0.2222 17.06 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.06 lowPb1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.01 1.17 0.0000 0.0000 3.08 0.0000 0.0000 0.25 1.83 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 lowPb1 ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.25 0.0000 0.0000 3.25 0.0000 0.0000 0.25 2.00 0.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lowPb1 ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.25 0.0000 0.0000 3.25 0.0000 0.0000 0.25 2.00 0.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.50 2.50 lowPb1 TRTSeededTracks 0.09 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 0.05 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.49 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.47 0.00 1.24 0.00 0.10 lowPb1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.01 0.17 0.0000 0.0000 0.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.83 0.0000 0.6667 0.3333 17.00 0.50 1.33 0.00 0.50 lowPb1 TRTStandaloneTracks 0.09 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 15.30 0.00 1.36 0.00 0.00 lowPb1 CombinedInDetTracks 0.12 0.19 0.0087 0.0000 0.44 0.0087 0.1565 0.06 1.43 0.0087 0.1739 0.0870 15.13 0.11 1.21 0.02 0.12 lowPb1 Tracks 0.12 0.19 0.0087 0.0000 0.44 0.0087 0.1565 0.06 1.43 0.0087 0.1739 0.0870 15.13 0.11 1.21 0.02 0.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowPb2 ConvertedXKalmanTracks 0.01 0.50 0.0000 0.0000 1.20 0.0000 0.3000 0.10 7.00 0.0000 0.2000 0.1000 2.40 0.40 0.10 0.00 1.70 lowPb2 ConvertedIPatTracks 0.00 0.50 0.0000 0.0000 2.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 8.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 12.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 SiSPSeededTracks 0.14 0.33 0.0000 0.0000 0.76 0.0000 0.0000 0.09 6.30 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 lowPb2 ResolvedTracks 0.00 0.80 0.0000 0.0000 1.40 0.0000 1.6000 0.20 6.40 0.0000 0.8000 0.4000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 ExtendedTracks 0.01 0.83 0.0000 0.0000 1.67 0.0000 1.3333 0.17 6.83 0.0000 0.6667 0.3333 3.83 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.01 1.29 0.0000 0.0000 2.86 0.0000 0.0000 0.29 1.86 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 lowPb2 ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.50 0.0000 0.0000 3.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 2.00 0.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.50 0.0000 0.0000 3.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 2.00 0.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 TRTSeededTracks 0.07 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 0.05 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.47 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13.66 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.08 lowPb2 ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.00 0.20 0.0000 0.0000 0.60 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 5.00 0.0000 0.8000 0.4000 15.40 0.40 1.60 0.00 0.40 lowPb2 TRTStandaloneTracks 0.05 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.21 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 CombinedInDetTracks 0.06 0.15 0.0167 0.0000 0.33 0.0167 0.1333 0.02 1.17 0.0167 0.2333 0.1167 12.80 0.03 0.87 0.00 0.03 lowPb2 Tracks 0.06 0.15 0.0167 0.0000 0.33 0.0167 0.1333 0.02 1.17 0.0167 0.2333 0.1167 12.80 0.03 0.87 0.00 0.03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in TRANSITION region /event blay bshrd bout pix pixShrd pixHole pixGang SCT SCTShrd SCTHole SCTDHole TR TR-OL TRHi TRHiOL OutL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all ConvertedXKalmanTracks 1.29 0.95 0.0015 0.0008 2.93 0.0054 0.0255 0.16 8.01 0.0317 0.0131 0.0054 24.20 1.19 1.04 0.09 1.42 all ConvertedIPatTracks 1.30 0.97 0.0015 0.0000 2.99 0.0062 0.0046 0.16 7.47 0.0239 0.0054 0.0023 21.93 0.15 0.93 0.02 0.17 all SiSPSeededTracks 1.65 0.86 0.0000 0.0000 2.60 0.0000 0.0000 0.15 7.73 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 all ResolvedTracks 1.26 1.01 0.0000 0.0016 3.08 0.0000 0.0159 0.17 8.05 0.0000 0.0095 0.0040 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 all ExtendedTracks 1.26 1.01 0.0000 0.0016 3.08 0.0000 0.0167 0.17 8.04 0.0000 0.0095 0.0040 23.95 1.52 1.01 0.10 1.55 all SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.03 1.04 0.0000 0.0000 3.07 0.0000 0.0000 0.26 2.04 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 all ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.10 0.0000 0.0000 3.20 0.0000 0.2000 0.40 2.20 0.0000 0.5000 0.2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 all ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.10 0.0000 0.0000 3.20 0.0000 0.2000 0.40 2.20 0.0000 0.5000 0.2000 0.00 6.60 0.00 0.40 6.90 all TRTSeededTracks 0.28 0.04 0.0000 0.0000 0.26 0.0000 0.0000 0.01 5.40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.60 0.00 1.53 0.00 0.08 all ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.07 0.12 0.0000 0.0000 0.57 0.0000 0.0000 0.07 6.91 0.0000 0.1449 0.0725 26.00 0.45 1.99 0.01 0.52 all TRTStandaloneTracks 1.31 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 17.24 0.00 1.24 0.00 0.00 all CombinedInDetTracks 2.65 0.49 0.0011 0.0008 1.49 0.0053 0.0087 0.08 4.01 0.0226 0.0102 0.0045 20.59 0.76 1.15 0.05 0.78 all Tracks 2.65 0.49 0.0011 0.0008 1.49 0.0053 0.0087 0.08 4.01 0.0226 0.0102 0.0045 20.59 0.76 1.15 0.05 0.78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowPb1 ConvertedXKalmanTracks 0.05 0.48 0.0000 0.0217 1.24 0.0000 0.5652 0.26 7.17 0.1304 0.2826 0.1304 12.46 2.98 0.61 0.24 3.91 lowPb1 ConvertedIPatTracks 0.02 0.63 0.0000 0.0000 2.37 0.0000 0.0000 0.68 5.95 0.0526 0.0000 0.0000 10.05 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.05 lowPb1 SiSPSeededTracks 0.30 0.38 0.0000 0.0000 0.93 0.0000 0.0000 0.11 6.66 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 lowPb1 ResolvedTracks 0.03 1.04 0.0000 0.0000 2.52 0.0000 0.2593 0.44 7.19 0.0000 0.1111 0.0370 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 lowPb1 ExtendedTracks 0.02 1.05 0.0000 0.0000 2.33 0.0000 0.3333 0.38 6.95 0.0000 0.1429 0.0476 8.14 8.14 0.33 0.95 8.38 lowPb1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.02 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.05 0.0000 0.0000 0.24 1.86 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 lowPb1 ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.00 0.0000 0.4000 0.40 2.00 0.0000 0.4000 0.2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 lowPb1 ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.00 0.0000 0.4000 0.40 2.00 0.0000 0.4000 0.2000 0.00 7.60 0.00 0.60 7.80 lowPb1 TRTSeededTracks 0.16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.42 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.06 0.00 1.43 0.00 0.09 lowPb1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.01 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.08 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.75 0.0000 0.8333 0.4167 14.17 0.92 0.83 0.00 1.00 lowPb1 TRTStandaloneTracks 0.35 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.81 0.00 1.39 0.00 0.00 lowPb1 CombinedInDetTracks 0.39 0.07 0.0026 0.0000 0.17 0.0104 0.0233 0.03 0.55 0.0155 0.0389 0.0181 16.04 0.57 1.30 0.06 0.59 lowPb1 Tracks 0.39 0.07 0.0026 0.0000 0.17 0.0104 0.0233 0.03 0.55 0.0155 0.0389 0.0181 16.04 0.57 1.30 0.06 0.59 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowPb2 ConvertedXKalmanTracks 0.02 0.61 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0000 0.8889 0.11 6.33 0.1111 0.6111 0.2778 0.00 4.28 0.00 0.39 5.94 lowPb2 ConvertedIPatTracks 0.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a lowPb2 SiSPSeededTracks 0.21 0.28 0.0000 0.0000 0.68 0.0000 0.0000 0.03 6.38 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 lowPb2 ResolvedTracks 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.20 0.0000 1.0000 0.00 6.80 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 lowPb2 ExtendedTracks 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.20 0.0000 1.0000 0.00 6.80 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 16.80 0.00 2.20 17.60 lowPb2 SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.01 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 2.91 0.0000 0.0000 0.18 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 lowPb2 ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.00 0.0000 0.5000 0.50 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 lowPb2 ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.00 0.0000 0.5000 0.50 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 lowPb2 TRTSeededTracks 0.12 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.01 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.34 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.44 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.07 lowPb2 ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.01 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.09 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.45 0.0000 0.9091 0.4545 12.18 1.00 0.82 0.00 1.09 lowPb2 TRTStandaloneTracks 0.22 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 15.59 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 CombinedInDetTracks 0.24 0.03 0.0000 0.0000 0.05 0.0041 0.0248 0.00 0.36 0.0000 0.0413 0.0207 14.99 0.39 0.92 0.05 0.42 lowPb2 Tracks 0.24 0.03 0.0000 0.0000 0.05 0.0041 0.0248 0.00 0.36 0.0000 0.0413 0.0207 14.99 0.39 0.92 0.05 0.42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in ENDCAP /event blay bshrd bout pix pixShrd pixHole pixGang SCT SCTShrd SCTHole SCTDHole TR TR-OL TRHi TRHiOL OutL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all ConvertedXKalmanTracks 1.35 0.99 0.0037 0.0022 3.32 0.0089 0.0378 0.16 8.64 0.0074 0.0163 0.0067 12.09 0.85 0.57 0.06 1.08 all ConvertedIPatTracks 1.36 1.00 0.0037 0.0059 3.32 0.0074 0.0059 0.16 7.88 0.0044 0.0140 0.0059 10.39 0.06 0.46 0.01 0.07 all SiSPSeededTracks 1.84 0.89 0.0000 0.0011 2.94 0.0000 0.0000 0.17 8.07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 all ResolvedTracks 1.31 1.08 0.0000 0.0046 3.51 0.0000 0.0336 0.17 8.62 0.0000 0.0222 0.0092 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 all ExtendedTracks 1.31 1.08 0.0000 0.0046 3.51 0.0000 0.0336 0.17 8.62 0.0000 0.0221 0.0092 11.73 1.13 0.53 0.07 1.17 all SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.09 1.12 0.0000 0.0112 3.70 0.0000 0.0000 0.28 2.01 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 all ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.07 0.0000 0.0000 3.60 0.0000 0.4000 0.20 1.93 0.0000 0.3333 0.1333 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 all ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.07 0.0000 0.0000 3.60 0.0000 0.4000 0.20 1.93 0.0000 0.4667 0.2000 2.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.40 all TRTSeededTracks 0.10 0.03 0.0000 0.0000 0.20 0.0000 0.0000 0.01 5.43 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.56 0.00 2.02 0.00 0.04 all ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.03 0.11 0.0000 0.0000 0.54 0.0000 0.0000 0.07 7.07 0.0000 0.1786 0.0714 26.11 0.68 2.64 0.07 0.79 all TRTStandaloneTracks 1.83 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 18.85 0.00 1.59 0.00 0.00 all CombinedInDetTracks 3.18 0.45 0.0041 0.0019 1.47 0.0066 0.0157 0.07 3.62 0.0066 0.0129 0.0053 15.90 0.47 1.16 0.03 0.49 all Tracks 3.18 0.45 0.0041 0.0019 1.47 0.0066 0.0157 0.07 3.62 0.0066 0.0129 0.0053 15.90 0.47 1.16 0.03 0.49 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowPb1 ConvertedXKalmanTracks 0.08 0.43 0.0132 0.0132 1.46 0.0263 0.5658 0.18 7.59 0.0132 0.2895 0.1184 7.84 1.36 0.78 0.18 2.37 lowPb1 ConvertedIPatTracks 0.04 0.52 0.0000 0.0000 1.88 0.0000 0.0250 0.25 6.80 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.00 0.62 0.15 0.12 0.68 lowPb1 SiSPSeededTracks 0.42 0.44 0.0000 0.0024 1.36 0.0000 0.0000 0.17 6.59 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 lowPb1 ResolvedTracks 0.05 0.87 0.0000 0.0000 2.48 0.0000 0.4808 0.29 7.21 0.0000 0.3846 0.1731 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 lowPb1 ExtendedTracks 0.05 0.87 0.0000 0.0000 2.50 0.0000 0.4808 0.31 7.17 0.0000 0.3846 0.1731 8.52 1.44 0.92 0.21 1.69 lowPb1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.07 1.07 0.0000 0.0139 3.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.28 1.88 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 lowPb1 ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.09 0.0000 0.0000 3.36 0.0000 0.5455 0.09 2.09 0.0000 0.2727 0.0909 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 lowPb1 ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.09 0.0000 0.0000 3.36 0.0000 0.5455 0.09 2.09 0.0000 0.2727 0.0909 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 lowPb1 TRTSeededTracks 0.06 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.03 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.31 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.79 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.07 lowPb1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.50 0.0000 1.0000 0.5000 16.50 2.75 3.25 0.25 3.50 lowPb1 TRTStandaloneTracks 0.30 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 18.23 0.00 1.73 0.00 0.00 lowPb1 CombinedInDetTracks 0.37 0.15 0.0162 0.0000 0.45 0.0216 0.0836 0.05 1.12 0.0162 0.0728 0.0323 16.31 0.23 1.58 0.03 0.29 lowPb1 Tracks 0.37 0.15 0.0162 0.0000 0.45 0.0216 0.0836 0.05 1.12 0.0162 0.0728 0.0323 16.31 0.23 1.58 0.03 0.29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowPb2 ConvertedXKalmanTracks 0.01 0.07 0.0000 0.0000 1.20 0.0667 0.3333 0.00 6.53 0.0667 0.3333 0.0667 0.00 1.73 0.00 0.00 4.07 lowPb2 ConvertedIPatTracks 0.01 0.08 0.0000 0.0000 0.54 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 5.77 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 lowPb2 SiSPSeededTracks 0.24 0.24 0.0000 0.0000 0.82 0.0000 0.0000 0.09 6.18 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 lowPb2 ResolvedTracks 0.01 0.80 0.0000 0.0000 2.20 0.0000 0.5000 0.00 6.00 0.0000 1.0000 0.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 lowPb2 ExtendedTracks 0.01 0.78 0.0000 0.0000 2.22 0.0000 0.5556 0.00 5.89 0.0000 1.1111 0.5556 2.22 4.89 0.22 1.00 5.33 lowPb2 SiSPSeededTracksLowPt 0.03 1.06 0.0000 0.0000 3.09 0.0000 0.0000 0.34 2.19 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 lowPb2 ResolvedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.00 0.0000 0.6667 0.00 2.33 0.0000 0.3333 0.1667 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 lowPb2 ExtendedTracksLowPt 0.01 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 3.00 0.0000 0.6667 0.00 2.33 0.0000 0.3333 0.1667 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.83 lowPb2 TRTSeededTracks 0.05 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.18 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.00 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.09 lowPb2 ResolvedTRTSeededTracks 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 4.00 0.0000 1.3333 0.6667 12.00 3.67 1.67 0.33 4.00 lowPb2 TRTStandaloneTracks 0.14 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.53 0.00 1.12 0.00 0.00 lowPb2 CombinedInDetTracks 0.16 0.08 0.0128 0.0000 0.24 0.0256 0.0577 0.00 0.51 0.0256 0.1026 0.0513 14.98 0.35 1.04 0.06 0.42 lowPb2 Tracks 0.16 0.08 0.0128 0.0000 0.24 0.0256 0.0577 0.00 0.51 0.0256 0.1026 0.0513 14.98 0.35 1.04 0.06 0.42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics for Secondaries Secondary track start 25.00mm < R < 360.00mm and 200.00mm < |z| < 2000.00 mm Secondary track end R > 1000.00mm or |z| > 1000.00mm .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ConvertedXKalmanTracks" (TrackAuthors: xKalmanLegacyCnv ), TrackTruthCollection "ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.23 0.32 10.7 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.50 0.57 0.56 0.57 0.77 7.17 secondaries in barrel 0.08 0.32 11.8 0.11 0.18 0.25 0.73 0.76 0.76 0.73 0.00 8.32 secondaries in trans. 0.07 0.27 10.7 0.13 0.16 0.18 0.69 0.66 0.51 0.41 0.09 7.86 secondaries in endcap 0.09 0.37 9.8 0.36 0.28 0.16 0.08 0.30 0.42 0.58 2.23 5.35 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ConvertedIPatTracks" (TrackAuthors: iPatLegacyCnv iPatLegacyCnvBremFit ), TrackTruthCollection "ConvertedIPatTracksTruth" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.21 0.29 9.0 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.39 0.47 0.45 0.46 0.67 6.15 secondaries in barrel 0.06 0.28 9.3 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.48 0.57 0.56 0.58 0.00 6.74 secondaries in trans. 0.06 0.24 9.7 0.10 0.12 0.17 0.64 0.62 0.47 0.33 0.04 7.19 secondaries in endcap 0.08 0.35 8.2 0.25 0.20 0.12 0.05 0.23 0.34 0.49 1.98 4.51 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "SiSPSeededTracks" (TrackAuthors: SiSPSeededTrackFinder ), TrackTruthCollection "SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.32 0.43 6.0 0.32 0.28 0.27 0.98 1.01 0.99 0.95 1.22 0.00 secondaries in barrel 0.10 0.44 5.9 0.22 0.26 0.34 1.33 1.29 1.27 1.22 0.00 0.00 secondaries in trans. 0.11 0.42 5.0 0.25 0.23 0.26 1.30 1.19 0.99 0.71 0.14 0.00 secondaries in endcap 0.11 0.44 7.1 0.47 0.34 0.21 0.32 0.55 0.73 0.93 3.53 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ResolvedTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ResolvedTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.14 0.19 2.0 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.27 0.32 0.31 0.33 0.42 0.00 secondaries in barrel 0.04 0.18 1.8 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.00 0.00 secondaries in trans. 0.04 0.15 1.6 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.39 0.39 0.29 0.21 0.04 0.00 secondaries in endcap 0.06 0.24 2.7 0.25 0.19 0.12 0.05 0.19 0.27 0.38 1.23 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ExtendedTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ExtendedTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.14 0.19 6.1 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.27 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.42 4.08 secondaries in barrel 0.04 0.18 6.8 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.36 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.00 4.93 secondaries in trans. 0.04 0.15 5.8 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.38 0.38 0.29 0.22 0.04 4.17 secondaries in endcap 0.06 0.24 5.8 0.24 0.19 0.12 0.05 0.18 0.26 0.36 1.23 3.16 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "SiSPSeededTracksLowPt" (TrackAuthors: SiSPSeededTrackFinder ), TrackTruthCollection "SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 secondaries in barrel 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in trans. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in endcap 0.00 0.00 0.1 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ResolvedTracksLowPt" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in barrel 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in trans. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in endcap 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ExtendedTracksLowPt" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in barrel 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in trans. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 secondaries in endcap 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "TRTSeededTracks" (TrackAuthors: TRT_SeededTrackFinder ), TrackTruthCollection "TRTSeededTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.14 0.20 9.5 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.37 0.54 0.52 0.38 0.21 7.30 secondaries in barrel 0.04 0.19 9.1 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.38 0.61 0.58 0.48 0.01 6.89 secondaries in trans. 0.08 0.31 14.6 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.67 0.89 0.76 0.45 0.23 11.38 secondaries in endcap 0.02 0.09 4.4 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.11 0.21 0.22 0.38 3.43 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "ResolvedTRTSeededTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter ), TrackTruthCollection "ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.07 0.10 4.0 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.20 0.23 0.21 0.17 0.04 3.03 secondaries in barrel 0.03 0.13 5.1 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.24 0.30 0.31 0.29 0.00 3.84 secondaries in trans. 0.03 0.13 5.2 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.36 0.33 0.25 0.15 0.01 3.95 secondaries in endcap 0.01 0.05 1.7 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.12 1.30 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "TRTStandaloneTracks" (TrackAuthors: TRT_StandAlone ), TrackTruthCollection "TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.17 0.23 14.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.38 secondaries in barrel 0.04 0.18 6.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.49 secondaries in trans. 0.11 0.43 10.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.15 secondaries in endcap 0.02 0.09 26.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.37 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "CombinedInDetTracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter TRT_StandAlone ), TrackTruthCollection "CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.38 0.52 24.5 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.48 0.55 0.52 0.50 0.47 21.49 secondaries in barrel 0.12 0.50 18.4 0.11 0.15 0.20 0.61 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.00 15.26 secondaries in trans. 0.17 0.69 21.2 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.76 0.71 0.54 0.37 0.05 18.27 secondaries in endcap 0.09 0.37 33.9 0.29 0.21 0.12 0.06 0.24 0.34 0.46 1.35 30.84 .............................................................................................................................................. TrackCollection "Tracks" (TrackAuthors: GlobalChi2Fitter TRT_StandAlone ), TrackTruthCollection "TrackTruthCollection" ...................tracks................................ ......................................hits/track.............................. n/event eff. total PIX1 PIX2 PIX3 SCT1 SCT2 SCT3 SCT4 SCT5to9 Straws total secondaries 0.38 0.52 24.5 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.48 0.55 0.52 0.50 0.47 21.49 secondaries in barrel 0.12 0.50 18.4 0.11 0.15 0.20 0.61 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.00 15.26 secondaries in trans. 0.17 0.69 21.2 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.76 0.71 0.54 0.37 0.05 18.27 secondaries in endcap 0.09 0.37 33.9 0.29 0.21 0.12 0.06 0.24 0.34 0.46 1.35 30.84 InDetRecStatistics INFO ********** Ending InDetRecStatistics Statistics Table *********** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TrackClusterAssValidation statistic for charge truth particles with | | | | pT >= 1000.00000 MeV | | |rapidity| <= 2.00000 | | max vertex radius <= 20.00000 mm | | min vertex radius >= 0.00000 mm | | use Pixels information yes | | use SCT information yes | | use TRT information yes | | take into account outliers no | | | | Propability for such charge particles to have some number silicon | | clusters space points | | Total Barrel Transi Endcap Total Barrel Transi Endcap | | >= 2 0.97867 0.97492 0.97989 0.98366 0.97867 0.97492 0.97989 0.98366 | | >= 3 0.95491 0.95517 0.95978 0.94502 0.95491 0.95517 0.95978 0.94502 | | >= 4 0.91621 0.92477 0.91493 0.90193 0.91347 0.92173 0.91183 0.90045 | | >= 5 0.90798 0.91945 0.90565 0.89004 0.89580 0.90957 0.89018 0.87964 | | >= 6 0.89823 0.91109 0.89404 0.88113 0.86533 0.87690 0.86079 0.85141 | | >= 7 0.89275 0.90653 0.88631 0.87816 0.73614 0.73556 0.72312 0.76226 | | >= 8 0.88239 0.89818 0.87548 0.86478 0.22821 0.20745 0.22196 0.28083 | | >= 9 0.87386 0.88754 0.86852 0.85736 0.04022 0.02888 0.03403 0.07429 | | >=10 0.83425 0.84043 0.83217 0.82615 0.00609 0.00228 0.00541 0.01486 | | >=11 0.75686 0.75988 0.75097 0.76226 0.00122 0.00076 0.00000 0.00446 | | | | Additional cuts for truth particles are | | number silicon clusters >= 6 | | number trt clusters >= 10 | | number space points >= 3 | | Propability find truth particles with this cuts is 0.80743 | | For barrel region 0.82903 | | For transition region 0.78809 | | For endcap region 0.80238 | | | | Ratio barrel pixels clusters for +/- particles = 1.11157 +- 0.02451 | | Ratio endcap pixels clusters for +/- particles = 1.38710 +- 0.23110 | | Ratio barrel SCT clusters for +/- particles = 1.01377 +- 0.01636 | | Ratio endcap SCT clusters for +/- particles = 1.26107 +- 0.03093 | | Number truth particles and +/- ratio = 2650 1.07518 +- 0.04180 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ConvertedXKalmanTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.91057 0.04906 0.02377 0.00981 0.00415 0.00113 | | For + particles 0.90532 0.05025 0.02768 0.00947 0.00510 0.00073 | | For - particles 0.91621 0.04777 0.01958 0.01018 0.00313 0.00157 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.91934 0.03116 0.02016 0.00917 0.00367 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00275 0.00733 0.00183 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.89794 0.04907 0.02159 0.00294 0.00393 0.00098 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.01079 0.00491 0.00196 0.00000 0.00098 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 0.00196 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.91111 0.04074 0.01667 0.00926 0.00370 0.00185 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00741 0.00370 0.00370 0.00185 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.97925 ( 0.79068 ) | | For barrel region = 0.98075 ( 0.81307 ) | | For transition region = 0.97939 ( 0.77185 ) | | For endcap region = 0.97593 ( 0.78306 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 831 825 1.00727 0.04951 | | Endcap 850 723 1.17566 0.05948 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ConvertedIPatTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.70075 0.16377 0.05774 0.02491 0.01472 0.03321 | | For + particles 0.69629 0.16460 0.06045 0.02403 0.01675 0.02986 | | For - particles 0.70556 0.16288 0.05482 0.02584 0.01253 0.03681 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.70852 0.14940 0.05133 0.02658 0.01192 0.03391 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00183 0.00458 0.00367 0.00092 0.00092 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00092 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.72915 0.14720 0.05005 0.01472 0.01374 0.02159 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00589 0.00491 0.00294 0.00196 0.00196 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.62778 0.19444 0.06296 0.02963 0.01481 0.04444 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00741 0.00556 0.00185 0.00185 0.00185 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00185 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.91736 ( 0.74071 ) | | For barrel region = 0.91567 ( 0.75912 ) | | For transition region = 0.93229 ( 0.73473 ) | | For endcap region = 0.89259 ( 0.71620 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 814 824 0.98786 0.04882 | | Endcap 855 717 1.19247 0.06039 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for SiSPSeededTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.95396 0.02075 0.01585 0.00491 0.00226 0.00075 | | For + particles 0.94975 0.02185 0.02112 0.00364 0.00146 0.00073 | | For - particles 0.95850 0.01958 0.01018 0.00626 0.00313 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.95600 0.01100 0.01283 0.00550 0.00183 0.00092 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00275 0.00458 0.00092 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.95191 0.01178 0.01374 0.00098 0.00294 0.00098 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00098 0.00785 0.00294 0.00098 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00196 0.00098 0.00098 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94259 0.02222 0.01111 0.00370 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00370 0.00741 0.00370 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.98679 ( 0.79677 ) | | For barrel region = 0.98717 ( 0.81839 ) | | For transition region = 0.98626 ( 0.77726 ) | | For endcap region = 0.98704 ( 0.79198 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 1022 948 1.07806 0.04861 | | Endcap 1104 924 1.19481 0.05327 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ResolvedTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.94755 0.02679 0.01509 0.00264 0.00302 0.00038 | | For + particles 0.94392 0.02622 0.01821 0.00291 0.00437 0.00000 | | For - particles 0.95145 0.02741 0.01175 0.00235 0.00157 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.95234 0.01283 0.01375 0.00275 0.00092 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00367 0.00642 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94014 0.02061 0.01276 0.00098 0.00393 0.00098 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00883 0.00294 0.00098 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00098 0.00294 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94074 0.02222 0.00926 0.00185 0.00370 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00370 0.00926 0.00000 0.00185 0.00185 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.98566 ( 0.79586 ) | | For barrel region = 0.98900 ( 0.81991 ) | | For transition region = 0.98234 ( 0.77417 ) | | For endcap region = 0.98519 ( 0.79049 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 785 788 0.99619 0.05024 | | Endcap 835 707 1.18105 0.06036 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ExtendedTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.94755 0.02679 0.01509 0.00264 0.00302 0.00038 | | For + particles 0.94392 0.02622 0.01821 0.00291 0.00437 0.00000 | | For - particles 0.95145 0.02741 0.01175 0.00235 0.00157 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.95234 0.01283 0.01375 0.00275 0.00092 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00367 0.00642 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94014 0.02061 0.01276 0.00098 0.00393 0.00098 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00883 0.00294 0.00098 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00098 0.00294 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94074 0.02222 0.00926 0.00185 0.00370 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00370 0.00926 0.00000 0.00185 0.00185 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.98566 ( 0.79586 ) | | For barrel region = 0.98900 ( 0.81991 ) | | For transition region = 0.98234 ( 0.77417 ) | | For endcap region = 0.98519 ( 0.79049 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 785 794 0.98866 0.04976 | | Endcap 837 706 1.18555 0.06058 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for SiSPSeededTracksLowPt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00000 0.00075 | | For + particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 | | For - particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00092 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.00038 ( 0.00030 ) | | For barrel region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For transition region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For endcap region = 0.00185 ( 0.00149 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 7 7 1.00000 0.53452 | | Endcap 25 26 0.96154 0.26934 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ResolvedTracksLowPt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00000 0.00075 | | For + particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 | | For - particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00092 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.00038 ( 0.00030 ) | | For barrel region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For transition region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For endcap region = 0.00185 ( 0.00149 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 4 1 4.00000 4.47214 | | Endcap 10 7 1.42857 0.70401 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ExtendedTracksLowPt | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00000 0.00075 | | For + particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 | | For - particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00092 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.00038 ( 0.00030 ) | | For barrel region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For transition region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For endcap region = 0.00185 ( 0.00149 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 4 1 4.00000 4.47214 | | Endcap 10 7 1.42857 0.70401 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for TRTSeededTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.00000 0.00075 0.00038 0.00226 0.00000 0.00302 | | For + particles 0.00000 0.00146 0.00073 0.00146 0.00000 0.00146 | | For - particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00313 0.00000 0.00470 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00367 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00098 0.00098 0.00098 0.00000 0.00294 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00294 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.00113 ( 0.00091 ) | | For barrel region = 0.00092 ( 0.00076 ) | | For transition region = 0.00196 ( 0.00155 ) | | For endcap region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 143 88 1.62500 0.22017 | | Endcap 145 123 1.17886 0.14451 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for ResolvedTRTSeededTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.00000 0.00075 0.00038 0.00189 0.00000 0.00151 | | For + particles 0.00000 0.00146 0.00073 0.00073 0.00000 0.00073 | | For - particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00313 0.00000 0.00235 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00275 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00098 0.00098 0.00098 0.00000 0.00196 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00098 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.00113 ( 0.00091 ) | | For barrel region = 0.00092 ( 0.00076 ) | | For transition region = 0.00196 ( 0.00155 ) | | For endcap region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 42 30 1.40000 0.33466 | | Endcap 41 30 1.36667 0.32835 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for TRTStandaloneTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | For + particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | For - particles 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For barrel region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For transition region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | | For endcap region = 0.00000 ( 0.00000 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 377 273 1.38095 0.10974 | | Endcap 1238 1121 1.10437 0.04553 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for CombinedInDetTracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.94755 0.02755 0.01585 0.00453 0.00264 0.00038 | | For + particles 0.94392 0.02768 0.01966 0.00364 0.00364 0.00000 | | For - particles 0.95145 0.02741 0.01175 0.00548 0.00157 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.95234 0.01375 0.01375 0.00550 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00367 0.00642 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94014 0.02159 0.01374 0.00196 0.00393 0.00098 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00883 0.00294 0.00098 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00098 0.00294 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94074 0.02222 0.01111 0.00370 0.00370 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00370 0.00926 0.00000 0.00185 0.00185 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.98717 ( 0.79707 ) | | For barrel region = 0.98992 ( 0.82067 ) | | For transition region = 0.98430 ( 0.77572 ) | | For endcap region = 0.98704 ( 0.79198 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 1208 1098 1.10018 0.04587 | | Endcap 2126 1864 1.14056 0.03619 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Statistic for Tracks | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Probability to lose 0 1 2 3 4 >=5 clusters | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For all particles 0.94755 0.02755 0.01585 0.00453 0.00264 0.00038 | | For + particles 0.94392 0.02768 0.01966 0.00364 0.00364 0.00000 | | For - particles 0.95145 0.02741 0.01175 0.00548 0.00157 0.00078 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.95234 0.01375 0.01375 0.00550 0.00000 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00367 0.00642 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transition region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94014 0.02159 0.01374 0.00196 0.00393 0.00098 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00883 0.00294 0.00098 0.00000 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00098 0.00294 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Endcap region | | 0 wrong clusters 0.94074 0.02222 0.01111 0.00370 0.00370 0.00000 | | 1 wrong clusters 0.00370 0.00926 0.00000 0.00185 0.00185 0.00000 | | 2 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00185 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | 3 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | | >=4 wrong clusters 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Efficiency reconstruction (number lose+wrong < 3) = 0.98717 ( 0.79707 ) | | For barrel region = 0.98992 ( 0.82067 ) | | For transition region = 0.98430 ( 0.77572 ) | | For endcap region = 0.98704 ( 0.79198 ) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reconstructed tracks + - +/-ration error | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Barrel 1208 1098 1.10018 0.04587 | | Endcap 2126 1864 1.14056 0.03619 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TrackSegmentValidation statistics |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TRT Particles >0.9 >0.75 >0.50 >0.25 <=0.25 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 9208 0.03193 0.01814 0.01922 0.00695 0.92376 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| PartPropSvc INFO Service finalised successfully RegSelSvc INFO Finalizing RegSelSvc AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc INFO finalize() successful. TrajectorySvc INFO in finalize() MagFieldAthenaSvc INFO in finalize() SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc INFO SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc::finalize() SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc INFO Number of modules flagged as bad is 0 PixelConditionsSummarySvc INFO Finalizing PixelConditionsSummarySvc PixelDCSSvc INFO Entering PixelDCSSvc::finalize() PixelCalibSvc INFO PixelCalibSvc Finalizing PixelOfflineCalibSvc INFO PixelOfflineCalibSvc Finalizing IdDictDetDescrCnv INFO in finalize DetectorStore INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 StoreGateSvc INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 IOVDbConnection INFO printStats: number of connections 5 IOVDbConnection INFO Connection: COOLOFL_DCS/OFLP200 nCreate: 4 nDelete: 4 nActivate: 1 IOVDbConnection INFO Connection: COOLONL_INDET/OFLP200 nCreate: 5 nDelete: 5 nActivate: 1 IOVDbConnection INFO Connection: COOLONL_PIXEL/OFLP200 nCreate: 2 nDelete: 2 nActivate: 1 IOVDbConnection INFO Connection: COOLONL_TRT/OFLP200 nCreate: 6 nDelete: 6 nActivate: 1 IOVDbConnection INFO Connection: sqlite://;schema=mycool.db;dbname=OFLP200 nCreate: 1 nDelete: 1 nActivate: 0 IOVDbSvc INFO Service finalised successfully MetaDataStore INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 TagMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing TagMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 InputMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-29-15 HistorySvc INFO Service finalised successfully castor:/castor/ Info Database being retired... Domain[ROOT_All] Info -> Deaccess DbDatabase READ [ROOT_All] 50A3D000-5D18-DD11-BB40-00145EED0B6C Domain[ROOT_All] Info > Deaccess DbDomain READ [ROOT_All] XMLFileCatalog Info There were no updates in the catalog PoolXMLFileCatalog Info XercesC termination number 0 AthenaSealSvc INFO finalize() in AthenaSealSvc ToolSvc INFO finalize: Removing all tools created by ToolSvc ToolSvc.TRT_RegionSelectorTable INFO finalize() ToolSvc.SCT_IdMapping INFO There were 8176 entries to the SCT cabling map. ToolSvc.SCT_RegionSelectorTable INFO finalize() ToolSvc.PixelRegionSelectorTable INFO finalize() ToolSvc.TRTCalDbTool INFO TRTCalDbTool finalize method called ToolSvc.ResidualPullCalculator INFO starting finalize() in ToolSvc.ResidualPullCalculator ToolSvc.TrkKalmanUpdator INFO finalize() successful in ToolSvc.TrkKalmanUpdator ToolSvc.Trk::NewtonTrkDistanceFinder INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.Trk::Trk2dDistanceSeeder INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.InDetConversionTrkDistanceFinder INFO Finalize successful Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 ToolSvc.InDetConversionVxFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter finalize() successful ToolSvc.Trk::V0Tools INFO Finalize successful Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 ToolSvc.InDetVKGFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter finalize() successful Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 ToolSvc.InDetVKLbFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter finalize() successful Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 ToolSvc.InDetVKLFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter finalize() successful Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 ToolSvc.InDetVKKVFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter finalize() successful Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 ToolSvc.InDetVKVFitter INFO TrkVKalVrtFitter finalize() successful ToolSvc.InDetV0Fitter INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.InDetParticleCreatorTool INFO finalize successful ToolSvc.InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.Trk::FsmwMode1dFinder INFO Finalize successfull ToolSvc.Trk::ZScanSeedFinder INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.TrkAnnealingMaker INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.Trk::KalmanVertexTrackUpdator INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.Trk::SequentialVertexSmoother INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.TrkImpactPoint3dEstimator INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.TrkImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.Trk::Chi2TrackCompatibilityEs... INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.InDetFullLinearizedTrackFactory INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.InDetUpdator INFO finalize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetUpdator ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator INFO finalize() successful in ToolSvc.BroadInDetRotCreator ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator INFO finalize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetRefitRotCreator ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator INFO ToolSvc.InDetMaterialEffectsUpdator finalize() successful ToolSvc.CombinationMaker INFO CombinationMaker: outerCombinations 1181650 innerCombinations 6543307 intermediateCombinations 2096390 vertexCombinations 63330 ToolSvc.StraightLinePropagator INFO finalize() successful ToolSvc.TRT_Predictor INFO TRT_Predictor::finalize() ToolSvc.TRT_VolumeBuilder INFO ToolSvc.TRT_VolumeBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.SCT_LayerBuilder INFO ToolSvc.SCT_LayerBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.SCT_VolumeBuilder INFO ToolSvc.SCT_VolumeBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.PixelLayerBuilder INFO ToolSvc.PixelLayerBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.PixelVolumeBuilder INFO ToolSvc.PixelVolumeBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.BeamPipeBuilder INFO ToolSvc.BeamPipeBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder INFO ToolSvc.InDetTrackingGeometryBuilder finalize() successful ToolSvc.AthenaMagneticFieldTool INFO ToolSvc.AthenaMagneticFieldTool finalize() successful ToolSvc.AtlasGeometryBuilder INFO finalize() successful. ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator INFO ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator finalize() successful ToolSvc.TRT_Recon INFO finalised after 23484 tracks confirmed, 278 brem-like tracks, 1330 tr-rich tracks, and 6708 tracks vetoed ToolSvc.InDetTRTStrawStatusSummaryTool INFO TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool finalize method called ToolSvc.PixelCalibDbTool INFO PixelCalibDbTool finalize method called ToolSvc.PixelRecoDbTool INFO PixelRecoDbTool finalize method called ToolSvc.Trk::KalmanVertexUpdator INFO Finalize successful ToolSvc.AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator INFO ToolSvc.AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator finalize() successful ToolSvc.AtlasEnergyLossUpdator INFO ToolSvc.AtlasEnergyLossUpdator finalize() successful ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator INFO finalize() successful in ToolSvc.InDetRotCreator ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeHelper INFO ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeHelper finalize() successful ToolSvc.TRT_DataSelector INFO TRT_DataSelector::finalize() ToolSvc.Trk::MagneticFieldTool INFO ToolSvc.Trk::MagneticFieldTool finalize() successful ToolSvc.InDetNavigator INFO ToolSvc.InDetNavigator finalize() successful ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeArrayCreator INFO ToolSvc.TrackingVolumeArrayCreator finalize() successful ToolSvc.TrackFollower INFO iPatTrackFollower::finalize() ToolSvc.StraightLineIntersector INFO finalized after 0 extrapolations ToolSvc.TrackBuilder INFO finalised after 145198 tracks built ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO finalize() ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 84569 attempted track fits ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 72767 successful track fits ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 0 track fits failed because of a matrix inversion failure ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 383 tracks did not have enough measurements after outlier removal ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 1949 track fits failed because of a propagation failure ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 54 track fits failed because of an invalid angle (theta/phi) ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 2578 track fits failed because the fit did not converge ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter INFO 1604 tracks did not pass the chi^2 cut ToolSvc.LayerArrayCreator INFO ToolSvc.LayerArrayCreator finalize() successful ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool INFO finalize() successful in ToolSvc.RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool ToolSvc.AtlasMagneticFieldTool INFO ToolSvc.AtlasMagneticFieldTool finalize() successful ToolSvc.InDetMagField INFO ToolSvc.InDetMagField finalize() successful ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator INFO ToolSvc.InDetExtrapolator finalize() successful ToolSvc.RungeKuttaIntersector INFO finalized after 3894100 extrapolations, taking an average 4.5 full steps and 3.1 short steps ToolSvc.SolenoidalIntersector INFO finalized after 12796109 extrapolations ToolSvc.SiClusterProperties INFO finalised *****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** *****Chrono***** INFO The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered) *****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** Trk::RIO_OnTrackErrorScalingTool[0x81... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 ChronoStatSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 GeoModelSvc[0x3ff0288]+c1:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 BeamCondSvc[0x7f191e0]+2afd85d05d60:C... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 GeoModelSvc[0x3ff0288]+c9:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 AuditorSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 SCT_DetectorTool[0x5778ab0]+79:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 SpecialPixelMapSvc[0x40374c8]+29:Call... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 PixelCalibDbTool[0x798c450]+69:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk[0... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 PixelConditionsSummarySvc[0x7998c30]+... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 InDet::TRT_ElectronPidTool[0x8643550]... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk[0x... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk[0x85... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk[0x82... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 TrackingGeometrySvc[0x815e478]+29:Cal... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 PixelDCSSvc[0x799a108]+79:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk[... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 TRTStrawStatusSummaryTool[0x7b237a0]+... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 TRT_DetectorTool[0x51feef0]+79:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 PixelDetectorTool[0x59570c8]+79:Callback INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 PixelDistortionsTool[0x813b1f0]+81:Ca... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 0 ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaClustersProduction:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedsManager:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedALL:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector:b... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:begi... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrackTruthCollectionSelector:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaMField:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatTrackTruthAssociator:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolver:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatStatistics:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelect... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 DetailedTrackTruthMaker:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectio... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetV0Finder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTrackTRTExtension:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessor:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessor:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSILReconstruction:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSILReconstruction:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTrackTRTExtension:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetConversionFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetConversionFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaMField:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTracksComparison:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolver:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPriVxFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPriVxFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSpacePointsProduction:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPriVxFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSpacePointsProduction:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetRecStatistics:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetRecStatistics:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedsManager:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSimpleTracksProduction:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSCT_Clusterization:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSimpleTracksProduction:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedsManager:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation:... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation:... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSimpleTracksProduction:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentPRD_Association:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentPRD_Association:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSILReconstruction:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLegacyCnvAlg:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLegacyCnvAlg:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTRTReconstruction:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLowPtPRD_Association:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLowPtPRD_Association:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_RIO_Maker:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTRTReconstruction:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedALL:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetParticleCreation:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTRTReconstruction:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_Extension:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_Extension:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrkTrackCollectionMerger:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrkTrackCollectionMerger:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelecto... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatTrackTruthAssociator:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelecto... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMa... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:beg... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatStatistics:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector:begi... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelect... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatRec:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:be... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:en... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionS... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrkTrackCollectionMerger:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMak... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMak... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatRec:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackClusterAssValidation:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackClusterAssValidation:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrackTruthCollectionSelector:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaDetectorBuilder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackSlimmer:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTracksComparison:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 GeoModelSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaDetectorBuilder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetV0Finder:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaDetectorBuilder:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaClustersProduction:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:begi... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 DetailedTrackTruthMaker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKalMan:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectio... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthM... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKalMan:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthM... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaClustersProduction:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKalMan:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTracksComparison:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionS... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentPRD_Association:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSpacePointsProduction:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedALL:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetParticleCreation:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector:fina... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMa... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLowPtPRD_Association:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector:e... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 DBReplicaSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackSlimmer:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaMField:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_RIO_Maker:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ActiveStoreSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 HistogramPersistencySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPixelClusterization:beginRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionS... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TagInfoMgr:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelect... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ProxyProviderSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPixelClusterization:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectio... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMak... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelecto... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 DetailedTrackTruthMaker:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSCT_Clusterization:endRun INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:fina... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthM... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 MetaDataSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AppMgrRunable:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:fina... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLegacyCnvAlg:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrackTruthCollectionSelector:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:fi... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTrackTRTExtension:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTRTReconstruction:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:fin... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedALL:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 BeamCondSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ToolSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTrackTRTExtension:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSimpleTracksProduction:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSpacePointsProduction:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaClustersProduction:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AthenaRootStreamerSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSILReconstruction:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AppMgrRunable:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector:init... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionS... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectio... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SpecialPixelMapSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrackTruthCollectionSelector:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaTracksComparison:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelecto... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelect... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector:f... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMa... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 PixelCalibSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ClassIDSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 PixelConditionsSummarySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 PixelDCSSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 MetaDataStore:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKaSeedsManager:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AlgContextSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 PixelOfflineCalibSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TagMetaDataStore:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 XKalMan:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation:... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 IOVSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 RegSelSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 HistorySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthM... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMak... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentPRD_Association:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:init... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TagMetaDataStore:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:init... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatTrackTruthAssociator:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:ini... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 HistogramPersistencySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 EventPersistencySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector:i... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackSlimmer:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 PartPropSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 HistogramDataSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 RDBAccessSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation:... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 MagFieldAthenaSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 DetailedTrackTruthMaker:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 EventPersistencySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackClusterAssValidation:initia... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AthenaSealSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:in... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InputMetaDataStore:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 ActiveStoreSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 MetaDataStore:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetConversionFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetLowPtPRD_Association:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 EventSelector:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TagInfoMgr:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AthenaPoolCnvSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessor:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolver:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 TrajectorySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 HistogramDataSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatStatistics:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SCT_FlaggedConditionSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InputMetaDataStore:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 StoreGateSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetParticleCreation:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 RegSelSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetPixelClusterization:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 IOVDbSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetExtensionProcessor:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 DetDescrCnvSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 iPatRec:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetV0Finder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 SpecialPixelMapSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver:initia... INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 StoreGateSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_Extension:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder:initia... INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 IOVDbSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 DBReplicaSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 IOVSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 InDetSCT_Clusterization:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 PixelDCSSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 PixelConditionsSummarySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 XKaSeedALL:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 4(+- 126)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 XKaMField:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 8 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 8(+- 179)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 PoolSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 8 [ms] #= 1 InDetTrackClusterAssValidation:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 0 [us] #= 1 BeamCondSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 8 [ms] #= 1 InDetRecStatistics:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 4 [ms] #= 1 RDBAccessSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 12 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_RIO_Maker:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 12 [ms] #= 1 DetDescrCnvSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 16 [ms] #= 1 XKaMField:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 16 [ms] #= 1 InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 16 [ms] #= 1 InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 12 [ms] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksTruthCollectio... INFO Time User : Tot= 20 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 20(+- 282)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 PartPropSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 16 [ms] #= 1 ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 12 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 12(+- 219)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 HistorySvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 20 [ms] #= 1 iPatStatistics:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 20 [ms] #= 1 InDetTrackSlimmer:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 20 [ms] #= 1 ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMa... INFO Time User : Tot= 20 [ms] #= 1 InDetParticleCreation:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 16 [ms] #= 1 XKaSeedsManager:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 20 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 20(+- 282)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector:e... INFO Time User : Tot= 24 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 24(+- 309)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 PixelOfflineCalibSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 24 [ms] #= 1 XKaTRTReconstruction:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 24 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 24(+- 309)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 TRTSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelecto... INFO Time User : Tot= 28 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 28(+- 334)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelect... INFO Time User : Tot= 28 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 28(+- 334)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 ExtendedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 28 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 28(+- 334)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 ResolvedTracksLowPtTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 32 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 32(+- 356)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 TRTStandaloneTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 32 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 32(+- 356)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 InDetSCT_Clusterization:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 32 [ms] #= 1 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtTruthCollectionS... INFO Time User : Tot= 32 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 32(+- 356)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 XKalMan:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 32 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 32(+- 356)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 InDetConversionFinder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 36 [ms] #= 1 ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 40 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 40(+- 398)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 InDetV0Finder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 40 [ms] #= 1 TrackTruthCollectionSelector:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 40 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 40(+- 398)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 PixelCalibSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 40 [ms] #= 1 ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector... INFO Time User : Tot= 40 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 40(+- 398)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 TrkTrackCollectionMerger:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 36 [ms] #= 1 ClassIDSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 48 [ms] #= 1 CombinedInDetTracksTruthCollectionSel... INFO Time User : Tot= 56 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 56(+- 470)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 AthenaEventLoopMgr:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 48 [ms] #= 1 InDetLegacyCnvAlg:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 60 [ms] #= 1 iPatTrackTruthAssociator:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 60 [ms] #= 1 InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 68 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 68(+- 517)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 60 [ms] #= 1 XKaDetectorBuilder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 64 [ms] #= 1 ResolvedTRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthM... INFO Time User : Tot= 76 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 76(+- 546)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 InDetTRT_Extension:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 84 [ms] #= 1 InDetPixelClusterization:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 88 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_RIO_Maker:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 92 [ms] #= 1 InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder:initia... INFO Time User : Tot= 128 [ms] #= 1 InDetRecStatistics:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 156 [ms] #= 1 InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 164 [ms] #= 1 TRTSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:exe... INFO Time User : Tot= 172 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 172(+- 811)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 InDetLowPtPRD_Association:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 208 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 208(+- 888)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 220 [ms] #= 1 InDetAmbiguitySolver:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 276 [ms] #= 1 InDetPriVxFinder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 300 [ms] #= 1 XKaSimpleTracksProduction:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 336 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 336(+-1.11e+03)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 DetectorStore:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 344 [ms] #= 1 ToolSvc:finalize INFO Time User : Tot= 364 [ms] #= 1 AthenaSealSvc::dictLoading INFO Time User : Tot= 364 [ms] #= 1 AthenaSealSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 364 [ms] #= 1 InDetSiSpTrackFinder:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 364 [ms] #= 1 TRTStandaloneTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 404 [ms] Ave/Min/Max= 404(+-1.21e+03)/ 0/4e+03 [us] #=1000 MagFieldAthenaSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 456 [ms] #= 1 ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:execute INFO Time User : Tot=0.524 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.524(+- 1.35)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 XKaSpacePointsProduction:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 0.54 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 0.54(+- 1.37)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 XKaTracksComparison:execute INFO Time User : Tot=0.548 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.548(+- 1.38)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 InDetParticleCreation:execute INFO Time User : Tot=0.604 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.604(+- 1.44)/ 0/ 8 [ms] #=1000 InDetSegmentPRD_Association:execute INFO Time User : Tot=0.668 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.668(+- 1.5)/ 0/ 8 [ms] #=1000 InDetTRTonly_PRD_Association:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 0.68 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 0.68(+- 1.5)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 PoolSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot=0.728 [s] #= 1 ResolvedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot=0.824 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.824(+- 1.62)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 0.88 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 0.88(+- 1.67)/ 0/ 8 [ms] #=1000 AthenaSealSvc::autoLoading INFO Time User : Tot=0.836 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 209(+- 173)/ 104/ 508 [ms] #= 4 iPatTrackTruthAssociator:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 0.92 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 0.92(+- 1.68)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 iPatStatistics:execute INFO Time User : Tot=0.944 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.944(+- 1.75)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1000 SiSPSeededTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMak... INFO Time User : Tot=0.956 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.956(+- 1.71)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker:execute INFO Time User : Tot=0.972 [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.972(+- 1.74)/ 0/ 8 [ms] #=1000 ExtendedTracksLowPtDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 1.01 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.01(+- 1.74)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker:ex... INFO Time User : Tot= 1.04 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.04(+- 1.76)/ 0/ 4 [ms] #=1000 XKaDetectorBuilder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 1.18 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.18(+- 2.19)/ 0/ 40 [ms] #=1000 ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMa... INFO Time User : Tot= 1.18 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.18(+- 1.85)/ 0/ 8 [ms] #=1000 InDetTrackSlimmer:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 1.35 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.35(+- 2.01)/ 0/ 8 [ms] #=1000 AthenaSealSvc::checkClass INFO Time User : Tot= 1.52 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 127(+- 219)/ 0/ 672 [ms] #= 12 AthenaRootStreamerSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 1.48 [s] #= 1 TrajectorySvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 1.64 [s] #= 1 DetailedTrackTruthMaker:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 1.79 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.79(+- 2.39)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1000 CombinedInDetTracksDetailedTruthMaker... INFO Time User : Tot= 1.89 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.89(+- 2.42)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1000 AthenaPoolCnvSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 2.23 [s] #= 1 MetaDataSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 2.24 [s] #= 1 EventSelector:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 2.53 [s] #= 1 Trk_VKalVrtFitter INFO Time User : Tot= 3.17 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 2.5(+- 2.26)/ 0/ 12 [ms] #=1269 iPatRec:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 3.18 [s] #= 1 InDetTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 4.18 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 4.18(+- 4.58)/ 0/ 32 [ms] #=1000 InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation:... INFO Time User : Tot= 4.82 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 4.82(+- 3.3)/ 0/ 16 [ms] #=1000 ProxyProviderSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 4.89 [s] #= 1 InDetTRT_ExtensionLowPt:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 5.63 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 5.63(+- 5.44)/ 0/ 32 [ms] #=1000 XKaTrackTRTExtension:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 5.69 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 5.69(+- 5.79)/ 0/ 36 [ms] #=1000 InDetConversionFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 6 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 6(+- 12.3)/ 0/ 120 [ms] #=1000 DetectorStore:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 5.5 [s] #= 1 InDetTRT_Extension:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 6.73 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 6.73(+- 7.02)/ 0/ 52 [ms] #=1000 AthenaEventLoopMgr:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 6.78 [s] #= 1 InDetSiTrackerSpacePointFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 7.7 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 7.7(+- 6)/ 0/ 52 [ms] #=1000 GeoModelSvc:initialize INFO Time User : Tot= 7.48 [s] #= 1 InDetPriVxFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 8.51 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 8.51(+- 9.97)/ 0/ 76 [ms] #=1000 InDetTRT_SeededAmbiguitySolver:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 8.98 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 8.98(+- 20.4)/ 0/ 408 [ms] #=1000 InDetLegacyCnvAlg:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 9.23 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 9.23(+- 8.71)/ 0/ 52 [ms] #=1000 InDetTrackClusterAssValidation:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 10.5 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 10.5(+- 6.44)/ 0/ 40 [ms] #=1000 InDetRecStatistics:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 10.6 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 10.6(+- 11)/ 0/ 76 [ms] #=1000 InDetTRT_SeededTrackFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 10.8 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 10.8(+- 20.5)/ 0/ 212 [ms] #=1000 InDetPixelClusterization:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 14 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 14(+- 53.4)/ 4/1.69e+03 [ms] #=1000 XKaClustersProduction:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 20.6 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 20.6(+- 6.19)/ 12/ 44 [ms] #=1000 InDetSCT_Clusterization:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 27.9 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 27.9(+- 14.5)/ 4/ 88 [ms] #=1000 InDetV0Finder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 30.2 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 30.2(+- 49.3)/ 0/ 492 [ms] #=1000 TrkTrackCollectionMerger:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 30.3 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 30.3(+- 28)/ 0/ 160 [ms] #=1000 XKaSILReconstruction:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 31.4 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 31.4(+- 43.7)/ 0/ 308 [ms] #=1000 InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 34.9 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 34.9(+- 21.3)/ 4/ 124 [ms] #=1000 InDetAmbiguitySolver:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 43.3 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 43.3(+- 44.3)/ 0/ 328 [ms] #=1000 InDetSiSpTrackFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 53 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 53(+- 58.3)/ 0/ 380 [ms] #=1000 InDetSiSpTrackFinderLowPt:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 54.5 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 54.5(+- 56.3)/ 0/ 368 [ms] #=1000 InDetExtensionProcessorLowPt:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 60.5 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 60.5(+- 58.5)/ 0/ 332 [ms] #=1000 InDetTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 61.2 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 61.2(+- 48.8)/ 16/ 308 [ms] #=1000 InDetExtensionProcessor:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 73.6 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 73.6(+- 74.8)/ 0/ 548 [ms] #=1000 InDetAmbiguitySolverLowPt:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 90.5 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 90.5(+- 89.1)/ 0/ 584 [ms] #=1000 iPatRec:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 143 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 143(+- 140)/ 0/ 912 [ms] #=1000 InDetTRT_RIO_Maker:execute INFO Time User : Tot= 174 [s] Ave/Min/Max= 174(+- 25.1)/ 124/ 328 [ms] #=1000 ChronoStatSvc INFO Time User : Tot= 18.9[min] #= 1 *****Chrono***** INFO **************************************************************************************************** ******Stat****** INFO **************************************************************************************************** ******Stat****** INFO The Final stat Table (ordered) ******Stat****** INFO **************************************************************************************************** ******Stat****** INFO Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max | ******Stat****** INFO "SCT_FlaggedCon | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "EventSelector: | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "SpecialPixelMa | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelDCSSvc:VM | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelCondition | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "MetaDataSvc:VM | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "HistogramPersi | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "TagMetaDataSto | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "AppMgrRunable: | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "AthenaEventLoo | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "AthenaPoolCnvS | 1 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | ******Stat****** INFO "ToolSvc:VMem" | 1 | 1e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ProxyProviderS | 1 | 1e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "HistogramDataS | 1 | 1e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "InputMetaDataS | 1 | 1e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "AuditorSvc:VMe | 1 | 1e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "HistorySvc:VMe | 1 | 0.1171875 | 0.11719 | 0.0000 | 0.11719 | 0.11719 | ******Stat****** INFO "DetectorStore: | 1 | 0.6523438 | 0.65234 | 0.0000 | 0.65234 | 0.65234 | ******Stat****** INFO "EventPersisten | 1 | 1.03125 | 1.0312 | 0.0000 | 1.0312 | 1.0312 | ******Stat****** INFO "SCT_Conditions | 1 | 1.097656 | 1.0977 | 0.0000 | 1.0977 | 1.0977 | ******Stat****** INFO "TagInfoMgr:VMe | 1 | 1.257812 | 1.2578 | 0.0000 | 1.2578 | 1.2578 | ******Stat****** INFO "PoolSvc:VMem" | 1 | 1.261719 | 1.2617 | 0.0000 | 1.2617 | 1.2617 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelCalibSvc: | 1 | 1.503906 | 1.5039 | 0.0000 | 1.5039 | 1.5039 | ******Stat****** INFO "ClassIDSvc:VMe | 1 | 1.507812 | 1.5078 | 0.0000 | 1.5078 | 1.5078 | ******Stat****** INFO "TrajectorySvc: | 1 | 2.121094 | 2.1211 | 0.0000 | 2.1211 | 2.1211 | ******Stat****** INFO "DetDescrCnvSvc | 1 | 2.175781 | 2.1758 | 0.0000 | 2.1758 | 2.1758 | ******Stat****** INFO "MetaDataStore: | 1 | 2.175781 | 2.1758 | 0.0000 | 2.1758 | 2.1758 | ******Stat****** INFO "RegSelSvc:VMem | 1 | 2.507812 | 2.5078 | 0.0000 | 2.5078 | 2.5078 | ******Stat****** INFO "ActiveStoreSvc | 1 | 2.941406 | 2.9414 | 0.0000 | 2.9414 | 2.9414 | ******Stat****** INFO "IOVDbSvc:VMem" | 1 | 3.863281 | 3.8633 | 0.0000 | 3.8633 | 3.8633 | ******Stat****** INFO "BeamCondSvc:VM | 1 | 5.394531 | 5.3945 | 0.0000 | 5.3945 | 5.3945 | ******Stat****** INFO "PartPropSvc:VM | 1 | 5.710938 | 5.7109 | 0.0000 | 5.7109 | 5.7109 | ******Stat****** INFO "RDBAccessSvc:V | 1 | 12.64453 | 12.645 | 0.0000 | 12.645 | 12.645 | ******Stat****** INFO "DBReplicaSvc:V | 1 | 12.76953 | 12.770 | 0.0000 | 12.770 | 12.770 | ******Stat****** INFO "MagFieldAthena | 1 | 18.54688 | 18.547 | 0.0000 | 18.547 | 18.547 | ******Stat****** INFO "AtlasTrackingG | 1 | 20.83984 | 20.840 | 0.0000 | 20.840 | 20.840 | ******Stat****** INFO "AthenaSealSvc: | 1 | 27.25 | 27.250 | 0.0000 | 27.250 | 27.250 | ******Stat****** INFO "AthenaRootStre | 1 | 36.82812 | 36.828 | 0.0000 | 36.828 | 36.828 | ******Stat****** INFO "GeoModelSvc:VM | 1 | 39.32812 | 39.328 | 0.0000 | 39.328 | 39.328 | ******Stat****** INFO "IOVSvc:VMem" | 1 | 86.18359 | 86.184 | 0.0000 | 86.184 | 86.184 | ******Stat****** INFO "StoreGateSvc:V | 1 | 88.73047 | 88.730 | 0.0000 | 88.730 | 88.730 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelOfflineCa | 1 | 111.8633 | 111.86 | 0.0000 | 111.86 | 111.86 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDet::TRT_Ele | 2 | 1e-05 | 5.0000e-06 | 5.0000e-06 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "GeoModelSvc[0x | 2 | 1e-05 | 5.0000e-06 | 5.0000e-06 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "TRTStrawStatus | 2 | 1e-05 | 5.0000e-06 | 5.0000e-06 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "BeamCondSvc[0x | 2 | 1e-05 | 5.0000e-06 | 5.0000e-06 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDet::SiDetEl | 2 | 1e-05 | 5.0000e-06 | 5.0000e-06 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "Trk::RIO_OnTra | 2 | 1e-05 | 5.0000e-06 | 5.0000e-06 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDet::SiDetEl | 2 | 2e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "GeoModelSvc[0x | 2 | 2e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelCondition | 2 | 2e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "SCT_DetectorTo | 2 | 2e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4431e-14 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "TRT_DetectorTo | 2 | 0.1289163 | 0.064458 | 0.064448 | 1.0000e-05 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelDCSSvc[0x | 2 | 0.2578125 | 0.12891 | 0.12891 | 0.0000 | 0.25781 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelDistortio | 2 | 0.2695413 | 0.13477 | 0.13476 | 1.0000e-05 | 0.26953 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDet::SiCombi | 2 | 1.042979 | 0.52149 | 0.52148 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0430 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelCalibDbTo | 2 | 1.414073 | 0.70704 | 0.70703 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.4141 | ******Stat****** INFO "SpecialPixelMa | 2 | 4.03126 | 2.0156 | 2.0156 | 1.0000e-05 | 4.0312 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDet::TRT_Det | 2 | 9.527354 | 4.7637 | 4.7637 | 1.0000e-05 | 9.5273 | ******Stat****** INFO "TrackingGeomet | 2 | 10.07813 | 5.0391 | 5.0391 | 1.0000e-05 | 10.078 | ******Stat****** INFO "PixelDetectorT | 2 | 27.30859 | 13.654 | 8.7949 | 4.8594 | 22.449 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDet::TRT_Tra | 2 | 90.46485 | 45.232 | 45.232 | 1.0000e-05 | 90.465 | ******Stat****** INFO "TrackTruthColl | 1003 | 0.00996 | 9.9302e-06 | 8.3249e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaSpacePoints | 1003 | 0.00999 | 9.9601e-06 | 6.3025e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "SiSPSeededTrac | 1003 | 0.01 | 9.9701e-06 | 5.4608e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "SiSPSeededTrac | 1003 | 0.01001 | 9.9801e-06 | 4.4610e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaTracksCompa | 1003 | 0.01001 | 9.9801e-06 | 4.4610e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "SiSPSeededTrac | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaTrackTRTExt | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "SiSPSeededTrac | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKalMan:VMem" | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "iPatTrackTruth | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaSeedALL:VMe | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ExtendedTracks | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ConvertedXKalm | 1003 | 0.01002 | 9.9900e-06 | 3.1560e-07 | 0.0000 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ResolvedTracks | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ResolvedTRTSee | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ResolvedTRTSee | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ResolvedTracks | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaTRTReconstr | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ResolvedTracks | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ResolvedTracks | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaSimpleTrack | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaSeedsManage | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ConvertedIPatT | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "TRTSeededTrack | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "TRTSeededTrack | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "TRTStandaloneT | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "TRTStandaloneT | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ExtendedTracks | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "ExtendedTracks | 1003 | 0.01003 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.6791e-12 | 1.0000e-05 | 1.0000e-05 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_Seede | 1003 | 0.1232612 | 0.00012289 | 0.0035748 | 0.0000 | 0.11328 | ******Stat****** INFO "CombinedInDetT | 1003 | 0.13498 | 0.00013458 | 0.0039446 | 0.0000 | 0.12500 | ******Stat****** INFO "ConvertedIPatT | 1003 | 0.135 | 0.00013460 | 0.0040699 | -0.0039062 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTrackPart | 1003 | 0.1388363 | 0.00013842 | 0.0040679 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "ExtendedTracks | 1003 | 0.1388963 | 0.00013848 | 0.0040679 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRTonly_P | 1003 | 0.1389163 | 0.00013850 | 0.0040679 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetLowPtPRD_ | 1003 | 0.1389263 | 0.00013851 | 0.0040679 | 1.0000e-05 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "CombinedInDetT | 1003 | 0.2677925 | 0.00026699 | 0.0057500 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetSegmentPR | 1003 | 0.2678125 | 0.00026701 | 0.0057500 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_Exten | 1003 | 0.2678125 | 0.00026701 | 0.0057500 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaMField:VMem | 1003 | 0.32252 | 0.00032156 | 0.0098621 | 1.0000e-05 | 0.31250 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTrackClus | 1003 | 0.3966388 | 0.00039545 | 0.0070388 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetSiTracker | 1003 | 0.525625 | 0.00052405 | 0.012861 | 0.0000 | 0.38672 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetSegmentDr | 1003 | 0.6544412 | 0.00065248 | 0.0090780 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_Stand | 1003 | 0.6545112 | 0.00065255 | 0.016769 | 0.0000 | 0.51562 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaClustersPro | 1003 | 0.7716287 | 0.00076932 | 0.025711 | -0.15625 | 0.78906 | ******Stat****** INFO "DetailedTrackT | 1003 | 0.7716487 | 0.00076934 | 0.0097900 | 0.0000 | 0.12891 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetConversio | 1003 | 1.091991 | 0.0010887 | 0.034520 | -0.011719 | 1.0938 | ******Stat****** INFO "iPatStatistics | 1003 | 1.123291 | 0.0011199 | 0.035135 | 0.0000 | 1.1133 | ******Stat****** INFO "ConvertedXKalm | 1003 | 1.29124 | 0.0012874 | 0.036590 | 0.0000 | 1.1523 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetSiSpTrack | 1003 | 1.295126 | 0.0012913 | 0.036713 | 0.0000 | 1.1562 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaSILReconstr | 1003 | 2.213105 | 0.0022065 | 0.046398 | 0.0000 | 1.0820 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetExtension | 1003 | 2.299053 | 0.0022922 | 0.061936 | 0.0000 | 1.9297 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetAmbiguity | 1003 | 2.638886 | 0.0026310 | 0.049580 | 0.0000 | 1.2773 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetSCT_Clust | 1003 | 2.783418 | 0.0027751 | 0.057791 | -0.023438 | 1.4023 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_Exten | 1003 | 3.084209 | 0.0030750 | 0.093038 | 0.0000 | 2.9453 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetV0Finder: | 1003 | 3.951316 | 0.0039395 | 0.10959 | 0.0000 | 3.4648 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetExtension | 1003 | 4.017692 | 0.0040057 | 0.082330 | 0.0000 | 2.0312 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_Track | 1003 | 4.033397 | 0.0040213 | 0.084416 | 0.0000 | 2.4766 | ******Stat****** INFO "iPatRec:VMem" | 1003 | 4.365429 | 0.0043524 | 0.10208 | 0.0000 | 3.0508 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetParticleC | 1003 | 4.689597 | 0.0046756 | 0.053322 | 0.0000 | 1.0703 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_Seede | 1003 | 5.16625 | 0.0051508 | 0.15469 | 1.0000e-05 | 4.8984 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetLegacyCnv | 1003 | 5.724834 | 0.0057077 | 0.11456 | 1.0000e-05 | 2.7070 | ******Stat****** INFO "XKaDetectorBui | 1003 | 6.01001 | 0.0059920 | 0.14555 | 1.0000e-05 | 4.2812 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetPRD_Multi | 1003 | 7.775585 | 0.0077523 | 0.16886 | -0.50391 | 4.3398 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetRecStatis | 1003 | 12.17398 | 0.012138 | 0.26521 | 0.0000 | 8.3008 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTrackSlim | 1003 | 13.47087 | 0.013431 | 0.16312 | 0.0000 | 2.9648 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetTRT_RIO_M | 1003 | 14.24425 | 0.014202 | 0.35156 | -2.0547 | 9.2109 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetPriVxFind | 1003 | 14.3732 | 0.014330 | 0.38951 | 0.0000 | 12.320 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetSiSpTrack | 1003 | 16.61936 | 0.016570 | 0.44768 | 1.0000e-05 | 14.031 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetAmbiguity | 1003 | 19.06073 | 0.019004 | 0.56470 | -0.17578 | 17.855 | ******Stat****** INFO "TrkTrackCollec | 1003 | 22.44353 | 0.022376 | 0.31639 | 0.0000 | 6.5742 | ******Stat****** INFO "InDetPixelClus | 1003 | 30.40824 | 0.030317 | 0.89299 | -2.6445 | 24.531 | ******Stat****** INFO **************************************************************************************************** ChronoStatSvc.finalize() INFO Service finalized succesfully StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"